List of The Skills (All 2 Digits Skills Listed)

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List of the skills (All 2 digits skills listed) skill10 = fire ball skill11 = fiery flame skill12 = earth

smash skill13 = twister skill14 = lightning strike skill15 = lightning scater skill16 = wind canon skill17 = whirlwind spin skill18 = fiery bird misile skill19 = fire vortek skill20 = fire spike wheel skill21 = fiery bird strike skill22 = water ball skill23 = water dragon vortek skill24 = refresh skill25 = water shark missile skill40 = Water Jet Cannon (lvl 7) skill42 = Rapid Kick (lvl 2 ) skill43 = Dragon Fist (lvl 3) skill44 = Earth Spike (lvl 6) skill45 = Wind Gust (lvl 7) skill46 = Wind Rush (lvl 8) skill47 = Explosive Giant Kunai (lvl 8) skill48 = Eart Erosion (lvl 7) skill49 = Dual Lightning Strike (lvl 8) skill50 = Earth Blast (lvl 8) skill51 = Water Impale ( lvl 8) skill52 = Rapid Kick (lvl 2) skill53 = Pillar of Flame (lvl 9) skill54 = Lightning Arrow Strike ( lvl 9) skill55 = Earth Boulder (lvl 9) skill56 = Twin Shark Missle (lvl 9) skill57 = Feather Illusion (lvl 9) skill58 = Refresh Rank 2 (lvl 5) skill59 = Golem Protection (lvl 10) skill60 = Water Renewal (lvl 10) skill61 = Swift Kick (lvl 11) skill62 = Cannonball Strike (lvl 9) skill63 = Earthen Fist (lvl 13) skill64 = Water Shark Burst (lvl 13) skill65 = Double Fire Arrow (lvl 13) skill66 = lighting shock skill67 = dager of wind skill68 = head kick

skill70 = double fireball skill71 = empowered laghting edge skill72 = double earth smash skill73 = double water brust skill74 = wind strom skill75 = fire whirl skill76 = lighting rays skill77 = earth rock bulder skill78 = water spears skill79 = multi fireball skill80 = multi fire ball skill81 = water sphere skill82 = watercuter skill83 = lighting spears skill84 = refresh rank 3 skill85 = blade of wind skill86 = helifire skill87 = llghting flash skill88 = earth absorpotion skill89 = water bundle skill90 = rapid upercut skill92 = wind piercing strike skill93 = raising fire first skill94 = sccater strom skill95 = earth first combo skill96 = dual water edge skill97 = wind edge chop skill98 = percing fire dancer skill99 = erten strike first Original Post From:

- spirit touch skill109 - assault kick skill108 - three combat rapid skill107 - water pressure canon skil106 - earth arm skill105 - lighting ball burst skill104 - explosive kunai formation skill103 - dual water cutter skill102 - dual water sphere skill101 - dual lighting spears skill100 - earthen strike first skill99 - piercing fire dance skill98

- wind edge chop skill97 - dual water edge skill96 - earth first combo skill95 - scatter storm skill94 - raising fire first skill93 - wind piercing strike skill92 - secret:amaterasu skill91 - rapid uppercut skill90 - water bundle (200 token) skill89 - lighting flash (200 token) skill87 - earth absorption (200 token) skill88 - hell fire (200 token) skill86 - blade of wind (200 token) skill85 - refresh(rank 3) skill84 - lighting spear skill83 - wind cutter skill82 - water sphere skill81 - earth spines skill80 - Water Renewal (200 token) skill60 - golem protection (200 token) skill59 - feather illusion (200 token) skill57 - evasion (200 token) skill39 - unkown (cant be used) skill37 - fire power (200 token) skill36 - lighting charge (200 token) skill35 - sexy girl transformation (100 token) skill4 - monkey transformation skill2 Original Post From:

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