Conectores Más Comunes en Inglés

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- Complete the sentences with the following conectors: actually, although, but, consequently, despite, in addition, namely, on the contrary, so, such as. 1. Aircraft engines are well mainted_______________accidents are unavoidable. 2. _______________the number of tourists visiting our country may fall next year, we expect better spending rates. 3. There are plenty of inappropriate solutions to the current economic crisis, _______________cutting down on public investments. 4. We have bought a new flat. _______________, we cannot afford to go on holiday this summer. 5. They are very poor. _______________, they dont have a cent in the bank. 6. The play was very boring _______________we left after the first act. 7. He has to take photos of the places he visits. _______________, hes keeping a diary of his journey. 8. Not everybody thinks the building is ugly. _______________, some people say it looks marvellous. 9. Some companies, _______________ our own, think that employees well-being in the work place is key to success. 10. _______________ being famous, she is not arrogant at all.

2.- Complete with: actually, although, consequently, despite, in some respects, in the same way, instead, nonetheless, what is more, yet

Facebook has turned our personal and professional world upside-down. _______________, we don't pick up the phone anymore but log onto our account and leave messages on other people's walls (who would have thought this would be socially accepted one day!). _______________, we don't talk our customers through the catalogue anymore; _______________, we tell our friends and our friends' friends about it on Facebook. _______________, we have never been more connected than today, _______________ we don't feel any closer to the hoards of friends we claim we have. _______________ befriending so many, we continue seeing the same few. _______________, we seem to have less time for these because of the endless hours spent online, stalking on our virtual friends. _______________ many see in Facebook the end of face-to-face communication, _______________we have never been more "looked at" than in the Facebook era. _______________, the face we look at is not the one we have but the one we like to show to the world. Keeping it straight is not an easy task.Final del formulario

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