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Topics iSeries Server: Introduction

Library & Object Concepts 2

1. CL Programming 2. Physical Files:

Logical Files: 4 Join Logical File: 5 Basic concept of RPG/400 6

String Functions

1.F Specifications 2.READ 3.WRITE

Screen Design Aid 9 1.Interaction with Display 2.File Processing Opcodes: 10

Database file and Display file interaction in RPG program. 11

Arrays And Tables


Data Area Concepts 13 Printer File Through O-spec 14 RLU(Report Layout Utility) 15

Exception Handling


Sub File 17 Sub File 18 Sub File 19 Sub File 20 SQL/400 21

Query/400 22

Advance DB2 23 Override Database CL 25 CL RPGILE 27 28 29-40 RPGILE COBOL/400



AS/400 Course Contents

Topics covered a. iseries History b. iseries Architecture c. Introduction to login screen d. Starting with programing

At The End of Session

a. Understand iSeries Architecture b Understand concept of iSeries Server c Understand the iSeries Hardware o Concept of LPAR o Concept of Server Consolidation d Connect to iSeries Server from Windows Desktop a Create a Library b Understand the concept of Library List. c Understand the part of Library List. d Commands related to Library. e Create the source Physical files. 1 a Create CL program b Use CL commands c Compilation of CL program d Commands related to files. e Use of MONMSG command 2 a Create a Physical file b Create a Logical file c Understand the concept of Physical files. d Understand the part of Logical files. e Commands related to files. a Create a Logical file b Understand the part of Logical files. c Commands related to files. d. work with spool file a Create a Join Logical file b Understand the types of Join Logical files. c Keywords related to files. a Understand the Calculation Specification. b Understand the Assignment operators. c Understand the Arithmetic Operators.

a Library creation b Library list c Parts of Library List d Source Physical files

1. a CL introduction b CL program introduction c Concept of CL commands d Concept of error handling 2. a Physical file creation b Logical file creation c Concept of Keyed & Sequential access d Commands related to files

a Logical file creation b Concept of Keyed & Sequential access c Commands related to files d. work with spool File a Join Logical file creation b Types of Join Logical File c Keywords related to files a RPG/400 Introduction. b Indicators in RPG/CL programming c Calculation Specification. d Assignment operators. e Arithmetic Operators.

a. IPN b. String Handling Opcodes.

a Details of F Specifications b Use of two physical files. c How to read from physical file. d How to write in Physical file. e How to call RPG program in CL. a Simple Screen Design

a.MOVE b. MOVEL c. CAT d. SUBST e. SCAN f. CHECK g. CHEKR h. XLATE. a Knowing F Specification. b How to code RPG program by defining PF file. c How to run RPG program in CL program.

a Understand the concept of Simple Screen Design

a Interaction with Display file b Figurative Constants c File Processing Opcodes

a How to Interact with Display file. b Understand Figurative Constants-*LOVAL, *HIVAL, *BLANK, *BLANKS, *ZERO, *ZEROS c Understand the various File Processing Opcodes like SETLL, SETGT, CHAIN, READE, READP, READPE, DELET, UPDATE

a Display Records b Add Records through display file c Update Records through display file e Delete Records through display file a E-specification (IPE) b Compile Time Array c Pre-Runtime Array d Runtime Array e Alternate Array f Compile Time Table g Pre-Runtime Table h Opcode Related to Array a Data area opcodes.

a Add Records b Update Records c Delete Records

a IPE b Arrays c Tables d Alternate Array and Alternate Tables e Opcode Related to Array:-MOVEA, SORTA, XFOOT

a Create a Data-Area b Understand the Data Area opcodes. a. IPO b. RPG logic Cycle c Level Break in printer files a. RLU b. Level Breaks in RLU Printer Files

a. Output-specification b. RPG Logic Cycle c. Printer file through O-spec d. Level Break a. Designing Printer File in RLU b. RPG Program for RLU Printer File c. Level Break in RLU Printer File

a. Input-specification(IPI,IPDS,IPJ) b. Data Area Data Structure c. File Information Data Structure (INFDS) d. File Exception/Error subroutine (INFSR) e. Program Status Data Structure f. Program Exception/Error subroutine (*PSSR) a.Load All Subfile b. Multipule Addition of Records c. Multipule Updation of Records d. Multipule Delectionof Records a. Expanding Subfile b. Multipule Addition of Records c. Multipule Updation of Records d. Multipule Delectionof Records a. Single Page Subfile b. Multipule Addition of Records c. Multipule Updation of Records d. Multipule Delectionof Records a.Window Subfile b. Program Message Queue c. Message Subfile a. SQL/400 b. Creaction of Table c. Updation of Table d. Deletion of Table e. Embedded SQL a. Query/400 b. Creation of Query c. Running of Query d. Updation of Query e. Level Breaks a. Data Base Constraints b. Journaling c. Commitment Control d. Triggers a. Override DataBase b. Open Query File a. Built -in functions b. Operators in CL a. Tfrctl b. File Handling a. Introduction b. Built In Fuction c. Date and Time Data Types a. Procedure and Sub Procedure

a.Data Area Data Structure b.File Information Data Structure (INFDS) c.Program Status Data Structure

a. Understand the Load All subfile and its function

a. Understand the Expanding subfile and its function

a. Understand the Single Page subfile and its function

a.Window Subfile b. Message Subfile a. SQL/400 b. Embedded SQL

a.Understanding the Query/400 and its function

a. Data Base Constraints b. Journaling c. Commitment Control d. Triggers a. Override DataBase b. Open Query File a. CAT,BCAT,TCAT,SST b. Arithmatic operators, Logical operators and relational operators a. Tfrctl b. File Handling a. Understanding Of Basic Concepts RPGILE b. Built In Fuction c. Date and Time Data Types a. Understanding Procedure and Sub Procedure

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