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at the Fountain City Art Center

213 Hotel Avenue Knoxville, Tennessee 37918

Our Purpose
The Parkside Open Door Gallery was created in October, 2004, to encourage local artists to display and sell their work. (Parkside, because we are located beside the Fountain City Park. Open Door, because we are open to all artists in the area.) There are many talented artists in our community, but often they are overlooked. Some may lack marketing skills and opportunities, while others may lack the self-confidence to show their work. The Gallery is located inside the Fountain City Art Center, itself a public, non-profit facility offering a variety of creative visual art experiences, from exhibits to classes. The Center is also a meeting place for sharing points of view, encouraging and inspiring one another. The traffic generated by the Art Center provides a ready market for the Gallery artists. The Gallery continues to be a living, growing organism composed of and controlled by the members of the community for whom it was designed.


at the Fountain City Art Center
213 Hotel Avenue Knoxville, Tennessee 37918

Standards and Criteria for Membership

All artwork submitted to the Gallery will be reviewed by the membership of the Gallery according to the following criteria: Originality/Creativity - No copies, please. New ideas, methods or subject matter Artistic Ability - Skillful use of media Overall Quality of Execution- Consistency from piece to piece Subject Matter - Appealing visually, suitable for family viewing Appeal and Impact- Overall pleasing or thought-provoking For Paintings/Drawings/Other 2-D Art: Composition: Good use of space, darks/lights, other good design principles Presentation: Frames and/or mats should enhance artwork, not overpower it Prospective members should present 3-4 representative examples of their work prior to the quarterly membership meetings. Meetings are held the second Tuesdays of January, April, July and October. The work will be reviewed by the members, and prospects will be notified within a week after the meeting. A fee of $25.00 per quarter is charged for membership in the Gallery with an additional commission of 30% for artwork sold. A contract must be signed before any work can be accepted. As a rule, three pieces per artist will be accepted for hanging. The number of 3-D works depends on space available. Artists may also offer matted originals or prints of their work in bins, providing they are properly shrink-wrapped. All art for hanging must be properly framed (except gallery-wrapped canvasses) and wired. Plexiglass is preferred, as the Gallery cannot be responsible for broken glass. For more details see Guidelines and Contract for Parkside Open Door Gallery.


at the Fountain City Art Center
213 Hotel Avenue Knoxville, Tennessee 37918

Guidelines and Contract

Submitting Artwork 1. Our purpose is to showcase local talent. We accept work from Knoxville and the surrounding counties. 2. Bring 3 to 4 examples of your work to the Gallery before a membership meeting (second Tuesday of January, April, July and October). The members present at the meeting will evaluate your submissions and notify you with the results. 3. At times, the Gallerys space may be filled. If this is the case, you should put your name and contact information on the waiting list. As space becomes available, artists will be contacted according to the order in which they signed up. 4. All work submitted for jurying or for sale must be original work by the artist. (We do welcome prints of an artists original work, properly packaged and shrink-wrapped. Prints are placed in bins, not hung.) 5. At this time we are considering the following categories: two-dimensional works in all media, stained glass, photography, sculpture, pottery, jewelry, dishware, handmade clothing, stationery. Other items considered on a case-by-case basis. 6. Once your work has been accepted, you should not have to go through the process every time you change out your work. However, if the quality and nature of your work is not up to the standard of your originally submitted pieces, the Gallery reserves the right to refuse to display it. Display Requirements 1. When you bring your artwork for display, check with the staff on duty. If needed, request sales tags and fill out the form detailing all necessary information about your work (title, medium, size, price, etc.). 2. Staff will either hang or place your work or assist you. 3. 2-D work to be hung should be framed (except gallery-wrapped canvas). You MUST use picture frame wire of sufficient strength to support the weight of the work. The wire should be attached to the frame 1/3 of the way from the top. 4. Matted work should be shrink-wrapped or the equivalent with heavy board. These will be kept in bins with prints unless appropriate hanging materials are provided. 5. You can display three 2-D works for hanging or three sculptures with the following exceptions: 2-D work should not exceed 30" x 40"framed or matted. If one or more works exceed this size, only two can be displayed. If all your 2-D work is under 10" x 12" framed or matted, then you may submit more pieces. With 3-D work, the number of pieces will be determined by size. If your work is unusually large, the number displayed may be restricted. 6. You may also place up to five additional pieces in the display bins. These may be prints of your original work properly packaged. Replacing Work each Quarter We want to provide visitors (customers) to the Gallery with new and exciting art as often as possible. Therefore, we ask that you change out your work every 3 months. Also, as you sell pieces, you can bring in new work to replace those items. Work in the bins do not have to be replaced every quarter.

Fees and Contract 1. If your work has been accepted and you are ready to exhibit, you will need to sign the attached contract. You agree to display your work and pay fees quarterly for one year. You can automatically renew the contract at the end of the year. 2. You will pay $25.00 per quarter beginning with your first display items. Future payments are due at the beginning of each quarter when you change out your work. Your quarter is based on when you begin to display. Expect a phone call if you do not come by the Gallery at the end of the quarter to pay up and change out your work. Your work will be removed from display within five days if there is no response. 3. Unlike most co-ops, we do not require members to become part of the volunteer staff. However we do offer the opportunity to earn credit towards your fees (after the first quarter) by volunteering your time. You should thoroughly read the Guidelines for Volunteers before you decide. There is more than just sitting at the desk. Insurance for your Artwork The Art Center has limited insurance for property of others. Most Galleries, remember, make no guarantees, but wed like to at least partially compensate our members against damaged or stolen work.In the event of a fire or other catastrophe which causes the loss of all work simultaneously, we will have to divide the coverage fairly among all participating artists. Your compensation would be considerably smaller in such a case. Otherwise, we will cover your work for 70% of its sale price or up to $500.00 per work, providing that no doubt exists about the legitimate nature of the loss or damage. Sales Commission After expenses, the Gallery gives 100% of all fees and commissions to the Fountain City Art Center. If we sell a piece of your art, you will receive a check for 70% of its sale price within a month of the sale. The Gallery retains 30%. You are responsible for reporting your earnings to the appropriate government departments.


at the Fountain City Art Center
213 Hotel Avenue Knoxville, Tennessee 37918

Contractual Agreement between the Parkside Open Door Gallery, Inc., located in the Fountain City Art Center, and _______________________________________ (full legal name of the artist). I have read the complete Guidelines and Contract for the Gallery and agree to abide by all the stated conditions for displaying and selling my artwork. Today is ________________________ (month, day, year), which is the beginning of my first quarter of display and the date of my first fee payment of $25.00. I agree to display my work and pay quarterly fees for one full year.

Signature of Artist: ___________________________________ Date:____________________

Signature of two members of the Gallery or other qualified staff on duty: ___________________________________ Date:____________________ ___________________________________ Date:____________________ Two copies of the above contract will be signed. The artist will retain one copy and the second will be kept with the records of the Gallery.

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