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Curriculum Vitae Darold H.

Contact Information Home Address: 3690 N. Country Club Rd. #1022 Tucson, Az. 85716 EDUCATION University of Arizona Ph.D. Candidate Major: Cultural and Linguistic Diversity in Special Education Minor: Language, Reading, & Culture Master of Education, 2003 Educational Leadership: Disability Studies Disability Studies Graduate Certificate 1999 Home Phone: (928)380-8606 Email:

Northern Arizona University Northern Arizona University Institute for Human Development, University Affiliated Program Northern Arizona University CERTIFICATION

Bachelor of Science Elementary/Special Education, 1998

Cross-Categorical Special Education Certification Arizona Department of Education, Fall 2003-Present Substitute Teaching Certificate Arizona Department of Education, Fall 2003-Present

GRADUATE TEACHING ASSISTANTSHIPS UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA DEPARTMENT: Center for the Study of Higher Education COURSE: HED 397B Project SOAR Service Learning WHEN: Spring 2012,


Spring 2013 RESPONSIBILITIES: Teach a cohort of 21 undergraduate students Facilitate mentoring opportunities for undergraduate students with middle school students Prepare lesson plans around the topic of college access Grade and provide feedback to students on assignments and tests Provide support and guidance to undergraduate students during office hours and instructional times DEPARTMENT: Center for the Study of Higher Education COURSE: HED 350 Student Outreach, Access & Resiliency in Education (SOAR) WHEN: Fall 2012 (LEAD TA) Fall 2011 RESPONSIBILITIES: Managed and tracked attendance, grades, and coursework progress for undergraduate students utilizing D2L. Prepared class lectures relevant to developmental, cultural, social and environmental factors that affect student academic achievement in secondary education. Supervised and provided support to undergraduate students mentoring middle school students. Collaborated with middle school teachers to coordinate an environment for the undergraduate and middle school student conducive to having a positive experience. Guided and instructed undergraduate students on mentoring expectations including mentoring behavior and professionalism. In addition to the responsibilities above, as Lead GTA (Fall 2012) I: Supervised three graduate teaching assistants working with Project SOAR. Communicated and coordinated services with seven middle schools for undergraduate students to mentor middle school students. Conducted weekly staff meetings with TAs to update and delegate roles and responsibilities. Lectured to a section of 80 students once a week, in addition to my cohort of 22 students on separate days. Represented Project SOAR outside of teaching courses to other university affiliated programs (ie. sorority school supply drive and Arizona College Access Network). DEPARTMENT: Disability and Psychoeducational Studies Department


COURSE: SERP 593- Internship Cross Categorical/Learning Disabilities K-12 WHEN: Spring 2009, Academic Year 2009-2010, Fall 2010, Spring 2011 RESPONSIBILITIES: Taught graduate students enrolled in SERP 593- Internship Cross Categorical/Learning Disabilities K-12 Mentored graduate students completing their internship experience Completed classroom observations of students completing their internship experience for their masters in Special Education Provided opportunities for students to have experience with special education related topics (e.g. inclusion, IDEA, ADA, Section 504, IEP) DEPARTMENT: Disability and Psychoeducational Studies Department COURSE: SERP 404/504: Cultural and Linguistic Diversity in Exceptional Learners WHEN: Fall 2008 RESPONSIBILITIES: Co-Teaching, Graduate Teaching Assistant NORTHERN ARIZONA UNIVERSITY DEPARTMENT: Institute for Human Development Arizona Positive Behavior Supports Project WHEN: Summer 1999, Academic Year 1999-2000, Fall 2000 RESPONSIBILITIES: Researched and develop procedures for applying positive behavior support (PBS) practices Disseminated and provided lectures about PBS to students at Northern Arizona University Consulted with k-12 schools to conduct functional behavior assessments and PBS plans Assisted and coordinated regional and statewide trainings on the topic of PBS Accommodate to the needs of invited consultants throughout the nation who provided PBS training

WORK HISTORY Mental Health Consultant-Consulting Psychologists Chinle Agency Headstart- The Navajo Nation January 2009 -Present Provide mental health services to children ages 3-5


Provide mental health services to support staff and teachers in four headstart centers Conduct classroom observations Develop mental health plans for children needing mental health support Demonstrate and train teachers and support staff how to correctly implement mental health strategies Provide Agency wide training on various topics in mental health

Adjunct Instructor-Tohono Oodham Community College Sells, Arizona May 2009-December 2010 Taught Tohono Oodham students on the topics of the exceptional child, diversity in education, and bilingual education Prepared lesson plans around the topic of education Graded and provided feedback to students on assignments and tests Presented material in a culturally responsive manner Elementary Math Tutor- Tucson Unified School District January 2010-May 2010 Tutored a group of six 5-6th grade students receiving special education services for math Created lesson plans to improve math skills Catered instruction to help accomplish goals and objectives in IEP Special Education Director- Hopi Jr/Sr High School Keams Canyon, AZ Summer 2006-June 2008 Directed and Coordinated the special education department for a 7th through 12th grade Junior High and High School Supervised a staff of 30 teachers, paraprofessionals, and related service providers providing special education services Created culturally responsive transition services for students receiving special education services, including students with intellectual disabilities Coordinated and facilitated programs with the general education program and community business to meet the needs students with intellectual disabilities (e.g. daily life skills, self-care, communication skills, job skills) Collaborated and facilitated a working relationship with the principals of the junior high and high school, and the superintendent to coordinate special education services for students Facilitated a working relationship with the Bureau of Indian Education office to ensure yearly funding and compliance for the special education department Provided workshop and advocacy trainings for parents and community members Conducted IEP meetings to ensure student needs were met. Special Education Teacher/Coordinator- Second Mesa Day School
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Second Mesa, AZ Fall 2002-Spring 2006 Coordinated the special education department for a Kindergarten through 6th grade elementary/middle school Taught students from the Hopi community receiving special education services. Facilitated team building activities between general education teachers and the special education department Supervised 10 paraprofessionals and related service personnel Provide services for students with intellectual disabilities Conducted and wrote IEPs to meet the needs of students with disabilities Assistant Director- ASKAN Day Program Flagstaff, AZ Fall 2000-Fall 2002 Supervised a staff of 15 people providing direct care services for adolescents and adults with developmental disabilities Coordinated between families, direct care providers and other social service agencies to provide appropriate services Created and wrote individual family service plans for individuals receiving services Developed and implemented programming for individuals with developmental disabilities learning self-care, budgeting, daily living, organization, and advocacy skills Facilitated meetings between local public schools and our program to align goals and objects of individuals who had both and IFSP and an IEP Day Program Teacher- ASKAN Foundation, Flagstaff AZ Fall 1997- Summer 1999 Implement lesson plans that facilitate learning self-care, budgeting, daily living, organization, and advocacy skills Worked with a team of four teachers to provide services Provided services to individuals with Autism, Cerebral Palsy, Intellectual Disability, Traumatic Brain Injury, and other developmental disabilities Transported individuals with developmental disabilities to and from hospital appointments, therapies, home, school, and community activities. Summer Camp Counselor - Northern Arizona University Nizhoni Academy/ Upward Bound Flagstaff, AZ Summer, 1997 Supervised 17 American Indian high school students attending a summer enrichment program at Northern Arizona University Mentored students through their transition from rural communities to living on the university campus


Coordinated and implemented enrichment activities with five camp counselors Observed and provided guidance for students to successfully complete courses they were taking at the university

Student Worker- American Indian Research and Rehabilitation Training Center (AIRRTC), Institute for Human Development, Northern Arizona University Flagstaff, AZ Summer 1994-December 1997 Provided direct support to my supervisor who has cerebral palsy Assisted with typing reports Coordinated transportation for my supervisor around campus and nationwide for conferences Peer Counselor - Tuba City High School University of Arizona Summer Camp Tuba City, AZ Summer 1993 Supervised 17 American Indian high school students attending a summer enrichment program at Northern Arizona University Mentored students through their transition from rural communities to living on the university campus Coordinated and implemented enrichment activities with five camp counselors Observed and provided guidance for students to successfully complete courses they were taking at the university

HONORS and AWARDS October 2012-Present Elected Board Member (3 year term) Hopi Education Endowment Fund (HEEF) Resource Development Committee Hopi Tribe Invited Graduate Speaker 10th Annual Scholarship Appreciation Breakfast Nominated: 2012 College of Education Outstanding Graduate Teaching Assistant/Associate Award University of Arizona College of Education Doctoral Leadership Fellowship

October 2012 University of Arizona Fall 2012

Fall 2008- Fall 2010


Dual University Interdisciplinary Program to Prepare Culturally Proficient Special Education Professors Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services U.S. Department of Education, Washington, D.C. Winter 2006-2007 Americans for Indian Opportunity Fellowship Ambassador Albuquerque, NM

PROFESSIONAL PRESENTATIONS/CONSULTATION A Model to Support American Indian Youth in Their Pursuit of Higher Education Workshop Presentation: National Indian Education Association Oklahoma City, Oklahoma A Model to Support American Indian Youth in Their Pursuit of Higher Education Research Forum: National Indian Education Association Oklahoma City, Oklahoma Middle School Mentoring Outcomes and Perceived Obstacles in College Attendance Conference Presentation: American Educational Research Association Vancouver, Canada Spring 2012 Claiming Identity: Interdisciplinary Perspectives from American Indian Studies, Special Education, and Hopi International Conference Presentation: Gathering of the World Council of Academic Scholars and Researchers in Education Havana, Cuba Winter, 2012 Interdisciplinary Perspectives: Re-centering Indigenous Identity in Research and PracticeCulturally Responsive Schooling Practice for American Indian and Alaskan Native Youth Conference Presentation: Native American and Indigenous Studies Association Sacramento, California Spring 2011 Hopi Identity Through Literacy: Space and Infrastructure Conference Presentation: Native American and Indigenous Studies Association Tucson Arizona Fall 2010


Special Education Rights and Procedural Safeguards Workshop Consultation: Keams Canyon Elementary School Keams Canyon, Arizona July 2010 Roles of General Educators in Special Education Training Consultation: Second Mesa Day School Spring 2003 Understanding Challenging Behavior in Your Children Training Consultation: Second Mesa, Day School Spring 2003 The Special Education Process and Roles of General Educators in Special Education Training Consultation: Second Mesa Day School Fall 2003 Role of Special Education in Second Mesa Day School Training Consultation: Second Mesa Day School/Parent Teacher Organization Fall 2003 Roles of General Educators in Special Education and the Inclusion Model Training Consultation: Hotevilla Bacavi Community School Spring 2004 Role of Special Education in Collaboration with Youth Programs Training Consultation: Tribal Youth Advisory Council, Arizona Spring 2004 Tips on Dealing with Challenging Behavior in Your Children Training Consultation: Second Mesa Day School Parent Night Spring 2004 The Discipline Process in Special Education Training Consultation: Dine Southwest High School Fall 2004 Compliance Related Issues in Special Education Training Consultation: Dine Southwest High School Winter 2004 The Referral Process and Positive Management Training Consultation: Keams Canyon Boarding School Spring 2005


The Special Education Process Training Consultation: Dine Southwest High School Fall 2005 Career Day on the Hopi Reservation: Early Exposure to Our Native Youth Conference Presentation: Hawaii International Conference on Education Hawaii Winter 2005 Career Day on the Hopi Reservation: A Follow-Up Examination of Early Exposure to Our Native Youth Conference Presentation: Hawaii International Conference in Education Hawaii Winter 2006 PROFESSIONAL MEMBERSHIPS/OFFICE January 2011-Present American Educational Research Association (AERA) Member: Division G-Social Context in Education SIG: Indigenous Peoples of the Americas Council for Exceptional Children (CEC) Native American and Indigenous Studies Association(NAISA) Member UA Indigenous Thinkers Club University of Arizona Office Position: Treasurer Second Mesa Day School Vice President: Parent Teacher Organization

Winter 2008-Present Member Fall 2009-Present

Fall 2010-Present

Fall 2004-Fall 2005

PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT Summer 2006 Attended the 5th Annual Native American Training and Information Network Arlington, Virginia


Summer 2005-May 2008

Transition Action Team Member BIA Transition Action Team Committee member Second Mesa, AZ Area Office Nineteen Nations Tribal Youth Advisory Council Member Arizona Attended: Inclusion Practices that Work Phoenix, Arizona Vice President of the Second Mesa Day School Parent Teacher Organization Attended Alternate Assessment Data System Training Tucson, Az Hawaii International Conference on Education Hawaii Attended BIA Special Educational Symposium Keams Canyon, Az Attended BIA Special Education: Inclusion in the BIA Schools Symposium Keams Canyon, Az Attended 1st Annual Harmony N Action Youth Leadership, Enrichment & Wellness Educational Forum

Winter 2003-Present

Fall 2005 Fall 2004-Fall 2005 Winter 2004

Winter 2005 Fall 2004 Winter 2004

Winter 2003 Hondah, Az

INVITATIONS TO BE A GUEST PRESENTER University of Arizona Cultural and Linguistically Diverse Students with Learning Disabilities- Native Americans Course Title: Cultural and Linguistically Diverse Students in Special Education SERP 404/504 Intersections of Special Education and Indian Education Course Title: Contemporary American Indian Issues

University of Arizona March 19, 2012

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American Indian Studies 220 Anthropology 220 University of Arizona April 5, 2012 Core Values: Consciousness and Decision Making in Academia Course Title: Emerging Issues: Indigenous Philosophers/Indigenous Thinkers Mexican American Studies 365 Hopi: A Way of Life, Not a Religion Course Title: Religion and the U.S. Experience Religion 210 Special Education: Supporting Students in Rural Communities Course Title: Internship Cross Categorical/Learning Disabilities K-12 SERP 593 Child Find and Wellness Fair Keynote Speaker Spring 2005

University of Arizona January 18, 2012 University of Arizona February 23, 2012

Keams Canyon Boarding School K-6

WORK In Progress Bell, L. F. & Joseph, D. (in progress). Middle school students perceived obstacles in college attendance. Joseph, D. H. (in review). Overrepresentation of American Indians and Alaskan Natives in high incidence disabilitities: Examination of culturally responsive schooling practice.

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