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Lesson 4 Allah's Knowledge and Divine Will

Objective for Lesson 4: is to learn of not only of the greatness and vastness of the knowledge of Allah but to realize that our knowledge is acquired and Allah is never in a state of not knowing and his knowledge is not created

Nothing escapes the knowledge of Allah taala. Allah knows all things hidden and those things done in the open. How does the knowledge of Allah relate to destiny and divine decree? All the attributes of Allah are beginningless and eternal. Allah willed all things exist and he sustains them. Allah not questioned with what he does. Nothing can change the command of Allah Alll things comes to be through Allah taala. Without Allah doesnt comes into existence and nothing is sustained. Nothing can change the decree of Allah Allahs Knowledge is not acquired Allah is never in a state of not knowing No limits to the knowledge of Allah Allahs seeing and hearing Allah knows that just that which is manifest, but He knows that which is hidden as well Qada( divine decree) of Allah is Allah specifying with his will according to knowledge Allah willing all things does not lift our responsibility

All the attributes of Allah beginningless eternal.

Allah knows all things hidden or things done in the open, Allah never he state of not knowing. So we should realize wherever we are and whatever we are doing Allah knows, and he only wills that which he knew would be What if opens the doors of the accursed devil Shaitan Nothing changes the command of Allah The will of Allah is absolute Submit to the will of Allah

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