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WEEKS 1st -16th THEMES/TOPICS World of Personal Relationship. 1. Personal Details. 2. Family and relatives 3. My hobbies 4. Food 5. Occupations Contemporary Literature LEARNING OUTCOMES 3.5 Understand the meaning of words by guessing their meaning through the use of contextual clues. 3.6 Acquire a wide range of vocabulary. SPECIFICATIONS 3.5.1 Understand the meaning of words by looking at the words before and after. 3.6.1 Give words opposite in meaning. 3.6.2 Give word similar in meaning. 3.6.5 Combine words to form compound words. 3.6.6 Used words to show comparison. 3.6.7 State collective nouns. 3.6.8 Build new words from a given word. 3.7 Use the dictionary to get the appropriate meaning of word. 4.1 a) Copy correctly b) write at word phrase, sentence and paragraph level in clear, legible print and cursive writing. 3.7.1 Read and locate the required word in the dictionary. 4.1.1 Copy words, phrases and sentences in clear, legible cursive writing. 4.1.2 Write clearly and legibly in print, bold names of places and towns in maps and pictures. 4.1.4 Write words phrases and sentences in clear legible cursive writing. 4.2 Match words to linear and non-linear representations i-word to word ii- word to phrases iii word to picture ,symbol 4.3 Complete texts with the missing words or sentences. 4.2.1 Match sentences to pictures 4.2.2 Match words to symbols. 4.3.1 Provide missing letters in words. 4.3.2 Complete simple instructions descriptions, rhymes, LANGUAGE CONTENTS 1) Compound words 2) Simple present tense 3) Interrogative nouns 4) Adjectives 5) Collective nouns 6)Countable and uncountable nouns 7) Pronouns 8) Simple past tense


WEEKS 1st 16th 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. THEMES/TOPICS World of Personal Relationship Personal Details. Family and relatives My hobbies Food Occupations LEARNING OUTCOMES SPECIFICATIONS With the missing words and simple phrases. 4.4.1 Form sentences and questions by matching sentence halves and using substitution tables. 4.4.2 Construct simple sentences and compound sentences based on a given stimulus. 4.4.3 Construct simple paragraphs that contain main ideas and supporting details. 4.6 Punctuate meaningfully 4.6.1 Use full stop and comma when writing sentences or paragraph. 4.7.1 Write simple instructions, message for a purpose. 4.7.2 Fill out forms. . 4.7.3 write descriptions guidance. simple with LANGUAGE CONTENTS 1) Compound words 2) Simple present tense 3) Interrogative nouns 4) Adjectives 5) Collective nouns 6)Countable and uncountable nouns 7) Pronouns 8) Simple past tense

4.4. Construct simple and compound sentences with guidance and independently

Contemporary Literature

4.7 Give accurate information when writing messages, instructions, simple reports, and when filling out forms.

Feb 2007 17th 33rd February Monthly Test

World of Knowledge 1) Nature, animals, plants 2) Interesting/Historical places and/or landmarks 3) Festival and celebrations 4) Buildings Contemporary Literature

Questions are based on the topics and skills that had been taught in the class 3.5 Understand the meaning of words by guessing their meaning through the use of contextual clues.

3.5.1 Understand the meaning of words by looking at the words before and after.

1) Compound words 2) Simple present tense 3) Interrogative nouns 4) Adjectives 5) Collective nouns 6)Countable and uncountable nouns 7) Pronouns 8) Simple past tense

APRIL 2007


Questions are based on the topics and skills that had been taught in the class


WEEKS 17th 33rd THEMES/TOPICS World of Knowledge 1) Nature, animals, plants 2) Interesting/ Historical places and/or landmarks 3) Festival and celebrations 4) Buildings Contemporary Literature LEARNING OUTCOMES 3.6 Acquire a wide range of vocabulary. SPECIFICATIONS 3.6.1 Give words opposite in meaning. 3.6.2 Give word similar in meaning. 3.6.5 Combine words to form compound words. 3.6.6 Used words to show comparison. 3.6.7 State collective nouns. 3.6.8 Build new words from a given word. 3.7 Use the dictionary to get the appropriate meaning of word. 4.1 a) Copy correctly b) write at word phrase, sentence and paragraph level in clear, legible print and cursive writing. 3.7.1 Read and locate the required word in the dictionary. 4.1.1 Copy words, phrases and sentences in clear, legible cursive writing. 4.1.2 Write clearly and legibly in print, bold names of places and towns in maps and pictures. 4.1.4 Write words phrases and sentences in clear legible cursive writing. 4.2 Match words to linear and non-linear representations i-word to word ii- word to phrases iii word to picture ,symbol 4.2.1 Match sentences to pictures 4.2.2 Match words to symbols. 4.2.3 Match captions and headings to a map. Table , graph. 4.3 Complete texts with the missing words or sentences. 4.3.1 Provide missing letters in words. 4.3.2 Complete simple instructions descriptions, rhymes, LANGUAGE CONTENTS 1) Compound words 2) Simple present tense 3) Interrogative nouns 4) Adjectives 5) Collective nouns 6)Countable and uncountable nouns 7) Pronouns 8) Simple past tense


WEEKS 17th 33rd THEMES/TOPICS World of Knowledge 1) Nature, animals, plants 2) Historical places and/or landmarks 3) Festival and celebrations Contemporary Literature LEARNING OUTCOMES SPECIFICATIONS With the missing words and simple phrases. 4.4.1 Form sentences and questions by matching sentence halves and using substitution tables. 4.4.2 Construct simple sentences and compound sentences based on a given stimulus. 4.4.3 Construct simple paragraphs that contain main ideas and supporting details. 4.6 Punctuate meaningfully 4.6.1 Use full stop and comma when writing sentences or paragraph. 4.7.1 Write simple instructions, message for a purpose. 4.7.2 Fill out forms. 4.7.3 write descriptions guidance. MID TERM EXAMINATION Questions are based on the topics and skills that had been taught in the class 3.5 Understand the meaning of words by guessing their meaning through the use of contextual clues. simple with LANGUAGE CONTENTS 1) Compound words 2) Simple present tense 3) Interrogative nouns 4) Adjectives 5) Collective nouns 6)Countable and uncountable nouns 7) Pronouns 8) Simple past tense

4.4. Construct simple and compound sentences with guidance and independently

4.7 Give accurate information when writing messages, instructions, simple reports, and when filling out forms.

MAY 2007 35th 42th

World of Stories 1)Legends 2) Fables 3) Short Stories Contemporary Literature

3.5.1 Understand the meaning of words by looking at the words before and after.

1) Compound words 2) Simple present tense 3) Interrogative nouns 4) Conjunction 5) Collective nouns 6) Countable and uncountable nouns 7) Verbs 8) Simple past tense



WEEKS 35th -42th THEMES/TOPICS World of Stories 1)Legends 2) Fables 3) Short Stories Contemporary Literature LEARNING OUTCOMES 2.7. Talk about the people, places and moral values of the stories heard, read and viewed in simple language. SPECIFICATIONS 2.7.1 Name the good and bad characters and tell why they are good or bad. 2.7.2 Talk about the place in a story. 2.7.3 Talk about the place in a story. 2.7.4 Talk about the values explored in the stories. 2.8 Express thoughts and feelings and give opinions on things read, seen, heard and viewed in simple language. 2.8.1 State whether one likes or does not like the story and give reasons. 2.8.2 Relate the story to ones life. 3.5 Read and understand the meanings of words by guessing their meaning through the use of contextual clues. 3.6 Acquire a wide range of vocabulary. 3.5.1 Understand the meaning of words by looking at the context. LANGUAGE CONTENTS 1) Compound words 2) Simple present tense 3) Interrogative nouns 4) Conjunction 5) Collective nouns 6) Countable and uncountable nouns 7) Verbs 8) Simple past tense

3.6.1 Give words opposite in meaning 3.6.2 Give words similar in meaning 3.6.6 Used words to show comparison. 3.6.7 State collective nouns. 3.6.9 Understand simple similes and proverbs.

3.7 Use the dictionary to get the appropriate meaning of word.

3.7.1 Read and locate the required word in the dictionary. 3.7.2 Read and select the definition suited to the meaning of the word in context.






October 2007

SEMESTER 2 EXAMINATION Housekeeping Marking Examination Papers Submit and key-in marks

Questions are based on the topics and skills that had been taught in the class -

41 - 42

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