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1.) A. Since we are asked to use the half angle formulas, we will need to deal with an angle of 30.

Recall that:

4.) B. We use the formula: sin (2x) =2sin(x) cos(x)

Sin (2x) = 2 sin(x) cos(x) =2( ) ( ) =(

5.) /2 = 45, which is in Quadrant I 6.) B. /2 = 112.5, which is in Quadrant II 7.) D. /2 = 300, which is in Quadrant IV 8.) C. /2 = 600. But this is outside of the normal range of 0 to 360. So, we have to subtract 360. Doing that, we have 240, which is in Quadrant III.

Also, since 15 is in Quadrant I, we will be using the positive square root for both cosine and sine. Plugging into the formulas for cos ( ) We see that:

2.) A 9.) D. /2 = -30. But like the one above, this is outside of the normal range of 0 to 360.So; we have to add 360. Doing that, we have 330 which is in Quadrant IV. 10.) /2 = -190. Again, this is outside of the normal range of 0 to 360. We add 360. Doing that, we have 170, which is in Quadrant II. 3.) C We use the formula: Cos(2x)=cos2(x)sin2(x) cos(2x)=cos2(x)- sin2(x) 11.) D.

Cos ( ) = - =

=( = =

)2 -

= =

15.) C.

Cos = =

12.) B.

sin ( ) = = = = =

= = =

16.) C.

Cos (2x) = 2 cos2 (x)-1 =2 1 = =

17.) A. Since we have cos

13.) C.

Tan ( ) = = = = =
14.) D.
( )

=- = = =
18.) D.

sin 2 = 2 sin cos 2( ) = ( ) = = =

19.) B.

Since is half of , Tan = tan ( )

Substituting 7x for A gives: Cos2(7x) sin2 (7x) = cos 2 (7x) = cos 14x 23.) B. If this expression were 2 sin 15 cos 15 , we could apply the identitiy for sin 2A directly since 2A = 2 sin A cos A. we can still apply the identity with A= 15 by writing the multiplicative identity element 1 as (2).

= =

sin 15

= (2)

= =

(2 sin 15 cos 15 sin (2. 15 ( )=

20.) A. Since 105 is half 210 , and that cosine is negative in Quadrant II.

= sin 30 =

Cos 105 = cos = -

24.) A.

Since tan = tan 2 = = = - =


=- ,

25.) D.

21.) C. = = = cos
22.) A. The expression suggests one of the doubleangle identities for cosine: cos2A= cos2A sin2A.

We can use three forms of the formula to solve its value. cos2 = cos2 - sin2 = =-

The answer cant be found in the given choices, since our answer is negative.

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