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Vacuum Dewatered Flooring

This specification defines the material, mixing, placing, curing, constructional and other performance requirements for VACUUM DEWATERING CONCRETE SYSTEM for concrete floor slab. Any other special requirements shown or noted on the drawings and directed by the Engineer-in-Charge shall govern over the provision of this specification. Actual work shall be Carrie out in accordance with this specification and in consultation with specialized firm undertaking the job to suit specific requirement at site such as rise and fall of the floor slab, providing dowels for pedestals etc. In case of conflict between clauses mentioned in this specification and those in any Indian Standard, this specification shall grown. MATERIAL: All materials of construction like cement, aggregate, sand, water etc. GRADE OF CONCRETE: Minimum grade of concrete used shall be M15 conforming to IS-456. Only Design Mix Concrete shall be used. For other details like proportioning, batching, mixing, placing, curing etc. WATER-CEMENT RATIO: Water-cement ratio unto 0.65 shall be allowed to obtain better slump & workability. Actual ratio shall be decided with approval of the Engineer-in-charge. Only measured quantity of water shall be used in the mix. SPECIAL REQUIREMENT: All works covered by this specification shall be carried out by an experienced agency having sufficient expertise in vacuum dewatering concrete system. Only skilled and experienced operators shall be employed for the purpose. Prior approval of the agency shall be obtained from the Engineer-in-Charge before starting the work. All the equipment shall be of approved and proven types and suitable for the work involved. CONCRETE LAYING: Concrete laying pattern shall be decided in consultation with the Engineer-in-Charge and with his approval. The maximum width of a slab strip shall not generally exceed 4 meters and minimum number of construction joints shall be used. Alternate slab strips shall be sequentially laid. Any damage to the already finished top surface shall be avoided. At construction joints no overflow of mortal or slurry on the already hardened surface shall be allowed while concreting the intermediate slab strip. Such construction joints shall be marked with a thread in a straight line while the concrete is still green. Continuity of reinforcement shall be maintained while laying concrete in slab strips. Edges at expansion joints shall be protected and proper arrangement of shear-transfer shall be provided standards.

CONCRETE COMPACTION: After placing concrete in position, it shall be vibrated thoroughly using poker/needle vibrators and thereafter leveled with surface vibrators to produce a homogeneous and smooth concrete surface. In order to achieve a smooth surface to the satisfaction of the Engineering-in-Charge, surface vibrators shall be very carefully used by skilled operators. Over vibration resulting in excess mortar near the surface shall be avoided. DE WATERING: Suction mats shall be spread over the leveled fresh concrete surface and shall be connected by suction hose to the vacuum pumps for De-watering of surplus water in the concrete. During De-watering it shall be ensured that no cement/cement slurry is pumped out. FLOATING & TROWELING: This shall be done after De-watering by using skim floater(power floater. After this, surface shall be toweled with minimum two passes of power trowel to achieve a wear resistant surface to the satisfaction of the Engineer-in-Charge. CURING: However, all care shall be taken to avoid any stain any permanent stain on the surface. Any stain or permanent marking on the top surface shall be removed by approved means. APPROACH WORKING PLATFORM & FORM WORK: The Contractor shall arrange all arrange all approaches, scaffolding, working platforms etc. for carrying out the entire operation safely and in a work-man-like manner. The working area shall be nearly maintained and all the facilities required by the Engineer-inCharge for proper supervision of the work shall be provided. TESTING OF FINISHED FLOOR: Contractor shall arrange for core cutting and testing of finished concrete over and above other field tests. Cores shall be taken after 28 days of concreting and tested as per relevant IS Codes. Core test results shall be compared with the normal cube test results taken from the same concrete. The average compressive strength of cores shall be minimum 40% higher than that of normal cube (15cm x 15cm x 15xm) test results. Minimum three cores for each day's work in the initial stages and as decided later by the Engineer-in-Charge shall be taken. The floor shall be properly rectified after cutting the cores with concrete of same mix using the same cement as earlier used and finished smoothly to match with the existing surface. The cut surface of the floor-concrete shall be coated with proper epoxy-based bonding compound before laying concrete to avoid shrinkage cracks or, alternatively, a non-shrink compound shall be added with concrete. Contact us for buying the vacuum dewatering set. A-55, GT Karnal Road Industrial Area- Delhi-110033 Web: Mob: 9911855522, Ph:011-64727434

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