ARTH 2531: Monuments of World Art: Professor Julia C. Fischer

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Fall 2012

ARTH 2531: Monuments of World Art

Professor Julia C. Fischer

Betty Foy Sanders Department of Art, College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences, Georgia Southern University Ofce: Arts 2001 Virtual Ofce Hours via Skype or Google Chat: Monday 8:15-10:15 and Wednesday 12:15-2:15 (Skype username: julia.c.scher) Email: Please only email me through Folio Voicemail: 912-478-7355 (the best way to contact me is via email) Class Facebook Account: Course Description and Objectives 3 credit hours; prerequisites: none This class will introduce you to a selection of monuments of art history spanning more than 20,000 years from the Paleolithic Age through the 20th century. In this course we will have the opportunity to study a diverse range of people, places, events, and periods through the works of art they produced. Through art we can have a greater understanding of the way an artist perceived the emotional, spiritual, sociological, and political issues of his or her world. This course is designed to teach you to actively look at and think about art, as well as to discuss and analyze art and architecture as the products of particular historical and cultural periods and as aesthetic objects. In addition, learning to look at works of art produced in past historical and cultural periods encourages the practice of critically looking at ne art and popular media produced in our own time and cultures. Specically, in this course, students will: Develop an appreciation and understanding of art. Acquire a working knowledge of the specialized vocabulary used in art history Become familiar with key works of art, their artists, styles, materials, and working methods as well as their link to historical and religious events Enhance your visual literacy and critical thinking skills Required Readings on the Course Website ( There is no required textbook for this course. All of the readings can be found on Professor Fischers website. The readings are listed under the class schedule and all readings should be completed before that lecture. Useful Websites for Study An online art history textbook for students: For a glossary: or Art History Resources on the Web: Explore some of the worlds greatest museums via virtual tours: Course Structure This course contains learning modules. Each module represents a unit of instruction. Everything you need for the instruction is lo acted inside each module. There is also a a detailed explanation of the tools in Folio located in the Course Structure link in the Course Orientation - Start Here area of this course.
Monuments of World Art - Fall 2013 1

Art Appreciation
Tutorials for Folio are located on your Folio main page, and there is a help link located in the upper right-had corner of the Folio course. Online Learning Commitment Expectations You will not be successful in this course if you are not disciplined enough to regulate the time you spend on the course. Online learning requires the learner to take more responsibility in the learning process. Students must be motivated and responsible for keeping up with understanding what is expected and stay on task with due dates for readings, assignments, and other activities. You need to log into the course on a daily basis to check for messages and other important information. Do NOT wait until the last minute to do work that requires you to submit by a due date. Please know, too, that Folio goes down for maintenance on a regular basis; you'll nd that information--Folio Maintenance Schedule--on the Folio home page where your courses are listed. Technical Support General Technical support information is located in the Course Structure link in the Course Orientation Start Here area of this course. Netiquette Because online communication generally lacks visual cues common to face-to-face interactions, you are expected to follow these standards. Netiquette is a combination of Network Etiquette. Please abide by the following netiquette rules when communicating with your instructor and peers in this class. Be sensitive and reective to what others are saying. Don't use all caps. It is the equivalent of screaming. Don't ame - These are outbursts of extreme emotion or opinion. Think before you hit the post (enter/reply) button.You can't take it back! Don't use offensive language. Use clear subject lines. Don't use abbreviations or acronyms unless the entire class knows them. Be forgiving. Anyone can make a mistake. Keep the dialog collegial and professional. How I Conduct this Class Each week, you are responsible for completing all the readings, videos, quiz, discussion, and assignment. Typically, each module begins with a short introduction to the topic we will be examining. Then, you will proceed to the course website to read all of the entries and watch all the videos that are listed under that particular topic. With this foundation established, you will then be required to take a short quiz (ten questions). The next portion of the module consists of your participation in discussions and your assignment. For the discussion, you will receive instructions to think about a pertinent topic and you will interact and participate with your peers in your exploration of this issue. Finally, at the end of each module you are required to complete an assignment. Response Times Students can expect responses as follows: Email: within 12-15 hours Discussion posts: within 48 hours Assignment grades: within 72 hours of submission date. Exceptions: Response times on weekends and holidays may vary

Monuments of World Art - Fall 2013

Art Appreciation
Course Requirements The nal grade for this course will be based on ve weighted evaluations: 1.)
Quizzes (13): 25% 2.)
Discussions (13): 10% Assignments (12): 25% Projects (2): 20% Exams (2): 20%

The grading scale I employ is a traditional 100% system: A = 90-100%, B = 80-89%, C = 70-79%, D = 60-69%, F = 59% and below. I will not respond to emails asking me what your current grade is so keep track of it yourself. Assignments are a large portion of your grade (25%). These assignments require you to go out into the world and seek out works of art which you will examine closely and write about. For example, during the course of the semester you will nd advertisements or commercials online that take a famous work of art as its inspiration, you will investigate a religious structure in your community, and you will even explore contemporary political imagery (among many other things). In addition to nding these materials, you are also often required to write a short summary and reaction to your ndings and relate the assignment to what you learned that week. In addition to your weekly Assignments, at the middle and end of the course you are required to submit two projects. First, you will write a paper or create an audio-accompanied powerpoint which will be a visual analysis of a particular work of art you have examined closely in the Google Art Project. For your second project, you will write a paper, create an audio-accompanied powerpoint, voicethread, or xtranormal presentation which discusses the chronology of the history of art from the prehistoric period to the twentieth century. Because this course is arranged thematically, it is important that you also are aware of the arrangement of the periods and cultures we are covering. Please note: For each assignment or project, you must use the module dropbox for submissions. No late assignments or projects will be accepted. Your participation in Discussions for each module is worth 10% of your total overall grade. For each module, you will post your thoughts and reactions to a particular issue that relates to the material that you have just learned. For each discussion thread, you must post your own reaction as well as a response or comment to another students reaction. Two exams will be given, a Midterm and a Final. You will have one hour and fteen minutes to complete each exam and it must be completed on a particular day (see Folio). Study guides will be posted on Folio about a week prior to the exam. The exams are not cumulative. That is, each exam only covers the information from that particular unit. However, be aware that in this eld the student is building up a comprehensive set of ideas that must be brought to bear on any given exam. Thus concepts and vocabulary will be in use and tested throughout the semester. Exams will consist of the following: multiple choice, true/false, and matching questions.

Monuments of World Art - Fall 2013

Art Appreciation
There will be no make-up exams unless an extremely unusual circumstance prevents you from taking the testand even then only if you have contacted me before the test and can provide appropriate documentation. If you are granted and excused an absence for the exam (due to serious illness, for example), the make-up exam will be a different format than the regular exams. It is your responsibility to request and make an appointment for a make-up exam if you are granted an excused absence. Students who miss an exam without being excused will receive a zero. Start and End Date and Date of Finals for this Class What are the start and end dates and nals date for this class? Holidays List the holiday dates for this class. Dropping this Class What is the nal day to drop this class? IMPORTANT: An impending graduation date, a Hope or other scholarship which requires the maintenance of a particular GPA, or the GPA requirement for admission to an academic program of study will not earn you a passing grade in this course. While it does seem to be the trend nowadays, there will be no negotiation of changing a nal grade you will meet with no success. I do not give grades your grade will be evaluated solely on the scores you earn on your exams and assignments. While I am happy to meet with you to help you nd ways to improve your scores, do not wait until the end of term to contact me as this will almost certainly be too late. If you believe I have made a mistake in my calculations, please contact me, and I will be happy to review your grade. Academic Dishonesty Policy The Georgia Southern University Honor Code states: I will be academically honest in all of my course work and will not tolerate the academic dishonesty of others." No cheating; no plagiarism. If you are uncertain what constitutes cheating and plagiarism, these topics are covered in your student handbook, and you are expected to be familiar with them. As members of the campus community, students are encouraged to actively support academic honesty and integrity in the classroom. Any occurrences of cheating and/or plagiarism will be prosecuted to the fullest extent possible. Accommodations for Disability: Georgia Southern University is an Equal Opportunity and Afrmative Action institution committed to providing reasonable accommodations for any person with a disability who meets the denition of disabled as described in the Americans with Disabilities Act. Students requiring academic accommodation should contact the Director of the Student Disability Resource Center for assistance at (912) 478-1566. If you have a disability that requires academic accommodations, you must register with and provide documentation to the Student Disability Resource Center and provide a letter to me during the rst week of classes from the SDRC indicating what form of accommodation you require. Do not wait until the day of the exam to notify me and expect me to make these accommodations it is logistically impossible. The schedule and procedures listed in this syllabus are subject to change as I deem necessary. This syllabus is an agreement between the professor and student to respectively provide and complete a worthy learning experience. By remaining a registered student in this course, the student has identied their understanding of the obligations set forth in this syllabus for satisfactory completion of the course.

Monuments of World Art - Fall 2013

Art Appreciation

Class Schedule with Activity Due Dates

Date Course Orientation Module 1

Topic or Assignment Due (Due Dates are in red) Introduction to the Course Art and Sacred Architecture

Required Readings (

Read the introduction and all the entries under Sacred Architecture Instructions on Folio

Module 1

Quiz Due: Discussion Posts Due: Assignment Due: Art and Sacred Imagery

Module 2

Read the introduction and all the entries under Sacred Imagery Instructions on Folio

Module 2

Quiz Due: Discussion Posts Due: Assignment Due: Art and Classical Mythology

Module 3

Read the introduction and all the entries under Classical Mythology Instructions on Folio

Module 3

Quiz Due: Discussion Posts Due: Assignment Due: Art and Death

Module 4

Read the introduction and all the entries under Death Instructions on Folio

Module 4

Quiz Due: Discussion Posts Due: Assignment Due: Art and Commemoration

Module 5

Read the introduction and all the entries under Commemoration


Monuments of World Art - Fall 2013

Art Appreciation
Date Module 5 Topic or Assignment Due (Due Dates are in red) Quiz Due: Discussion Posts Due: Assignment Due: Art and Politics Required Readings ( Instructions on Folio

Module 6

Read the introduction and all the entries under Politics Instructions on Folio

Module 6

Quiz Due: Discussion Posts Due: Assignment Due: Art and War Quiz Due: Discussion Posts Due: Assignment Due: Midterm and Project 1 Midterm Available: Project 1 Due: Art and the Nude

Module 7 Module 7

Read the introduction and all the entries under War Instructions on Folio

Module 8 Module 8 Module 9

Instructions on Folio Read the introduction and all the entries under Nude Instructions on Folio

Module 9

Quiz Due: Discussion Posts Due: Assignment Due: Art and Nature

Module 10

Read the introduction and all the entries under Nature Instructions on Folio

Module 10

Quiz Due: Discussion Posts Due: Assignment Due: Art and Imagination

Module 11

Read the introduction and all the entries under Imagination

Monuments of World Art - Fall 2013

Art Appreciation
Date Module 11 Topic or Assignment Due (Due Dates are in red) Quiz Due: Discussion Posts Due: Assignment Due: Art and the Everyday Required Readings ( Instructions on Folio

Module 12

Read the introduction and all the entries under Everyday Instructions on Folio

Module 12

Quiz Due: Discussion Posts Due: Assignment Due: Art and the Home

Module 13

Read the introduction and all the entries under Home Instructions on Folio

Module 13

Quiz Due: Discussion Posts Due: Assignment Due: Art and Challenging Traditions

Module 14

Read the introduction and all the entries under Challenging Tradition Instructions on Folio

Module 14 Module 15 Module 15

Quiz Due: Discussion Posts Due: Final and Project 2 Final Exam Available: Project 2 Due:

Instructions on Folio

Monuments of World Art - Fall 2013

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