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Greater Rock Island County USBC

Application for Board Membership

Name: _______________________
Sex: M____ F_____
Address: __________________ City: _____________ State: ____________
Phone: Home_______________ Cell: _____________
Email: _________________________USBC Number: ____________
Current member of: (Circle One) Moline-East Moline BA Rock IslandMilan BA Rock Island-Moline-Milan WBA
Position you wish to be nominated for (Circle one)



(Note: to run for either President or Vice-President you must have served on
any of the previous boards for a minimum of 2 years)
Do you hold any league office? ______ If yes, what position and which
league? _________________________________________
What do you feel you have to offer the bowlers of the Greater Rock Island
County USBC?
By signing below, you are aware that you will be expected to attend monthly
meetings as called by the President, and make yourself available for all
tournaments that the GRIC USBC holds as well as being able to attend
Illinois State meetings which are out of town for a weekend as well as any
district functions that may come up.
Signed: __________________________________
Interviewed By:_______________
Nominating Committee Recommendation:________________________
Note: Applications must be received by March 1, 2013

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