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Name: ___________________________________________________ Date: _________ People of the Spanish-Speaking World Research In order to get the most from a foreign

language, a person needs to understand the culture that comes with the language. Learning about art and history helps to build an appreciation of the culture of the countries where that language is spoken. For this assignment, I would like you to do some research about a specific person of the Spanish-speaking world. I will assign each of you a person to research. This person could be a politician, an artist, a soldier, or something else. On one piece of paper, I would like you to write or type a minimum of ten sentences describing the five Ws about that person. Who were they? What did they do/create? When did they live? Where did they live? Why do we remember them today? How did they affect the culture of the Spanish-speaking world? Type/write the answers to these questions in paragraph format on a piece of paper. The next step to this assignment is to put some kind of illustration that goes along with the person. You can print out a picture of something that person did or a picture of that person. Dont feel restricted to just one picture; you can add as many pictures as you want to this assignment. REMEMBER - this must be school appropriate. DO NOT print out or put any pictures that are not rated G and are acceptable for people of all ages to see. This assignment is due on Tuesday, January 22nd. As always, if you have any questions or concerns about this assignment, then please let me know. Person that Mr. Kruski assigned to me: _________________________________________

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