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Order the sports in this table below (you have an example done): PLAY rugby Swimming GO karate DO

PARTS OF THE BODY: Translate into Spanish these words.

Face Hair Neck Arm Leg Head Back Nose Ear Fingers Toe Foot Hand Eye

Can you classify the words in the correct category? HEAD BODY

GRAMMAR Circle the correct answer :

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. I plays / play tennis every afternoon. My parents live / lives in Ramat-Gan. Tom listens / listen to the radio in the morning. We eat / eats eggs for breakfast every morning. My dog barks / bark at night. Mrs. Gold sweep / sweeps the stairs once a week. My brother never watches / watch television. My family go / goes to the beach together in the summer. I often eat / eats dinner at my grandmothers house.

10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.

Sharon do / does her homework regularly. They takes / take a bath daily. You seldom listen / listens in class. Dana and Liat goes / go to the swimming pool every afternoon. I never hurt / hurts my cat. He never finish / finishes his work on time.

COMPLETE THE TEXT USING THE PRESENT SIMPLE: (1)_____ you _________ (like) sport? My sister (2)___________ (love) sport. She usually (3)_________ (go) swimming on Tuesdays and Thursdays and(4) _________ (do) karate on Fridays. My friends Andrew and Keira (5)_______________ (not do) much sport. What (6)_________ they _________ (do) in their free time? They (7)_____________ (not play) football and they (8)___________ (not do) gymnastics. They (9)____________ (be) very lazy! Andrew often (10)____________ (chat) on the Internet and Keira (11) ___________ (write) e-mails and (12)__________ (go) shopping on-line.


Complete the sentences in the present continuous tense: a. They __________________(walk) along the street. b. She ____________________ (sit) on the sofa.

c. We

____________________(not watch) a football match. (you / wear) a new hat? (come) today. (not wash) the car.

d. ______________________

e. ________________________ (he / eat) potatoes? f. My parents_________________________ g. George and Betty ____________________ h. His brother

_____________________ (drive) an old car.

Some of these sentences are wrong. Correct them if necessary. _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________

1. It rains at the moment. 2. I'm liking black coffee. 3. He's speaking three languages. 4. I think Mexico is a beautiful country.

5. Restaurants are staying open late in Spain. _________________________ 6. We usually eat at one o'clock. 7. He's having a flat near the centre. 8. What are you thinking of Shakespeare ? 9. I'm so dirty I need a bath right now. _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________

10 Peter's in the kitchen. He cooks breakfast. _________________________ Write the present simple or the present continuous tense:

1. Look! The cat _______________(eat) a mouse! 2. Jane and Lily _______________(go) to school every day. 3. Can you please be quiet? I ____________(write) my homework. 4. Melissa usually ________________(practice) piano after school. 5. Trees _________________(need) water and sunlight. 6. Stanley always _________________(lend) me a pencil. 7. Quentin _________________(run), but he will finish soon. 8. Look! Those two boys ___________________(fight)

Translate the following words or expressions: FLY = CLAP YOUR HANDS = KICK THE BALL = DEEP-SEA DIVING = DIVE = CLIMB = RUN = WATCH = SHOUT =

Choose the correct linking word:

Verdasco is my favourite sportsman, because/but I love tennis. He is a great player and/because and amazing person. He competes against his friend, Nadal, because/but they dont fight. They always stay good friends. Verdasco has Spanish accent and/because he lives in Madrid.

What is an stative verb? After giving a definition, can you write 3 sentences with stative verbs?

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