Ingles Empresarial

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Lesson 1 Customers

Vocabulary: Account Accountant Additional services Appointment Assembly Available Balance Comment Company policy Check-in attendant Check-out time Delivery Desk --- table where sits someone to inform Detail Free customer helpline Free of charge Furthermore Guarantee High / height Late night openings Local rate Loyal customer Personal loan Premises Qualities of products = fantastic, great, marvellous, brilliant, super, wonderful, ... Quotation (presupuesto) +- Budget (presupuesto destinado a X) Range of products / range of services Rate of exchange Request or suggestion box Safe Service industry Store Thank goodness Valuable Week after the following week Synonyms: Ad = advert = advertise = advertisement = commercial Amount = quantity Bill +/- invoice By phone = over the phone Call = telephoning Car mechanic = garage Code of practise = set or rules --- so the customer knows what to expect from the company recording complaints, exchanges, Company = business = firm

Lesson 1 Customers Convenient = suitable Customer = client Customer care = customer service --- how companies take care of their customers. Customer loyalty = repeat business = buy again and again at the same store Facilities = amenities = installations where the firm is ubicated. Factory = plant Few = some Food hamper = basket Good = product = item = thing Happy = satisfied I'll connect you = I'll put you through Impolite = rude = discourteous In order to = to Lifelong guarantee = extended guarantee Locally = around here = near here Polite = courteous Present = gift Quick = fast Service --- no-manufactured product Staff: personnel = employee = worker Supplier = salesman = provider Train station = railway station Unhappy = dissatisfied Antonyms: Abbreviation --- acronym Capital letter --- small letter Co-operative --- uncooperative Courteous --- discourteous Friendly --- unfriendly Helpful --- unhelpful Loyal --- disloyal Married --- unmarried Person (singular) --- people (plural) Polite --- impolite Professional --- unprofessional Provide goods / supply goods --- provide services Quick / Fast --- slow Satisfied --- dissatisfied Well-dressed --- badly-dressed Window seat --- aisle seat Verbs: To / a promise To apologise = to say sorry To arrange = to organize To ask = to enquire / inquiry To be entitled to a X% discount on

Lesson 1 Customers To be healthy = to fit To buy = to purchase To complain --- say you are dissatisfied / a complaint To check To deal To exchange the product --- to get a refund To find out To get fit To increase = to get bigger To join (a company) / (a club) / join us To leave To leave = to finish To place an order To put the matter right To queue = to line --- people who wait for something. To repair = to mend = to fix To request To shrink / shrank / shrunk To take back = to bring back = to return To upgrade To weigh / weight To work = to use

Lesson 1 Customers

Cuenta Contable Servicios adicionales Cita Montaje Disponible Saldo Comentario Poltica de privacidad de la compaa Facturacin de equipaje Hora de marcharse (del hotel) Entrega Mostrador de informacin Detalle Lnea telefnica gratuita de atencin al cliente Sin cargo Adems Garanta Altura / alto Abierto hasta tarde Tarifa urbana Cliente habitual Prstamo personal Local / edificio profesional (siempre en plural) Muy bueno Presupuesto Gama de productos o servicios Tipo de cambio Buzn de sugerencias Caja fuerte Empresa de servicios Almacn / tienda Gracias a Dios Objeto de valor Dentro de dos semanas

Anuncio publicitario Cantidad Factura Por telfono Telefonear Taller mecnico Cdigo de conducta Empresa

Lesson 1 Customers Apropiado Cliente Servicio al cliente Cliente habitual Instalaciones Fbrica Algunos Cesta Producto Satisfecho Le paso la llamada Descorts Para Extensin de garanta Cerca de aqu Educado Regalo Rpido Servicio Trabajador Vendedor Estacin de tren Insatisfecho

Abreviatura --- acrnimo Letra mayscula --- minscula Que coopera --- que no coopera Corts --- descorts Simptico --- antiptico Amable --- antiptico Habitual --- no habitual Casado --- divorciado Persona --- gente Educado --- maleducado Profesional ---- no-profesional Vender productos --- vender servicios Rpido --- lento Satisfecho --- insatisfecho Bien vestido --- mal vestido Asiento de ventana --- de pasillo

Prometer / promesa Disculparse Organizar Preguntar / pregunta Tener derecho a un X% de descuento sobre

Lesson 1 Customers Estar en forma Comprar Quejarse / queja Consultar / comprobar Tratar Cambiar el producto --- devolver el dinero Averiguar Ponerse en forma Aumentar Entrar a trabajar en una empresa / apuntarse a un club / unirte a nosotros Marcharse Acabar Hacer un pedido (en general) Solucionar el problema Hacer cola Reparar Solicitar Encoger Devolver Aumentar de categora Pesar / peso Utilizar, funcionar

Lesson 2 Companies

Vocabulary: As a rule Brand / own brand Closely knit team Competitive market Competitor Consignment Essential Fabric Franchise Headline Industrial state Industry News article Overall understanding Production line Recruitment advert Strike Successful applicant Successful company Transfer Up-to-date Vacancy Companies activities / Sectors: In which sector / area / field does the company operate? The company operates in ... Advertisement sales Agriculture An international news service agency / a provider of news Broadcasting Cosmetics industry Delivery company = courier company = international carrier Editorial marketing Electronics industry Equality Fashion industry Fast-food company Financial service company Food retailing Information technology - IT Insurance Manufacturing (Car manufacture, ) / manufacturer Media Music company = record company Music industry

Lesson 2 Companies Music retail sector Pharmaceutical company = drug company Product development Production costs Publishing Radio station Real estate Selective retailing Soft drinks --- spirits (alcohols) Sports wear --- casual wear Telecommunications Travel TV production Wines & spirits Synonyms: A great deal = a lot A litte = a bit Aim = an objective = a target = a goal All over the world = throughout the world = around the world Applicant = candidate --- someone who is applying for a job Busy = occupied Can I borrow? = Can you lend me? Closing date = deadline Due to = because of Expensive = dearer For example = e.g.= such as= for instance = like He is asleep = he sleeps Holding company = parent company However = nevertheless Ill = sick Morning shift / afternoon shift / night shift Ought = should Outlook = forecast Post = job Present = current Programme = scheme Regretabbly = unfortunately Sector = field = area Several = many = a lot of Skill = ability Survey = questionnaire Wage = salary Warm = hot Well-known = famous Whether = if Wide = full = broad (range) = a wide variety of goods Antonyms:

Lesson 2 Companies

Holding company / parent company --- subsidiary Up-market --- middle-market --- down market Verbs: To be involve To be training To belong To collect To commit to / commited to +ing To compete / competition To choice To demand To enable To expand / expansion To fall = to go down = to decrease = to drop To get better --- to get worse To increase = to rise = to go up = to get bigger --- to fall To invest To keep To launch a product on the market / launch To like --- to dislike To mean --- to stand for To operate / operation To produce --- to provide To put into practice = to implement = to carry out To recruit = to hire = to employ --- a contract To run out To sell --- sale To work under pressure

Lesson 2 Companies

Como norma general Marca / marca blanca Equipo muy compenetrado Mercado competitivo Empresa de la competencia Envo Esencial Tela Franquicia Titular Polgono industrial (Empresa que fabrica productos. Por ejemplo, seguros no) Artculo de prensa Conocimiento/s global/es Cadena de produccin Anuncio de oferta de empleo Huelga Candidato idneo Empresa de xito Traslado Actualizado Puesto de trabajo libre

En qu sector trabaja la empresa? La empresa pertenece al sector ... Ventas de anuncios Agricultura Agencia internacional de servicios de noticias Radiodifusin Industria cosmtica Empresa de transportes / envos Mrketing editorial Industria electrnica Igualdad Industria de la moda Empresa de comida rpida Empresa de servicios financieros Venta al por menor de comida Informacin tecnolgica Seguros Fabricacin (fabricacin de coches, ...) / fabricante Medio de comunicacin Compaa discogrfica Industria de la msica


Lesson 2 Companies Industria minorista de la msica Empresa farmacutica Desarrollo de productos Costes de produccin Editorial Emisora de radio Compaa estatal Venta selecta al por menor Refrescos - alcoholes Ropa deportiva - ropa casual Telecomunicaciones Viajes Produccin de TV Vinos y alcoholes

Mucho Un poco Objetivo Por todo el mundo Candidato Ocupado Puedes prestarme? Fecha tope Debido a Caro Por ejemplo Estar dormido Empresa madre De todas maneras Enfermo Turno de maana, tarde y noche Debera Previsin Puesto de trabajo Actual Programa Desgraciadamente Sector Muchos Facilidad Encuesta Sueldo Calor Famoso Si Amplia gama de productos


Lesson 2 Companies

Empresa matriz --- filial Gama alta --- gama media --- gama baja

Involucrarse Hacer un curso Pertenecer / formar parte de algo Recoger Comprometerse a Competir --- competicin Elegir / eleccin Exigir Permitir Expandir --- expansin Disminuir Mejorar --- empeorar Aumentar --- disminuir Invertir Mantener Sacar al mercado / lanzar una campaa publicitaria / lanzamiento Gustar --- no gustar Querer decir (el segundo slo para siglas) Operar --- operacin Fabricar un producto --- ofrecer un servicio Poner en prctica Contratar --- un contrato Quedarse sin / agotarse Vender --- venta Trabajar bajo presin


Lesson 3 Travel

Vocabulary: (hour) onwards A (nationality) business person Amusement Arrangement definite Beside Boat Business card Business partner Colleague - person who works with you or in the same field Cup Difficulty Estrange Explanation Ferry First name Foreign business trip / Travel on business Glass Instead of Itinerary I've got my car with me Left (puesto al final de la frase) Live Method of transport Mug Over = more than Plane Politician R+D - Research and development departament Respectful Return date Second name = surname Ship Social conventions Suggestion The flight takes / the flight is about x hours / the flight lasts ... Trade union / trades unions Train Synonyms: Advice = tip Briefing notes = a report = papers Enormous = huge Foreign = overseas = abroad Headoffice = headquarter May = might Secretary = administrative assistant = clerk

Lesson 3 Travel Timetable = schedule Tour guide = courier Verbs: To accompany To arrive in To assist = to help To attend = to have = to hold = to go to = to listen to (a meeting, a conference, ...) To be promote To book = to reserve (a ticket) To do business by telephone or fax To experience cultural differences / Cultural differences = gaps To fly out (to) To get (a drink) To get home = to arrive home To give a presentation on the company To go on (a tour) = To go sightseeing To have (a meal) To have a meeting (with) To hire To interview To let (you) know = to inform (you) To order (a product) To plan (an itinerary) To put on --- to take off To refuse = to reject To run = to organize (a seminar) To shake hands --- embrace To spill - spilled / spilt To suffer from jet lag To take = to last To throw = to have (a party) To travel by To visit (a subsidiary) To work for (name of the company) Antonyms: A single --- a return (ida y vuelta no existe se supone que si vas vuelves) Advantage --- disadvantage / drawback Enormous / huge --- tiny Host --- guest Schedule --- charter Speaker --- delegate (to a seminar) Nationalities: America - American

Lesson 3 Travel Asia - Asian Australia - Australian Bahrain - Bahraini Belgium - Belgian Brazil - Brazilian Britain - British Canada - Canadien China - chinese Denmark - Danish Europe - European Finland - Finnish France - French Germany - German Greece - Greek Hungary - Hungarian Ireland - Irish Italy - Italian Japan - japanese Kuwatit - Kuwaiti Malta - Maltese Mexico - Mexican Nigeria - Nigerian Oman - Omani Pakistan - Pakistani Poland - Polish Portugal - portuguese Russia - Russian Saudi Arabia - Saudi Singapore - Singaporean South Africa - South African Spain - Spanish Sweden - Swedish Switzerland - Swiss Thailand - Thai The Netherlands = Holland - Dutch Turkey - Turkish Vietnam - Vietnamese

Lesson 3 Travel

(Hora) en adelante Hombre de negocios de (nacionalidad) Entretenimiento Cita definitiva Al lado Barco grande Tarjeta de visita Socio de negocios Colega Taza Dificultad Extrao Explicacin Barco para transporte pasajeros Nombre de pila Viaje de negocios (al extranjero) Copa, vaso En lugar de Itinerario He trado mi coche Solamente En directo Medio de transporte Jarrilla Ms de Avin Poltico Departamento de investigacin y desarrollo Respetuoso Fecha de vuelta Apellido Barco grande Convenciones sociales Sugerencia El vuelo dura ... Sindicato/s Tren

Consejo Informe Enorme Extranjero Sede central Quiz Secretara / administrativa

Lesson 3 Travel Horario Gua turstico (persona)

Acompaar Llegar a (una ciudad) Ayudar Asistir, tener, escuchar (una reunin, ...) Promocionar (de puesto de trabajo) Reservar (un billete) Hacer negocios por telfono o por fax Experimentar (diferencias culturales) Volar (a) Traer (una bebida) Llegar (a casa) Hacer una presentacin sobre la empresa Hacer un tour (viaje) Tomar (una comida) Tener una reunin (con) Alquilar Entrevistar (de trabajo) Informar(te) Hacer un pedido (de un producto) Planear (un itinerario) Poner --- quitar Rechazar Organizar (un seminario) Dar la mano --- abrazar Derramar (un lquido) Sufrir jet lag Durar (un viaje) Hacer (una fiesta) Viajar en (medio de transporte) Visitar (una delegacin) Trabajar en (nombre de la empresa)

Billete de ida --- billete de vuelta Ventaja --- desventaja Enorme --- pequeo Anfitrin --- invitado Vuelo regular --- vuelo no regular Ponente --- asistente (a un seminario)


Lesson 3 Travel Asia Australia Bahrein Blgica Brasil Gran Bretaa Canad China Dinamarca Europa Finlandia Francia Alemania Grecia Hungra Irlanda Italia Japn Kuwait Malta Mjico Nigeria Omn Pakistn Polonia Portugal Rusia Arabia Saudi Singapur Sudfrica Espaa Suecia Suiza Tailandia Holanda Turqua Vietnam

Lesson 1+2+3

Vocabulary: (hour) onwards A (nationality) business person Account Accountant Additional services Amusement Appointment Arrangement definite As a rule Assembly Available Balance Beside Boat Brand / own brand Business card Business partner Closely knit team Colleague - person who works with you or in the same field Comment Company policy Competitive market Competitor Consignment Cup Check-in attendant Check-out time Delivery Desk --- table where sits someone to inform Detail Difficulty Essential Estrange Explanation Fabric Ferry First name Foreign business trip / Travel on business Franchise Free customer helpline Free of charge Furthermore Glass Guarantee Headline High / height Industrial state


Lesson 1+2+3

Industry Instead of Itinerary I've got my car with me Late night openings Left (puesto al final de la frase) Live Local rate Loyal customer Method of transport Mug News article Overall understanding Personal loan Plane Politician Premises Production line
Qualities of products = fantastic, great, marvellous, brilliant, super, wonderful, ...

Quotation (presupuesto) +- Budget (presupuesto destinado a X) R+D - Research and development departament Range of products / range of services Rate of exchange Recruitment advert Request or suggestion box Respectful Return date Safe Second name = surname Service industry Ship Social conventions Store Strike Successful applicant Successful company Suggestion Thank goodness The flight takes / the flight is about x hours / the flight lasts ... Trade union / trades unions Train Transfer Up-to-date Vacancy Valuable Week after the following week Synonyms: A great deal = a lot


Lesson 1+2+3

A litte = a bit Ad = advert = advertise = advertisement = commercial Advice = tip Aim = an objective = a target = a goal All over the world = throughout the world = around the world Amount = quantity Applicant = candidate --- someone who is applying for a job Bill +/- invoice Briefing notes = a report = papers Busy = occupied By phone = over the phone Call = telephoning Can I borrow? = Can you lend me? Car mechanic = garage Closing date = deadline Code of practise = set or rules --- so the customer knows what to expect from the company recording complaints, exchanges, Company = business = firm Convenient = suitable Customer = client Customer care = customer service --- how companies take care of their customers. Customer loyalty = repeat business = buy again and again at the same store Due to = because of Enormous = huge Expensive = dearer Facilities = amenities = installations where the firm is ubicated. Factory = plant Few = some Food hamper = basket For example = e.g.= such as= for instance = like Foreign = overseas = abroad Good = product = item = thing Happy = satisfied He is asleep = he sleeps Headoffice = headquarters (sta ltima siempre en plural) Holding company = parent company However = nevertheless Ill = sick I'll connect you = I'll put you through Impolite = rude = discourteous In order to = to Lifelong guarantee = extended guarantee Locally = around here = near here May = might Morning shift / afternoon shift / night shift Ought = should Outlook = forecast Over = more than Polite = courteous


Lesson 1+2+3

Post = job Present = current Present = gift Programme = scheme Quick = fast Regretabbly = unfortunately Secretary = administrative assistant = clerk Sector = field = area Service --- no-manufactured product Several = many = a lot of Skill = ability Staff: personnel = employee = worker Supplier = salesman = provider Survey = questionnaire Timetable = schedule Tour guide = courier Train station = railway station Unhappy = dissatisfied Wage = salary Warm = hot Well-known = famous Whether = if Wide = full = broad (range) = a wide variety of goods = wide choice Antonyms: A single --- a return (ida y vuelta no existe se supone que si vas vuelves) Abbreviation --- acronym Advantage --- disadvantage / drawback Capital letter --- small letter Co-operative --- uncooperative Courteous --- discourteous Enormous / huge --- tiny Friendly --- unfriendly Helpful --- unhelpful Holding company / parent company --- subsidiary Host --- guest Loyal --- disloyal Married --- unmarried Person (singular) --- people (plural) Polite --- impolite Professional --- unprofessional Provide goods / supply goods --- provide services Quick / Fast --- slow Satisfied --- dissatisfied Schedule --- charter Speaker --- delegate (to a seminar) Up-market --- middle-market --- down market Well-dressed --- badly-dressed Window seat --- aisle seat


Lesson 1+2+3

Verbs: To / a promise To accompany To apologise = to say sorry To arrange = to organize To arrive in To ask = to enquire - inquiry To assist = to help To attend = to have = to hold = to go to = to listen to (a meeting, a conference, ...) To be entitled to a X% discount on To be healthy = to fit To be involve To be promote To be training To belong To book = to reserve (a ticket) To buy = to purchase To collect To commit to / commited to +ing To compete / competition To complain --- say you are dissatisfied / a complaint To check To choice To deal To demand To do business by telephone or fax To enable To exchange the product --- to get a refund To expand / expansion To experience cultural differences / Cultural differences = gaps To fall = to go down = to decrease = to drop To find out To fly out (to) To get (a drink) To get better --- to get worse To get fit To get home = to arrive home To give a presentation on the company To go on (a tour) = To go sightseeing To have (a meal) To have a meeting (with) To hire To increase = to rise = to go up = to get bigger --- to fall To interview To invest To join (a company) / (a club) / join us To keep To launch a product on the market / launch


Lesson 1+2+3

To leave To leave = to finish To let (you) know = to inform (you) To like --- to dislike To mean --- to stand for To operate / operation To order (a product) To place an order To plan (an itinerary) To produce --- to provide To put into practice = to implement = to carry out To put on --- to take off To put the matter right To queue = to line --- people who wait for something. To recruit = to hire = to employ --- a contract To refuse = to reject To repair = to mend = to fix To request To run = to organize (a seminar) To run out To sell --- sale To shake hands --- embrace To shrink / shrank / shrunk To spill - spilled / spilt To suffer from jet lag To take = to last To take back = to bring back = to return To throw = to have (a party) To travel by To upgrade To visit (a subsidiary) To weigh / weight To work = to use To work for (name of the company) To work under pressure Companies activities / Sectors: In which sector / area / field does the company operate? The company operates in ... Advertisement sales Agriculture An international news service agency / a provider of news Broadcasting Cosmetics industry Delivery company = courier company = international carrier Editorial marketing Electronics industry Equality


Lesson 1+2+3

Fashion industry Fast-food company Financial service company Food retailing Information technology - IT Insurance Manufacturing (Car manufacture, ) / manufacturer Media Music company = record company Music industry Music retail sector Pharmaceutical company = drug company Product development Production costs Publishing Radio station Real estate Selective retailing Soft drinks --- spirits (alcohols) Sports wear --- casual wear Telecommunications Travel TV production Wines & spirits Nationalities: America - American Asia - Asian Australia - Australian Bahrain - Bahraini Belgium - Belgian Brazil - Brazilian Britain - British Canada - Canadien China - chinese Denmark - Danish Europe - European Finland - Finnish France - French Germany - German Greece - Greek Hungary - Hungarian Ireland - Irish Italy - Italian Japan - japanese Kuwatit - Kuwaiti Malta - Maltese Mexico - Mexican Nigeria - Nigerian


Lesson 1+2+3

Oman - Omani Pakistan - Pakistani Poland - Polish Portugal - portuguese Russia - Russian Saudi Arabia - Saudi Singapore - Singaporean South Africa - South African Spain - Spanish Sweden - Swedish Switzerland - Swiss Thailand - Thai The Netherlands = Holland - Dutch Turkey - Turkish Vietnam - Vietnamese


Lesson 1+2+3

(Hora) en adelante Hombre de negocios de (nacionalidad) Cuenta Contable Servicios adicionales Entretenimiento Cita Cita definitiva Como norma general Montaje Disponible Saldo Al lado Barco grande Marca / marca blanca Tarjeta de visita Socio de negocios Equipo muy compenetrado Colega Comentario Poltica de privacidad de la compaa Mercado competitivo Empresa de la competencia Envo Taza Facturacin de equipaje Hora de marcharse (del hotel) Entrega Mostrador de informacin Detalle Dificultad Esencial Extrao Explicacin Tela Barco para transporte pasajeros Nombre de pila Viaje de negocios (al extranjero) Franquicia Lnea telefnica gratuita de atencin al cliente Sin cargo Adems Copa, vaso Garanta Titular Altura / alto Polgono industrial


Lesson 1+2+3

(Empresa que fabrica productos. Por ejemplo, seguros no)

En lugar de Itinerario He trado mi coche Abierto hasta tarde Solamente En directo Tarifa urbana Cliente habitual Medio de transporte Jarrilla Artculo de prensa Conocimiento/s global/es Prstamo personal Avin Poltico Local / edificio profesional (siempre en plural) Cadena de produccin Muy bueno Presupuesto Departamento de investigacin y desarrollo Gama de productos o servicios Tipo de cambio Anuncio de oferta de empleo Buzn de sugerencias Respetuoso Fecha de vuelta Caja fuerte Apellido Empresa de servicios Barco grande Convenciones sociales Almacn / tienda Huelga Candidato idneo Empresa de xito Sugerencia Gracias a Dios El vuela dura ... Sindicato/s Tren Traslado Actualizado Puesto de trabajo libre Objeto de valor Dentro de dos semanas



Lesson 1+2+3

Un poco Anuncio publicitario Consejo Objetivo Por todo el mundo Cantidad Candidato Factura Informe Ocupado Por telfono Telefonear Puedes prestarme? Taller mecnico Fecha tope Cdigo de conducta Empresa Apropiado Cliente Servicio al cliente Cliente habitual Debido a Enorme Caro Instalaciones Fbrica Algunos Cesta Por ejemplo Extranjero Producto Satisfecho Estar dormido Sede central Empresa madre De todas maneras Enfermo Le paso la llamada Descorts Para Extensin de garanta Cerca de aqu Quiz Turno de maana, tarde y noche Debera Previsin Ms de Educado


Lesson 1+2+3

Puesto de trabajo Actual Regalo Programa Rpido Desgraciadamente Secretara / administrativa Sector Servicio Muchos Facilidad Trabajador Vendedor Encuesta Horario Gua turstico (persona) Estacin de tren Insatisfecho Sueldo Calor Famoso Si Amplia gama de productos

Billete de ida --- billete de vuelta Abreviatura --- acrnimo Ventaja --- desventaja Letra mayscula --- minscula Que coopera --- que no coopera Corts --- descorts Enorme --- pequeo Simptico --- antiptico Amable --- antiptico Empresa matriz --- filial Anfitrin --- invitado Habitual --- no habitual Casado --- divorciado Persona --- gente Educado --- maleducado Profesional ---- no-profesional Vender productos --- vender servicios Rpido --- lento Satisfecho --- insatisfecho Vuelo regular --- vuelo no regular Ponente --- asistente (a un seminario) Gama alta --- gama media --- gama baja Bien vestido --- mal vestido Asiento de ventana --- de pasillo


Lesson 1+2+3

Prometer / promesa Acompaar Disculparse Organizar Llegar a (una ciudad) Preguntar / pregunta Ayudar Asistir, tener, escuchar (una reunin, ...) Tener derecho a un X% de descuento sobre Estar en forma Involucrarse Promocionar (de puesto de trabajo) Hacer un curso Pertenecer / formar parte de algo Reservar (un billete) Comprar Recoger Comprometerse a Competir --- competicin Quejarse / queja Consultar / comprobar Elegir / eleccin Tratar Exigir Hacer negocios por telfono o por fax Permitir Cambiar el producto --- devolver el dinero Expandir --- expansin Experimentar (diferencias culturales) Disminuir Averiguar Volar (a) Traer (una bebida) Mejorar --- empeorar Ponerse en forma Llegar (a casa) Hacer una presentacin sobre la empresa Hacer un tour (viaje) Tomar (una comida) Tener una reunin (con) Alquilar Aumentar --- disminuir Entrevistar (de trabajo) Invertir Entrar a trabajar en una empresa / apuntarse a un club / unirte a nosotros Mantener Sacar al mercado / lanzar una campaa publicitaria / lanzamiento


Lesson 1+2+3

Marcharse Acabar Informar(te) Gustar --- no gustar Querer decir (el segundo slo para siglas) Operar --- operacin Hacer un pedido (de un producto) Hacer un pedido (en general) Planear (un itinerario) Fabricar un producto --- ofrecer un servicio Poner en prctica Poner --- quitar Solucionar el problema Hacer cola Contratar --- un contrato Rechazar Reparar Solicitar Organizar (un seminario) Quedarse sin / agotarse Vender --- venta Dar la mano --- abrazar Encoger Derramar (un lquido) Sufrir jet lag Durar (un viaje) Devolver Hacer (una fiesta) Viajar en (medio de transporte) Aumentar de categora Visitar (una delegacin) Pesar / peso Utilizar, funcionar Trabajar en (nombre de la empresa) Trabajar bajo presin

En qu sector trabaja la empresa? La empresa pertenece al sector ... Ventas de anuncios Agricultura Agencia internacional de servicios de noticias Radiodifusin Industria cosmtica Empresa de transportes / envos Mrketing editorial Industria electrnica Igualdad


Lesson 1+2+3

Industria de la moda Empresa de comida rpida Empresa de servicios financieros Venta al por menor de comida Informacin tecnolgica Seguros Fabricacin (fabricacin de coches, ...) / fabricante Medio de comunicacin Compaa discogrfica Industria de la msica Industria minorista de la msica Empresa farmacutica Desarrollo de productos Costes de produccin Editorial Emisora de radio Compaa estatal Venta selecta al por menor Refrescos - alcoholes Ropa deportiva - ropa casual Telecomunicaciones Viajes Produccin de TV Vinos y alcoholes

Amrica Asia Australia Bahrein Blgica Brasil Gran Bretaa Canad China Dinamarca Europa Finlandia Francia Alemania Grecia Hungra Irlanda Italia Japn Kuwait Malta Mjico Nigeria


Lesson 1+2+3

Omn Pakistn Polonia Portugal Rusia Arabia Saudi Singapur Sudfrica Espaa Suecia Suiza Tailandia Holanda Turqua Vietnam


Lesson 4 Travelshooting

Vocabulary: (Your) view are keenly sought Analysis Appraisal programme Bank charge Board Car phone Clauses of purpose Dealership = showroom Fair deal First-class Founder Men (product) buyers = men customers Model Mystery shop Opportunity / ies Outsider Performance Petrol Priority Profit Profitable Realista Reputation Research Role = task Self-service machine Share average Shareholder --- A share Size of the project Spokesman/spokeswoman Strategy Strength / s Summarise SWOT Task Team That face the company Threat / s Trouble Trouble spots We should find ways to improve the situation quickly Weakness / es What the agency is all about Women (product) buyers = female customers Synonyms: (Tu) punto de vista se tiene muy en cuenta Anlisis Programa de evaluacin Comisin bancaria Junta de directores Telfono mvil de coche Expresiones de propsito Sala de exposicin y venta Trato justo, buena relacin calidad-precio Primera clase Fundador Clientes (hombres de X producto) Moda Cliente misterioso Oportunidad/es (Alguien) de fuera Funcionamiento Gasolina Prioridad Beneficio Rentable Realistic Reputacin Investigacin Papel, tarea Cajero automtico Tasa media Accionista --- una accin Tamao del proyecto Portavoz (hombre/mujer) Estrategia Fortaleza/s Resumen DAFO Tarea Equipo A los que la empresa tiene que plantar cara Amenaza/s Problema Sitios problemticos Debemos encontrar maneras de mejorar la situacin rpidamente Debilidad/es Todo sobre la agencia Clientes (mujeres de X producto)


Lesson 4 Travelshooting (Number) out of every (number) = (number) in (number) (Nmero) de cada (nmero) (product) dealer = (product) salesman/saleswoman = seller = Vendedor/a de (producto) supplier = provider Approach = behaviour Comportamiento Awareness = knowledge Conocimiento Benefit = advantage Ventaja Best known = most famous Muy conocido/a Contract Contrato Cost = expense Gasto Discussion = debate Conversacin Enough = sufficient Bastante, suficiente Excellent = outstanding Muy buena, excelente Fashionable = out-of-date De moda Fault = defect Defecto Faulty = defective Defectuoso Feature = characteristic Caracterstica Forward-looking = looking to the future Mirando al futuro Industry = area = field = sector Sector Known - well-known - best-known Conocido - muy conocido - el ms conocido Main = principle Principal Nowadays = currently = at the moment En este momento Right answer = correct answer Respuesta correcta Running = managing Hacer funcionar Temporary solutions = quick fixes Soluciones temporales, parches That is = that means = i.e. Esto es Troubleshooting = Finding solutions = Identifying problems and trying to solve them Encontrar soluciones Uninterested = not enthusiastic No interesado Unreliable = doesn't work No funciona Well financially = making a profit Sacar provecho Well-known = famous Conocida, famosa Antonyms: Senior management = boss --- junior management Soft sell --- hard sell There will be --- there should be Verbs: To achieve To aim To appoint = to recruit = to look for = to employ = to hire --- to fire = to dismiss = to sack To approach To attract = to appeal To avoid To become urgent To blame To cut = to reduce To encourage Conseguir Dirigir Coger personal / echar personal Aproximarse Atraer Evitar Ser urgente Culpar Reducir Animar Jefe --- mando intermedio Venta (normal) --- venta agresiva Habr --- debera haber


Lesson 4 Travelshooting To ensure = to make sure Asegurar(se) To feed back --- fed back Retroalimentar To get = to obtain Obtener To join = to become part of Unirse a, formar parte de To make up = to consist of Estar formado por / consistir en To meet the needs Cubrir las necesidades To participate / to take part --- a participation Participar --- participacin To plan effectively Planear de manera eficaz To pose as Hacer creer To put pressure Presionar To realise Darse cuenta To recommend - a recommendation Recomendar --- recomendacin To reduce costs --- to improve profits Reducir costes --- aumentar beneficios To set a goal = a target = an aim = an objective --- To achieve a goal ... --- To exceed a goal ... conseguir un objetivo --- exceder el objetivo Establecer un objetivo --To set up = to form = to establish = founded Crear To share Compartir To support (by) Subvencionar To switch = to change Cambiar To take seriously Tomar en serio To take the blame / Don't blame me Asumir la responsabilidad, la culpa / No me culpes a m To talk = to discuss = to speak Hablar To think ahead to prevent problems Pensar con antelacin para prevenir problemas To tour dealers = to visit dealerships Visitar delegaciones comerciales To waste time and money Malgastar tiempo y dinero


Lesson 4 Travelshooting

jorar la situacin rpidamente


Lesson 4 Travelshooting


Lesson 4 Travelshooting

r un objetivo --- exceder el objetivo

/ No me culpes a m


Lesson 5 Company History

Vocabulary: Annual report Asset Assets Assets and habilities Attitude Authority Board Bootmaker Customised Fashion Heading Household name Key dates in the company history Key development in the company history Outside Partnership Reliability Stall When did it all start? Synonyms: Almost = nearly Asset = skill = ability Award = prize Brandstretching = diversified Canned = tinned Company history = background Company literature = information about the company Content = happy = satisfied Film = movie Founder = person who started the company Further = more Office Supplies = stationery Sum = amount = quantitiy Throwaway = disposable Trust = charity Antonyms: Competing --- co-operating Disposable --- permanent Everyday --- exceptional Healthy --- weak Husband-to-be --- wife-to-be Truck = lorry --- van Competidor --- que coopera De usar y tirar --- permanente Todos los das --- excepcional Saludable --- dbil Futuro marido --- futura mujer Camin --- furgoneta Casi Facilidad, habilidad Premio Diversificado Enlatado Historia de la empresa Informacin acerca de la empresa Contento, feliz, satisfecho Pelcula Fundador Ms Papelera Cantidad Desechable, de usar y tirar Caridad; ONG Informe anual Proporcin Activos, bienes Activos y pasivos Actitud Autoridad Tabla Fabricante de botas Personalizado (para un cliente en concreto) Moda Ttulo Marca de un producto muy frecuente en el hogar Fechas clave en la historia de la empresa Desarrollo clave en la historia de la empresa Fuera Sociedad Fiabilidad Parada (tienda) Cundo empez todo?


Lesson 5 Company History Verbs: To adopt To be backed by = to be supported by To behave To bring together = to join To claim To cushion To do business = to conduct business To go on sale To injure To invest To merge with = to join ... and formed "X" To modify To negotiate To obtain a X% share in "X" To paint = to decorate To patent To refine = to improve = to rise = to go up = to increase To register To renew To renovate To roll(ed) off the line = to be manufacture(d) To stretch a brand = to diversify To take over = to acquire Adoptar (un nio, una costumbre) Estar respaldado por Comportarse Unir Pretender, querer conseguir Acolchar Hacer negocios Salir a la venta Daar Invertir Fusionar .... y crearon "X" Modificar Negociar Conseguir un X% de participacin en "X" Pintar, decorar Patentar Aumentar Registrar una empresa en el Registro Mercantil Cambiar algo viejo por algo nuevo Restaurar Salir fabricado de la cadena de produccin Diversificar Absorber


Lesson 6 Retailing

Vocabulary: A newspaper is a source of news Anywhere Bar chart Barcode Bargain Car park Competitive edge Consumer Credit card Checkout counter Dangerous Electrical appliances Elsewhere Enviromentally Filing cabinet Greeting Household Income Insurance policy Layout Middleman Nowadays Packaging Pie chart Playroom Product enviromentally sound Profit margin Pushchair Retail outlet Risky Shopassistant Shopkeeper Somewhere Store Storeroom Switchboard operator That's sound Till display Total sales - costs = profits / incomes Textiles & furnishing: Bed linen Blanket Bookcase Carpet Cushion


Lesson 6 Retailing Duvet Lamp Pillow Sheet Shelf Wooden table Retail outlet: Boutique Chain store Department store Hypermarket Shopping centre Specialist retailer Supermarket Direct sales (you don't go): Cash and carry Door-to-door sales E-commerce = electronic shopping Mail order TV sales How things are packaged: Packaging A ... of ... Bag Bar Bottle Box Can Carton Jar (of jam) Packet Tin (of tuna fish) Tub (of margarine) Synonyms: Advantages to buying = to buy = of buying Amazingly = incredibly An agent = a representative = a sales rep = salespeople Area = place Cash = money Checkout = till Crowded = busy Good value for money = good quality for the price


Lesson 6 Retailing Hard = difficult Income = profit = salary On the edge of a town or city = on the outskirts Outlet = point-of sale Rather than = instead of Reasonable prices = not very expensive Special offers = sales Total sales = turn over Way = manner Antonyms: A salesman --- a saleswoman Crisps --- chips Jam (of orange) --- marmelade (of other fruits) Margarine --- butter Up-to-date --- old-fashioned = out of date Verbs: To be proud To begin trading To buy in a shop = to buy at a shop To fill in an order form To prove To purchase = to buy = to shop To shop by the internet = to shop on the internet = to buy on the internet = e-commerce To shop from home To store To take it for granted To try on To try out the product To wrap


Lesson 6 Retailing

Un peridico es una fuente de noticias En cualquier sitio Grfico de barras Cdigo de barras Ganga Plaza de aparcamiento Ventaja competitiva Consumidor Tarjeta de crdito Mostrador de la caja del supermercado Peligroso Electrodomsticos En otro sitio Medioambiental Archivador Saludando Hogar, familia Ingreso/s Pliza de seguro Distribucin de los productos en la tienda Intermediario Hoy da Embalaje Grfico de quesito Sala de juegos Producto respetuoso con el medio ambiente Margen de beneficios Carrito de beb Mercado minorista Arriesgado Vendedor en una tienda grande Vendedor (y quiz dueo) de una tienda pequea En algn sitio Tienda, almacn pequeo Almacn Recepcionista de la centralita Est bien Pantalla de la caja registradora Ventas totales - costes = beneficios

Ropa de cama Manta Librera Alfombra Cojn


Lesson 6 Retailing Edredn Lmpara Almohada Sbana Estantera Mesa de madera

Boutique Cadena de tiendas Centro comercial (tipo El Corte Ingls) Hipermercado Centro comercial (tipo La Farga) Tienda especializada Supermercado

"Compra y llvatelo" Venta puerta a puerta Comercio electrnico Pedido por correo Venta por TV

Embalaje, envoltorio Un/a ... de ... Bolsa, bolso Tableta Botella Caja Lata (de refrescos) Tetrabrik Bote (slo de mermelada de naranja) Paquete Lata (horizontal con tapa, por ejemplo, atn) (Bote de plstico horizontal con tapa, por ejemplo, de mantequilla)

Ventajas de comprar (la 1 es una frase hecha) Increblemente Representante Recinto Dinero en efectivo Caja de supermercado Multitud Buena relacin calidad-precio


Lesson 6 Retailing Difcil Ingresos A las afueras Punto de venta En lugar de No muy caros Rebajas Ventas totales Manera, forma

Vendedor (hombre / mujer) Patatas fritas normales --- patatas fritas de bolsa Mermelada de naranja --- mermelada de otras frutas Margarina --- mantequilla De moda --- pasado de moda

Estar orgulloso Comenzar a hacer negocios Comprar en una tienda Rellenar un formulario Demostrar Comprar (la 1 es la ms formal) Comprar por internet Comprar desde casa Almacenar Dar algo por hecho Probarse rop Probar el producto Envolver un regalo


Lesson 1+2+3+4+5+6

Vocabulary: (hour) onwards (Your) view are keenly sought A (nationality) business person A newspaper is a source of news Account Accountant Additional services Amusement Analysis Annual report Anywhere Appointment Appraisal programme Arrangement definite As a rule Assembly Asset Assets Assets and habilities Attitude Authority Available Balance Bank charge Bar chart Barcode Bargain Beside Board Boat Bootmaker Brand / own brand Business card Business partner Car park Car phone Clauses of purpose Closely knit team Colleague - person who works with you or in the same field Comment Company policy Competitive edge Competitive market Competitor Consignment Consumer Contract


Lesson 1+2+3+4+5+6

Credit card Cup Customised Check-in attendant Checkout counter Check-out time Dangerous Dealership = showroom Delivery Desk --- table where sits someone to inform Detail Difficulty Electrical appliances Elsewhere Enviromentally Essential Estrange Explanation Fabric Fair deal Fashion Ferry Filing cabinet First name First-class Foreign business trip / Travel on business Founder Franchise Free customer helpline Free of charge Furthermore Glass Good value for money = good quality for the price Greeting Guarantee Heading Headline High / height Household Household name Income Industrial state Industry Instead of Insurance policy Itinerary I've got my car with me Key dates in the company history Key development in the company history Late night openings


Lesson 1+2+3+4+5+6

Layout Left (puesto al final de la frase) Live Local rate Loyal customer Men (product) buyers = men customers Method of transport Middleman Model Mug Mystery shop News article Nowadays Opportunity / ies Outside Outsider Overall understanding Packaging Partnership Performance Personal loan Petrol Pie chart Plane Playroom Politician Premises Priority Product enviromentally sound Production line Profit Profit margin Profitable Pushchair
Qualities of products = fantastic, great, marvellous, brilliant, super, wonderful, ...

Quotation (presupuesto) +- Budget (presupuesto destinado a X) R+D - Research and development departament Range of products / range of services Rate of exchange Realista Recruitment advert Reliability Reputation Request or suggestion box Research Respectful Retail outlet Return date Risky Role = task


Lesson 1+2+3+4+5+6

Safe Second name = surname Self-service machine Service industry Share average Shareholder --- A share Ship Shopassistant Shopkeeper Size of the project Social conventions Somewhere Spokesman/spokeswoman Stall Store Storeroom Strategy Strength / s Strike Successful applicant Successful company Suggestion Summarise Switchboard operator SWOT Team Thank goodness That face the company That's sound The flight takes / the flight is about x hours / the flight lasts ... Threat / s Till display Total sales - costs = profits / incomes Trade union / trades unions Train Transfer Trouble Trouble spots Up-to-date Vacancy Valuable We should find ways to improve the situation quickly Weakness / es Week after the following week What the agency is all about When did it all start? Women (product) buyers = female customers Synonyms:


Lesson 1+2+3+4+5+6

(Number) out of every (number) = (number) in (number) (product) dealer = (product) salesman/saleswoman = seller = supplier = provider A great deal = a lot A litte = a bit Ad = advert = advertise = advertisement = commercial Advantages to buying = to buy = of buying Advice = tip Aim = an objective = a target = a goal Almost = nearly All over the world = throughout the world = around the world Amazingly = incredibly An agent = a representative = a sales rep = salespeople Applicant = candidate --- someone who is applying for a job Approach = behaviour Area = place Asset = skill = ability Award = prize Awareness = knowledge Benefit = advantage Best known = most famous Bill +/- invoice Brand = make --- own brand Brandstretching = diversified Briefing notes = a report = papers Busy = occupied = engaged By phone = over the phone Call = telephoning Can I borrow? = Can you lend me? Canned = tinned Car mechanic = garage Cash = money Checkout = till Closing date = deadline Code of practise = set or rules --- so the customer knows what to expect from the company recording complaints, exchanges, Company = business = firm Company history = background Company literature = information about the company Content = happy = satisfied Convenient = suitable Cost = expense Crowded = busy Customer = client Customer care = customer service --- how companies take care of their customers. Customer loyalty = repeat business = buy again and again at the same store Discussion = debate = conversation Due to = because of Enormous = huge


Lesson 1+2+3+4+5+6

Enough = sufficient Excellent = outstanding Expensive = dearer Facilities = amenities = installations where the firm is ubicated. Factory = plant Fashionable = out-of-date Fault = defect Faulty = defective Feature = characteristic Few = some Film = movie Food hamper = basket For example = e.g.= such as= for instance = like Foreign = overseas = abroad Forward-looking = looking to the future Founder = person who started the company Further = more Good = product = item = thing Happy = satisfied Hard = difficult He is asleep = he sleeps Headoffice = headquarters (sta ltima siempre en plural) Holding company = parent company However = nevertheless Ill = sick I'll connect you = I'll put you through Impolite = rude = discourteous In order to = to Income = profit = salary Industry = area = field = sector Known - well-known - best-known - famous Lifelong guarantee = extended guarantee Locally = around here = near here Main = principle May = might Morning shift / afternoon shift / night shift Nowadays = currently = at the moment Office supplies = stationery On the edge of a town or city = on the outskirts Ought = should Outlet = point-of sale Outlook = forecast Over = more than Polite = courteous Post = job Present = current Present = gift Programme = scheme Quick = fast Rather than = instead of


Lesson 1+2+3+4+5+6

Reasonable prices = not very expensive Regretabbly = unfortunately Right answer = correct answer Running = managing Secretary = administrative assistant = clerk Service --- no-manufactured product Several = many = a lot of Special offers = sales Staff: personnel = employee = worker Sum = amount = quantitiy Survey = questionnaire Temporary solutions = quick fixes That is = that means = i.e. Throwaway = disposable Timetable = schedule Total sales = turn over Tour guide = courier Train station = railway station Troubleshooting = Finding solutions = Identifying problems and trying to solve them Trust = charity Unhappy = dissatisfied Uninterested = not enthusiastic Unreliable = doesn't work Wage = salary Warm = hot Way = manner Well financially = making a profit Whether = if Wide = full = broad (range) = a wide variety of goods = wide choice Antonyms: A salesman --- a saleswoman A single --- a return (ida y vuelta no existe se supone que si vas vuelves) Abbreviation --- acronym Advantage --- disadvantage / drawback Capital letter --- small letter Competing --- co-operating Co-operative --- uncooperative Courteous --- discourteous Crisps --- chips Disposable --- permanent Enormous / huge --- tiny Everyday --- exceptional Friendly --- unfriendly Healthy --- weak Helpful --- unhelpful Holding company / parent company --- subsidiary Host --- guest


Lesson 1+2+3+4+5+6

Husband-to-be --- wife-to-be Jam (of orange) --- marmelade (of other fruits) Loyal --- disloyal Margarine --- butter Married --- unmarried Person (singular) --- people (plural) Polite --- impolite Professional --- unprofessional Provide goods / supply goods --- provide services Quick / Fast --- slow Satisfied --- dissatisfied Schedule --- charter Senior management = boss --- junior management Soft sell --- hard sell Speaker --- delegate (to a seminar) There will be --- there should be Truck = lorry --- van Up-market --- middle-market --- down market Up-to-date --- old-fashioned = out of date Well-dressed --- badly-dressed Window seat --- aisle seat Verbs: To / a promise To accompany To achieve To adopt To aim To apologise = to say sorry To appoint = to recruit = to looking for = to hire = to employ = to take on --- to fire = to dismiss = to sack To approach To arrange = to organize To arrive in To ask = to enquire - inquiry To assist = to help To attend = to have = to hold = to go to = to listen to (a meeting, a conference, ...) To attract = to appeal To avoid To be backed by = to be supported by To be entitled to a X% discount on To be healthy = to fit To be involve To be promote To be proud To be training To become urgent To begin trading To behave


Lesson 1+2+3+4+5+6

To belong To blame To book = to reserve (a ticket) To bring together = to join To buy in a shop = to buy at a shop To claim To collect To commit to / commited to +ing To compete / competition To complain --- say you are dissatisfied / a complaint To cushion To cut = to reduce To check To choice To deal To demand To do business = to conduct business To do business by telephone or fax To enable To encourage To ensure = to make sure To exchange the product --- to get a refund To expand / expansion To experience cultural differences / Cultural differences = gaps To fall = to go down = to decrease = to drop To feed back --- fed back To fill in an order form To find out To fly out (to) To get (a drink) To get = to obtain To get better --- to get worse To get fit To get home = to arrive home To give a presentation on the company To go on (a tour) = To go sightseeing To go on sale To have (a meal) To have a meeting (with) To hire To increase = to rise = to go up = to get bigger = to improve = to refine --- to fall To injure To interview To invest To join (a company) / (a club) / to become part of / join us To keep To launch a product on the market / launch To leave


Lesson 1+2+3+4+5+6

To leave = to finish To let (you) know = to inform (you) To like --- to dislike To make up = to consist of To mean --- to stand for To meet the needs To merge with = to join ... and formed "X" To modify To negotiate To obtain a X% share in "X" To operate / operation To order (a product) To paint = to decorate To participate / to take part --- a participation To patent To place an order To plan (an itinerary) To plan effectively To pose as To produce --- to provide To prove To purchase = to buy = to shop To put into practice = to implement = to carry out To put on --- to take off To put pressure To put the matter right To queue = to line --- people who wait for something. To realise To recommend - a recommendation To reduce costs --- to improve profits To refuse = to reject To register To renew To renovate To repair = to mend = to fix To request To roll(ed) off the line = to be manufacture(d) To run = to organize (a seminar) To run out To sell --- sale To set a goal = a target = an aim = an objective --- To achieve a goal ... --- To exceed a goal ... To set up = to form = to establish = founded To shake hands --- embrace To share To shop by the internet = to shop on the internet = to buy on the internet = ecommerce To shop from home To shrink / shrank / shrunk To spill - spilled / spilt


Lesson 1+2+3+4+5+6

To store To stretch a brand = to diversify To suffer from jet lag To support (by) To switch = to change To take = to last To take back = to bring back = to return To take it for granted To take over = to acquire To take seriously To take the blame / Don't blame me To talk = to discuss = to speak To think ahead to prevent problems To throw = to have (a party) To tour dealers = to visit dealerships = to visit a subsidiary To travel by To try on To try out the product To upgrade To waste time and money To weigh / weight To work = to use To work for (name of the company) To work under pressure To wrap Companies activities / Sectors: In which sector / area / field does the company operate? The company operates in ... Advertisement sales Agriculture An international news service agency / a provider of news Broadcasting Cosmetics industry Delivery company = courier company = international carrier Editorial marketing Electronics industry Equality Fashion industry Fast-food company Financial service company Food retailing Information technology - IT Insurance Manufacturing (Car manufacture, ) / manufacturer Media Music company = record company Music industry


Lesson 1+2+3+4+5+6

Music retail sector Pharmaceutical company = drug company Product development Production costs Publishing Radio station Real estate Selective retailing Soft drinks --- spirits (alcohols) Sports wear --- casual wear Telecommunications Travel TV production Wines & spirits Nationalities: America - American Asia - Asian Australia - Australian Bahrain - Bahraini Belgium - Belgian Brazil - Brazilian Britain - British Canada - Canadien China - chinese Denmark - Danish Europe - European Finland - Finnish France - French Germany - German Greece - Greek Hungary - Hungarian Ireland - Irish Italy - Italian Japan - japanese Kuwatit - Kuwaiti Malta - Maltese Mexico - Mexican Nigeria - Nigerian Oman - Omani Pakistan - Pakistani Poland - Polish Portugal - portuguese Russia - Russian Saudi Arabia - Saudi Singapore - Singaporean South Africa - South African Spain - Spanish Sweden - Swedish


Lesson 1+2+3+4+5+6

Switzerland - Swiss Thailand - Thai The Netherlands = Holland - Dutch Turkey - Turkish Vietnam - Vietnamese Textiles & furnishing: Bed linen Blanket Bookcase Carpet Cushion Duvet Lamp Pillow Sheet Shelf Wooden table Retail outlet: Boutique Chain store Department store Hypermarket Shopping centre Specialist retailer Supermarket Direct sales (you don't go): Cash and carry Door-to-door sales E-commerce = electronic shopping Mail order TV sales How things are packaged: Packaging A ... of ... Bag Bar Bottle Box Can Carton Jar (of jam) Packet


Lesson 1+2+3+4+5+6

Tin (of tuna fish) Tub (of margarine)


Lesson 1+2+3+4+5+6

(Hora) en adelante (Tu) punto de vista se tiene muy en cuenta Hombre de negocios de (nacionalidad) Un peridico es una fuente de noticias Cuenta Contable Servicios adicionales Entretenimiento Anlisis Informe anual En cualquier sitio Cita Programa de evaluacin Cita definitiva Como norma general Montaje Proporcin Activos, bienes Activos y pasivos Actitud Autoridad Disponible Saldo Comisin bancaria Grfico de barras Cdigo de barras Ganga Al lado Tabla / junta de directores Barco grande Fabricante de botas Marca / marca blanca Tarjeta de visita Socio de negocios Plaza de aparcamiento Telfono mvil de coche Expresiones de propsito Equipo muy compenetrado Colega Comentario Poltica de privacidad de la compaa Ventaja competitiva Mercado competitivo Empresa de la competencia Envo Consumidor Contrato


Lesson 1+2+3+4+5+6

Tarjeta de crdito Taza Personalizado (para un cliente en concreto) Facturacin de equipaje Mostrador de la caja del supermercado Hora de marcharse (del hotel) Peligroso Sala de exposicin y venta Entrega Mostrador de informacin Detalle Dificultad Electrodomsticos En otro sitio Medioambiental Esencial Extrao Explicacin Tela Trato justo, buena relacin calidad-precio Moda Barco para transporte pasajeros Archivador Nombre de pila Primera clase Viaje de negocios (al extranjero) Fundador Franquicia Lnea telefnica gratuita de atencin al cliente Sin cargo Adems Copa, vaso Buena relacin calidad-precio Saludando Garanta Ttulo Titular Altura / alto Hogar, familia Marca de un producto muy frecuente en el hogar Ingreso/s Polgono industrial
(Empresa que fabrica productos. Por ejemplo, seguros no)

En lugar de Pliza de seguro Itinerario He trado mi coche Fechas clave en la historia de la empresa Desarrollo clave en la historia de la empresa Abierto hasta tarde


Lesson 1+2+3+4+5+6

Distribucin de los productos en la tienda Solamente En directo Tarifa urbana Cliente habitual Clientes (hombres de X producto) Medio de transporte Intermediario Moda Jarrilla Cliente misterioso Artculo de prensa Hoy da Oportunidad/es Fuera (Alguien) de fuera Conocimiento/s global/es Embalaje Sociedad Funcionamiento Prstamo personal Gasolina Grfico de quesito Avin Sala de juegos Poltico Local / edificio profesional (siempre en plural) Prioridad Producto respetuoso con el medio ambiente Cadena de produccin Beneficio Margen de beneficios Rentable Carrito de beb Muy bueno Presupuesto Departamento de investigacin y desarrollo Gama de productos o servicios Tipo de cambio Realistic Anuncio de oferta de empleo Fiabilidad Reputacin Buzn de sugerencias Investigacin Respetuoso Mercado minorista Fecha de vuelta Arriesgado Papel, tarea


Lesson 1+2+3+4+5+6

Caja fuerte Apellido Cajero automtico Empresa de servicios Tasa media Accionista --- una accin Barco grande Vendedor en una tienda grande Vendedor (y quiz dueo) de una tienda pequea Tamao del proyecto Convenciones sociales En algn sitio Portavoz (hombre/mujer) Parada (tienda) Tienda, almacn pequeo Almacn Estrategia Fortaleza/s Huelga Candidato idneo Empresa de xito Sugerencia Resumen Recepcionista de la centralita DAFO Equipo Gracias a Dios A los que la empresa tiene que plantar cara Est bien El vuela dura ... Amenaza/s Pantalla de la caja registradora Ventas totales - costes = beneficios Sindicato/s Tren Traslado Problema Sitios problemticos Actualizado Puesto de trabajo libre Objeto de valor Debemos encontrar maneras de mejorar la situacin rpidamente Debilidad/es Dentro de dos semanas Todo sobre la agencia Cundo empez todo? Clientes (mujeres de X producto)


Lesson 1+2+3+4+5+6

(Nmero) de cada (nmero) Vendedor/a de (producto) Mucho Un poco Anuncio publicitario Ventajas de comprar (la 1 es una frase hecha) Consejo Objetivo Casi Por todo el mundo Increblemente Representante Candidato Comportamiento Recinto Facilidad, habilidad Premio Conocimiento Ventaja Muy conocido/a Factura Marca --- marca blanca Diversificado Informe Ocupado Por telfono Telefonear Puedes prestarme? Enlatado Taller mecnico Dinero en efectivo Caja de supermercado Fecha tope Cdigo de conducta Empresa Historia de la empresa Informacin acerca de la empresa Contento, feliz, satisfecho Apropiado Gasto Multitud Cliente Servicio al cliente Cliente habitual Conversacin Debido a Enorme


Lesson 1+2+3+4+5+6

Bastante, suficiente Muy buena, excelente Caro Instalaciones Fbrica De moda Defecto Defectuoso Caracterstica Algunos Pelcula Cesta Por ejemplo Extranjero Mirando al futuro Fundador Ms Producto Satisfecho Difcil Estar dormido Sede central Empresa madre De todas maneras Enfermo Le paso la llamada Descorts Para Ingresos Sector Conocido - muy conocido - el ms conocido - famoso Extensin de garanta Cerca de aqu Principal Quiz Turno de maana, tarde y noche En este momento Papelera A las afueras Debera Punto de venta Previsin Ms de Educado Puesto de trabajo Actual Regalo Programa Rpido En lugar de


Lesson 1+2+3+4+5+6

No muy caros Desgraciadamente Respuesta correcta Hacer funcionar Secretara / administrativa Servicio Muchos Rebajas Trabajador Cantidad Encuesta Soluciones temporales, parches Esto es Desechable, de usar y tirar Horario Ventas totales Gua turstico (persona) Estacin de tren Encontrar soluciones Caridad; ONG Insatisfecho No interesado No funciona Sueldo Calor Manera, forma Sacar provecho Si (condicional) Amplia gama de productos

Vendedor (hombre / mujer) Billete de ida --- billete de vuelta Abreviatura --- acrnimo Ventaja --- desventaja Letra mayscula --- minscula Competidor --- que coopera Que coopera --- que no coopera Corts --- descorts Patatas fritas normales --- patatas fritas de bolsa De usar y tirar --- permanente Enorme --- pequeo Todos los das --- excepcional Simptico --- antiptico Saludable --- dbil Amable --- antiptico Empresa matriz --- filial Anfitrin --- invitado


Lesson 1+2+3+4+5+6

Futuro marido --- futura mujer Mermelada de naranja --- mermelada de otras frutas Habitual --- no habitual Margarina --- mantequilla Casado --- divorciado Persona --- gente Educado --- maleducado Profesional ---- no-profesional Vender productos --- vender servicios Rpido --- lento Satisfecho --- insatisfecho Vuelo regular --- vuelo no regular Jefe --- mando intermedio Venta (normal) --- venta agresiva Ponente --- asistente (a un seminario) Habr --- debera haber Camin --- furgoneta Gama alta --- gama media --- gama baja De moda --- pasado de moda Bien vestido --- mal vestido Asiento de ventana --- de pasillo

Prometer / promesa Acompaar Conseguir Adoptar (un nio, una costumbre) Dirigir Disculparse Coger personal --- echar personal Aproximarse Organizar Llegar a (una ciudad) Preguntar / pregunta Ayudar Asistir, tener, escuchar (una reunin, ...) Atraer Evitar Estar respaldado por Tener derecho a un X% de descuento sobre Estar en forma Involucrarse Promocionar (de puesto de trabajo) Estar orgulloso Hacer un curso Ser urgente Comenzar a hacer negocios Comportarse


Lesson 1+2+3+4+5+6

Pertenecer / formar parte de algo Culpar Reservar (un billete) Unir Comprar en una tienda Pretender, querer conseguir Recoger Comprometerse a Competir --- competicin Quejarse / queja Acolchar Reducir Consultar / comprobar Elegir / eleccin Tratar Exigir Hacer negocios Hacer negocios por telfono o por fax Permitir Animar Asegurar(se) Cambiar el producto --- devolver el dinero Expandir --- expansin Experimentar (diferencias culturales) Disminuir Retroalimentar Rellenar un formulario Averiguar Volar (a) Traer (una bebida) Obtener Mejorar --- empeorar Ponerse en forma Llegar (a casa) Hacer una presentacin sobre la empresa Hacer un tour (viaje) Salir a la venta Tomar (una comida) Tener una reunin (con) Alquilar Aumentar --- disminuir Daar Entrevistar (de trabajo) Invertir Entrar a trabajar en una empresa / apuntarse a un club / formar parte de algo / unirte a nosotros Mantener Sacar al mercado / lanzar una campaa publicitaria / lanzamiento Marcharse


Lesson 1+2+3+4+5+6

Acabar Informar(te) Gustar --- no gustar Estar formado por / consistir en Querer decir (el segundo slo para siglas) Cubrir las necesidades Fusionar .... y crearon "X" Modificar Negociar Conseguir un X% de participacin en "X" Operar --- operacin Hacer un pedido (de un producto) Pintar, decorar Participar --- participacin Patentar Hacer un pedido (en general) Planear (un itinerario) Planear de manera eficaz Hacer creer Fabricar un producto --- ofrecer un servicio Demostrar Comprar (la 1 es la ms formal) Poner en prctica Poner --- quitar Presionar Solucionar el problema Hacer cola Darse cuenta Recomendar --- recomendacin Reducir costes --- aumentar beneficios Rechazar Registrar una empresa en el Registro Mercantil Cambiar algo viejo por algo nuevo Restaurar Reparar Solicitar Salir fabricado de la cadena de produccin Organizar (un seminario) Quedarse sin / agotarse Vender --- venta Establecer un objetivo --- conseguir un objetivo --exceder el objetivo Crear Dar la mano --- abrazar Compartir Comprar por internet Comprar desde casa Encoger Derramar (un lquido)


Lesson 1+2+3+4+5+6

Almacenar Diversificar Sufrir jet lag Subvencionar Cambiar Durar (un viaje) Devolver Dar algo por hecho Absorber Tomar en serio Asumir la responsabilidad, la culpa / No me culpes a m Hablar Pensar con antelacin para prevenir problemas Hacer (una fiesta) Visitar delegaciones comerciales Viajar en (medio de transporte) Probarse ropa Probar el producto Aumentar de categora Malgastar tiempo y dinero Pesar / peso Utilizar, funcionar Trabajar en (nombre de la empresa) Trabajar bajo presin Envolver un regalo

En qu sector trabaja la empresa? La empresa pertenece al sector ... Ventas de anuncios Agricultura Agencia internacional de servicios de noticias Radiodifusin Industria cosmtica Empresa de transportes / envos Mrketing editorial Industria electrnica Igualdad Industria de la moda Empresa de comida rpida Empresa de servicios financieros Venta al por menor de comida Informacin tecnolgica Seguros Fabricacin (fabricacin de coches, ...) / fabricante Medio de comunicacin Compaa discogrfica Industria de la msica


Lesson 1+2+3+4+5+6

Industria minorista de la msica Empresa farmacutica Desarrollo de productos Costes de produccin Editorial Emisora de radio Compaa estatal Venta selecta al por menor Refrescos - alcoholes Ropa deportiva - ropa casual Telecomunicaciones Viajes Produccin de TV Vinos y alcoholes

Amrica Asia Australia Bahrein Blgica Brasil Gran Bretaa Canad China Dinamarca Europa Finlandia Francia Alemania Grecia Hungra Irlanda Italia Japn Kuwait Malta Mjico Nigeria Omn Pakistn Polonia Portugal Rusia Arabia Saudi Singapur Sudfrica Espaa Suecia


Lesson 1+2+3+4+5+6

Suiza Tailandia Holanda Turqua Vietnam

Ropa de cama Manta Librera Alfombra Cojn Edredn Lmpara Almohada Sbana Estantera Mesa de madera

Boutique Cadena de tiendas Centro comercial (tipo El Corte Ingls) Hipermercado Centro comercial (tipo La Farga) Tienda especializada Supermercado

"Compra y llvatelo" Venta puerta a puerta Comercio electrnico Pedido por correo Venta por TV

Embalaje, envoltorio Un/a ... de ... Bolsa, bolso Tableta Botella Caja Lata (de refrescos) Tetrabrik Bote (slo de mermelada de naranja) Paquete


Lesson 1+2+3+4+5+6

Lata (horizontal con tapa, por ejemplo, atn) (Bote de plstico horizontal con tapa, por ejemplo, de mantequilla)


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