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The Beginning of the fall down of Anna Hazare Movement

-Emmanuel As we described in the last edition, Pranab Mukerjee became the president of India. Its a cakewalk for Pranab as he got over 70% of total votes. The congress and the government did all the combinations and permutations very well. The congress is even able to get support from the opposition and BJP allies such as JD(U) and shiv sena. The central government provided financial packages of Rs.20, 000 crores for Bihar and Rs.90, 000 crores Uttar Pradesh governments for supporting pranab. Its like a bribe but dont think so, the government says it is a special development package. Anyhow, we got our new president who is highly experienced in administration. Dont think pranab will be a puppet or idle like our Ex.president Prathiba patil. Pranab, has his own values and style. He wont easily succumb to any pressure. Moving on, the burning topic for the coming month will be the Return of Anna and Lokpal. Its nearly a year ago, Anna hazare and his team made a huge impact across the country demanding lokpal bill. But within one year there are lots of questions raised about Team annas agenda. We will see for what they started the movement and where they stand now. Many say the Lokpal Bill movement is a lost cause. Others render support, but this will be the last chance for team anna to prove their point. Though from the beginning, it was a known fact that our elected representatives didnt want a strict lokpal on their head, but Anna made us to believe that powerful lawmakers can also be questioned in a democracy. But the way team anna started dictating things is highly unacceptable. Even a layman could feel that anna is going beyond the line when anna gave a deadline to parliament. The low turnout during Team Annas agitation in Mumbai and now in Delhi has raised some questions about Team Anna.

What really went wrong for anna hazare?

Anna Turning POLITICAL: One thing surprises me is Team anna has never raised any questions or objections to other political parties like BJP, BJD, JD (U),Shiv sena etc. Their only target is central government and congress party. Even BJP, SP had fielded lot of corrupt candidates in the recent five states elections but they didnt raise anything against them and strongly campaigned against congress candidates. This raises questions whether they work for BJP or they have any hidden agenda.

Trying to float political party & directionless:

Growing pressure within the team to form a political party ,Hazare's latest announcement that they can form a new 'people's party' to contest 2014 Lok Sabha elections.

Worrying times for anna hazare: directionless, confused, losing people support rapidly Disrespecting constitution: Another reason for the decline of the movement is Team Anna's fondness of questioning the authority of Parliament and criticizing Members of Parliament (MPs) which has reunited the politicians of different parties, some of whom otherwise were supporting the anti-corruption movement. But making mockery of Parliament by some Team Anna members in public, forced these politicians to rethink of their support to the team. False allegations on ministers: Most importantly the allegations, without any proof, which Team Anna is making on people like Pranab Mukherjee, who took over as President of India on July 25, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and Salman Khurshid, who have a clear image in front of the people and even Opposition, has somehow isolated the team from its supporters. The important member of team aravind khejrival said pranab is corrupt without any basic evidence; the timing of accusing pranab is clearly doubting everyone. He didnt rise voice when pranab campaigning for presidential election. But once he assumed the office of president, aravind came out with baseless allegations against him. This raises questions whether team anna is seeking attention of media, public by making false allegations. Finally on 28th august evening about 60 youngsters of team anna tried to enter into prime ministers residence 7RCR (race course road). They pelted stones inside PMs residence and started some bad activities. While asking about this anna hazare didnt answer. But he came out next day and said its out of anger. Its wondering a person calling himself as Gandhian and his movement as Gandhian movement doing these types of violence activities. Political observers say, its a plan to gain attention and trying to pull people for fast.

Last year he was an icon for the youth of the country and today the people seem to have deserted him. Is the common man bored or does he lacks the determination to fight for a just cause? Can the movement be allowed to fizzle out just because Team Anna appears to have an agenda of its own? However, it would be premature to write the obituary of the movement. The critical test would be revealed in the coming days based on the peoples response.

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