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Week 1

Basics of Android

ANDROID Eclipse DDMS Activity LifeCycle Mainfest File Locales Drawables Listeners Supporting Multiple Screens 2 hrs Live Class on Sunday

Week 2
Android Layouts and Widgets

(Layouts) Linear Layout Relative Layout Table Layout Grid View List View (Widgets) Toggle Buttons Checkboxes Radio Buttons Radio Group Spinner Autocomplete TextView Web Views 2 hrs Live Class on Sunday

Week 3
Communication and Media

(Widgets Continued) Date Picker Time Picker

(Communication Between Activities) Intents Bundle Switching between Activities Shared Preferences Notifications in Android (Media in Android) Media Player Video Player 2 hrs Live Class on Sunday

Week 4
Storage Techniques and Animation in Android

(Storing Information on the device) Internal Storage External Storage (Animation in Android) Frame animation Tween animation Canvas Paint and Path 2 hrs Live Class on Sunday

Week 5
Web Services and Customizations of Widgets

HTTPClient HTTPResponse JSON Tweeter App with JSON Async Task Customizing a button Customizing Spinners Customizing ListView Customizing GridView 2 hrs Live Class on Sunday

Week 6
Advanced Android Concepts

Starting Activity For Result SQLite Database SQLite Data Types SQLiteOpenHelper Class Content Values Cursor Content Providers Publish your App on Google Play 2 hrs Live Class on Sunday

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