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Voice over Sound The concept of sound is one of the most important factors in the development of human history,

and it also acts as the deciding factors in the advancement of he society and its sustenance in the ever-changing flux of this world. Sound is God!- this is the declaration of ancient texts. Sound is a travelling wave which is an oscillation of pressure transmitted through a solid, liquid, or gas, composed of frequencies within the range of hearing and of a level sufficiently strong to be heard, or the sensation stimulated in organs of hearing by such vibrations. Hearing impairment or deafness is a full or partial decrease in the ability to detect or understand sounds. An hearing impaired person or child is not physically handicapped. He/she is just disabled by one of the senses i.e hearing. Look at these little ones, they did not ask for it, but then that doesnt mean they are cursed. Rather they are specialy blessed and are capable of doing anythingthat any normal person like u and me can do. All they need is a special treatment and training from their early childhood as soon as the impairement is detected, thet need to be given special care and attention. Teaching and training an disabled person requires a lot of hard work and patience from the family, friends, the society and also the teachers. They can also learn to read and write and do things if we let them. Feeling pittyful for them is not the solution to the problem. If we really want to do something for them, then lets join our hands and do something for them. If not much, then t least we can support the ones who are already doing something for them Even they have the right to SMILE. Alone they can only smile, But together we can laugh. Alone they can only live, But togehther we can celebrate.

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