Taken From Eastview On Track Plus English Form 2

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Band Performance Standard Descriptor Evidence

6 B6 Appreciate literary works and present ideas critically in an exemplary manner B6DT1 Writing stories B6 DT1 E1 Able to write a story based on the pictures given by including a moral value: In paragraphs In about 180 words.

Sample instrument 1 You were late and rushing to join your friends at a cinema. Using the pictures and notes below, write a story about how you rushed for the bus but learnt a lesson instead. L a t e

because stayed back in class Friends waiting at cinema to watch movie Reached the bus stop lots of people everyone rushing for the bus when it came Decided to join in the rush heard a baby cry Discovered aunt with her baby Aunt almost pushed to the ground Decided to wait for the next bus with her Ashamed of own behaviour - learn a lesson (taken from Eastview On Track Plus English Form 2) When writing your story: You may use all the notes Elaborate on the given notes to make it more interesting Add any other relevant information Make sure it is not less than 180 words.

Sample answer A Lesson Learnt I was late because I had to stay back to clean up the class. My friends were already waiting for me for the evening show at the cinema. When I reached the bus stop, there were a lot of people waiting. The bus was late. When it finally appeared, everyone rushed forward. Many people tried to elbow their way to the front. I rushed forward too. Suddenly I heard a baby cry. I stopped pushing and looked back and around. Then I saw a woman carrying a baby standing nearby. I took a second look and realised it was my aunt. I went to her quickly and discovered that she was almost pushed to the ground when she tried to join the crowd for the bus. She decided to wait for the next bus, so we went to sit on the bench. The noise and crowd made her baby nervous and he started to cry. I felt guilty instantly that I had been part of the unruly crowd who rushed to get on the bus. I told her I

I learnt a lesson that we must do everything according to the rules and not risk other peoples safety just to get what we want. It could have been me instead so I must remember to be more responsible and think of others in everything I do.
would wait together with her for the next bus.

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