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Mars, 1954

HISTORICAL BACKGROUND After being defeated in 1940, the French empire became incredibly important in the eyes of French people. It was seen as the condition to be a great power. From this point of view, Indochina known as la perle de lEmpire (the Empires pearl) was very important and that is why, in 1945, France tried to reinstall its colonial rule over Indochina. However, some Vietnamese were not ready to accept it and formed the Vietminh (which is an abbreviation for Vietnamese independence party). Ho Chi Minh and General Giap became leaders and they began to fight a guerrilla war against France. The situation for France became worst after 1950 when Vietminh received weapons from communist China. A large part of the country was controlled by the Vietminh. Moreover, the IVth Republic of France was not the best political system to deal with colonial war. The government was very weak and too dependant on parliament and political parties. Most of the governments of this Republic did not last very long (no more than a few months) and were never strong enough to take the courageous decision needed. So, the military fought the war alone without having what they needed to do so (they never had the number of men they wanted). The cost of the war was very heavy for France and by the end of it, America was financing 80% of the cost because more and more it was seen as a fight against communism. From a strategic point of view, the French Army wanted a real battle (as opposed to skirmishes) where its superiority in terms of equipment (artillery, tanks, airforce) would give them victory. A fortified camp in the middle of the enemy territory was seen by the French high command as the best way to push the enemy to accept a real battle. It worked quite well at Na San (1953) where the French Army managed to kill a lot of Vietminh soldiers and escaped by air. Nevertheless, Dien Bien Phu was not originally supposed to be a hedgehog camp like Na San. It was first created to be an offensive base to attack the enemy in the north west of Vietnam,

but then it became clear that the enemy was going to send 4 divisions (the French commander never thought he would be able to send so many men into this region) to attack Dien Bien Phu. So, the French transformed (with an important lack of means) Dien Bien Phu into a fortified camp. The second French error was to think that the Vietminh would not be able to take their heavy artillery with them into the mountains. The third was to believe they would have enough planes to feed the battle and bomb the Vietminh soldiers at the same time, but this was not the case (Dien Bien Phu was further from Hano than Na San). The battle lasted a little less than 60 days and was very bloody. After the heroic combat of the ground troops, the French were defeated, putting an end to French colonial rule in Indochina.


GROUPEMENT OPRATIONNEL DU NORD-OUEST Rduit Central Post de Commandement 1x cmd, 1x infantry Groupement Aroport 2 --5e Bataillon de Parachutistes Vietnamiens ----P.C. - 1x cmd ----1e Compagnie 1x infantry ----2e Compagnie 1x infantry ----3e Compagnie 1x infantry ----Compagnie Accompagnement 1x MG/mortar --6e Bataillon de Parachutistes Coloniaux ----P.C. - 1x cmd ----1e Compagnie 1x infantry ----2e Compagnie 1x infantry ----3e Compagnie 1x infantry ----Compagnie Accompagnement 1x MG/mortar 2e Groupe du 4e Rgiment d'Artillerie Coloniale (-) 2x 105mm M2A1 11e Batterie du 4e Groupe du 4e Rgiment d'Artillerie Coloniale 1x 155mm M114 Section du 1er Groupe Antiarien d'Artillerie Coloniale d'Extrme-Orient 6x 12,7mm AAMG Quadri

Sous-Secteur Nord Anne-Marie 3e Bataillon Thai -P.C. - 1x cmd --1e Compagnie - 1x infantry --2e Compagnie 1x infantry --3e Compagnie 1x infantry Bataillon d'Artillerie Autonome Laotienne - 3x 105mm M2A1 Gabrielle 5e Bataillon, 7e Rgiment de Tirailleurs Marocains --P.C. 1x cmd --1e Compagnie 1x infantry --2e Compagnie 1x infantry --3e Compagnie 1x infantry --4e Compagnie 1x infantry --Compagnie Auxiliaire Tai - 1x infantry --Compagnie Accompagnement 1 mortar /57mm RCL 1re Compagnie trangre Parachutiste de Mortiers Lourds (-) 1x 120mm mortar

Sous-Secteur Centre Groupe Mobile 9 Batrice 3e Bataillon, 13e Demi-Brigade Lgion trangre --P.C. 1x cmd --1e Compagnie 1x infantry --2e Compagnie 1x infantry --3e Compagnie 1x infantry --4e Compagnie 1x infantry --Compagnie Auxiliaire Tai - 1x infantry --Compagnie Accompagnement 1 mortar /57mm RCL Claudine 1er Bataillon, 13e Demi-Brigade Lgion trangre --P.C. 1x cmd --1e Compagnie 1x infantry --2e Compagnie 1x infantry --3e Compagnie 1x infantry --4e Compagnie 1x infantry --Compagnie Auxiliaire Tai - 1x infantry --Compagnie Accompagnement 1 mortar /57mm RCL 1er Bataillon tranger de Parachutistes --P.C. - 1x cmd --1e Compagnie 1x infantry --2e Compagnie 1x infantry --3e Compagnie 1x infantry --4e Compagnie 1x infantry --1e CIPLE 1x infantry --Compagnie Accompagnement 1x MG/mortar/57mm RCL 3e Escadron de Marche, 1e Rgiment de Chasseurs Cheval(-) 1x M24 Shaffee tank

Dominique 3e Bataillon, 3e Rgiment de Tirailleurs Algriens --P.C. 1x cmd --1e Compagnie 1x infantry --2e Compagnie 1x infantry --3e Compagnie 1x infantry --4e Compagnie 1x infantry --Compagnie Auxiliaire Tai - 1x infantry --Compagnie Accompagnement 1 mortar /57mm RCL --2x Compagnie Thai (attached) 2x infantry 1er Compagnie Mixte de Mortiers de la Lgion trangre, 3e Rgiment tranger d'Infanterie 1x 120mm mortar 2e Compagnie Mixte de Mortiers de la Lgion trangre, 5e Rgiment tranger d'Infanterie 1x 120mm mortar Batterie, 2e Groupe du 4e Rgiment d'Artillerie Coloniale 1x 105mm M2A1 1re Compagnie trangre Parachutiste de Mortiers Lourds (-) 1x 120mm mortar liane 1er Bataillon, 4e Rgiment Tirailleurs Marocains --P.C. 1x cmd --1e Compagnie 1x infantry --2e Compagnie 1x infantry --3e Compagnie 1x infantry --4e Compagnie 1x infantry --Compagnie Auxiliaire Tai - 1x infantry --Compagnie Accompagnement 1 mortar /57mm RCL

Huguette 1er Bataillon, 2e Rgiment tranger d'Infanterie --P.C. 1x cmd --1e Compagnie 1x infantry --2e Compagnie 1x infantry --3e Compagnie 1x infantry --4e Compagnie 1x infantry --Compagnie Auxiliaire Tai - 1x infantry --Compagnie Accompagnement 1 mortar /57mm RCL Juno 8e Bataillon de Parachutistes de Choc --P.C. - 1x cmd --1e Compagnie 1x infantry --2e Compagnie 1x infantry --3e Compagnie 1x infantry --Compagnie Accompagnement 1x MG/mortar

Sous-Secteur Sud Groupe Mobile 6 Isabelle 3e Bataillon, 3e Rgiment tranger d'Infanterie --P.C. 1x cmd --1e Compagnie 1x infantry --2e Compagnie 1x infantry --3e Compagnie 1x infantry --4e Compagnie 1x infantry --Compagnie Auxiliaire Tai - 1x infantry --Compagnie Accompagnement 1 mortar /57mm RCL 1e Bataillon, 2e Rgiment de Tirailleurs Algriens --P.C. 1x cmd --1e Compagnie 1x infantry --2e Compagnie 1x infantry --3e Compagnie 1x infantry --4e Compagnie 1x infantry --Compagnie Auxiliaire Tai - 1x infantry --Compagnie Accompagnement 1 mortar /57mm RCL --2x Compagnie Thai (attached) 6x infantry 3e Escadron de Marche, 1e Rgiment de Chasseurs Cheval(-) 1x M24 light tank 3e Groupe du 10e Rgiment d'Artillerie Coloniale 1x cmd, 3x 105mm M2A1


308th Division Headquarters 1x cmd, 1x infantry, 1x engineer, 3x AAMG 36th Regiment --Headquarters 1x cmd --Heavy Support Company 1x MG/mortar, 1x 37mm ATG --80th Battalion ----Headquarters 1x cmd ----Infantry Company - 1x infantry ----Infantry Company - 1x infantry ----Infantry Company 1x infantry ----Heavy Support Company - 1x MG/mortar --84th Battalion ----Headquarters 1x cmd ----Infantry Company - 1x infantry ----Infantry Company - 1x infantry ----Infantry Company 1x infantry ----Heavy Support Company - 1x MG/mortar --89th Battalion ----Headquarters 1x cmd ----Infantry Company - 1x infantry ----Infantry Company - 1x infantry ----Infantry Company 1x infantry ----Heavy Support Company - 1x MG/mortar 88th Regiment --Headquarters 1x cmd --Heavy Support Company 1x MG/mortar, 1x 37mm ATG --22nd Battalion ----Headquarters 1x cmd ----Infantry Company - 1x infantry ----Infantry Company - 1x infantry ----Infantry Company 1x infantry ----Heavy Support Company - 1x MG/mortar

--29th Battalion ----Headquarters 1x cmd ----Infantry Company - 1x infantry ----Infantry Company - 1x infantry ----Infantry Company 1x infantry ----Heavy Support Company - 1x MG/mortar --322nd Battalion ----Headquarters 1x cmd ----Infantry Company - 1x infantry ----Infantry Company - 1x infantry ----Infantry Company 1x infantry ----Heavy Support Company - 1x MG/mortar 102nd Regiment --Headquarters 1x cmd --Heavy Support Company 1x MG/mortar, 1x 37mm ATG --18th Battalion ----Headquarters 1x cmd ----Infantry Company - 1x infantry ----Infantry Company - 1x infantry ----Infantry Company 1x infantry ----Heavy Support Company - 1x MG/mortar --59th Battalion ----Headquarters 1x cmd ----Infantry Company - 1x infantry ----Infantry Company - 1x infantry ----Infantry Company 1x infantry ----Heavy Support Company - 1x MG/mortar --79th Battalion ----Headquarters 1x cmd ----Infantry Company - 1x infantry ----Infantry Company - 1x infantry ----Infantry Company 1x infantry ----Heavy Support Company - 1x MG/mortar Artillery Battalion 1x cmd, 3x 75mm gun

312th Division Headquarters 1x cmd, 1x infantry 141st Regiment --Headquarters 1x cmd --Heavy Support Company 1x MG/mortar, 1x 37mm ATG --11th Battalion ----Headquarters 1x cmd ----Infantry Company - 1x infantry ----Infantry Company - 1x infantry ----Infantry Company 1x infantry ----Heavy Support Company - 1x MG/mortar --16th Battalion ----Headquarters 1x cmd ----Infantry Company - 1x infantry ----Infantry Company - 1x infantry ----Infantry Company 1x infantry ----Heavy Support Company - 1x MG/mortar --428th Battalion ----Headquarters 1x cmd ----Infantry Company - 1x infantry ----Infantry Company - 1x infantry ----Infantry Company 1x infantry ----Heavy Support Company - 1x MG/mortar 165th Regiment --Headquarters 1x cmd --Heavy Support Company 1x MG/mortar, 1x 37mm ATG --115th Battalion ----Headquarters 1x cmd ----Infantry Company - 1x infantry ----Infantry Company - 1x infantry ----Infantry Company 1x infantry ----Heavy Support Company - 1x MG/mortar --542nd Battalion ----Headquarters 1x cmd ----Infantry Company - 1x infantry

----Infantry Company - 1x infantry ----Infantry Company 1x infantry ----Heavy Support Company - 1x MG/mortar --564th Battalion ----Headquarters 1x cmd ----Infantry Company - 1x infantry ----Infantry Company - 1x infantry ----Infantry Company 1x infantry ----Heavy Support Company - 1x MG/mortar 209th Regiment --Headquarters 1x cmd --Heavy Support Company 1x MG/mortar, 1x 37mm ATG --130th Battalion ----Headquarters 1x cmd ----Infantry Company - 1x infantry ----Infantry Company - 1x infantry ----Infantry Company 1x infantry ----Heavy Support Company - 1x MG/mortar --154th Battalion ----Headquarters 1x cmd ----Infantry Company - 1x infantry ----Infantry Company - 1x infantry ----Infantry Company 1x infantry ----Heavy Support Company - 1x MG/mortar --166th Battalion ----Headquarters 1x cmd ----Infantry Company - 1x infantry ----Infantry Company - 1x infantry ----Infantry Company 1x infantry ----Heavy Support Company - 1x MG/mortar Artillery Battalion 1x cmd, 3x 75mm gun

316th Division Headquarters 1x cmd, 1x infantry 98th Regiment --Headquarters 1x cmd --Heavy Support Company 1x MG/mortar, 1x 37mm ATG --215th Battalion ----Headquarters 1x cmd ----Infantry Company - 1x infantry ----Infantry Company - 1x infantry ----Infantry Company 1x infantry ----Heavy Support Company - 1x MG/mortar --439th Battalion ----Headquarters 1x cmd ----Infantry Company - 1x infantry ----Infantry Company - 1x infantry ----Infantry Company 1x infantry ----Heavy Support Company - 1x MG/mortar --938th Battalion ----Headquarters 1x cmd ----Infantry Company - 1x infantry ----Infantry Company - 1x infantry ----Infantry Company 1x infantry ----Heavy Support Company - 1x MG/mortar 174th Regiment --Headquarters 1x cmd --Heavy Support Company 1x MG/mortar, 1x 37mm ATG --249th Battalion ----Headquarters 1x cmd ----Infantry Company - 1x infantry ----Infantry Company - 1x infantry ----Infantry Company 1x infantry ----Heavy Support Company - 1x MG/mortar --251st Battalion ----Headquarters 1x cmd ----Infantry Company - 1x infantry

----Infantry Company - 1x infantry ----Infantry Company 1x infantry ----Heavy Support Company - 1x MG/mortar --255th Battalion ----Headquarters 1x cmd ----Infantry Company - 1x infantry ----Infantry Company - 1x infantry ----Infantry Company 1x infantry ----Heavy Support Company - 1x MG/mortar 176th Regiment --Headquarters 1x cmd --Heavy Support Company 1x MG/mortar, 1x 37mm ATG --888th Battalion ----Headquarters 1x cmd ----Infantry Company - 1x infantry ----Infantry Company - 1x infantry ----Infantry Company 1x infantry ----Heavy Support Company - 1x MG/mortar

57th Regiment, 304th Division Headquarters 1x cmd Heavy Support Company 1x MG/mortar, 1x 37mm ATG 265th Battalion --Headquarters 1x cmd --Infantry Company - 1x infantry --Infantry Company - 1x infantry --Infantry Company 1x infantry --Heavy Support Company - 1x MG/mortar 346th Battalion --Headquarters 1x cmd --Infantry Company - 1x infantry --Infantry Company - 1x infantry --Infantry Company 1x infantry --Heavy Support Company - 1x MG/mortar 418th Battalion --Headquarters 1x cmd --Infantry Company - 1x infantry --Infantry Company - 1x infantry --Infantry Company 1x infantry --Heavy Support Company - 1x MG/mortar

351st Heavy Division Headquarters 1x cmd, 1x infantry 45th Artillery Regiment --632nd Battalion 1x cmd, 3x 105mm --954th Battalion 1x cmd, 3x 105mm 675th Artillery Regiment --83rd Battalion 1x cmd, 3x 75mm --175th Battalion 1x cmd, 2x 75mm, 1x 120mm mortar --275th Battalion 1x cmd, 2x 75mm, 1x 120mm mortar 237th Heavy Mortar Regiment --413th Battalion 1x cmd, 3x 82mm mortar --415th Battalion 1x cmd, 3x 82mm mortar --437th Battalion 1x cmd, 3x 82mm mortar 367th Anti-Aircraft Regiment --392nd Battalion 4x 37mm AAG, 6x AAMG --393rd Battalion 4x 37mm AAG, 6x AAMG --398th Battalion 4x 37mm AAG, 6x AAMG 151st Engineer Regiment --Headquarters 1x cmd, 3x engineer --I/151st Battalion 3x engineer --II/151st Battalion 3x engineer --III/151st Battalion 3x engineer --IV/151st Battalion 3x engineer

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