I Strongly Suggest You Take or Email This Assignment To A Writing Tutor Before Submitting It For Grading!

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MULTICULTURAL COUNSELING Self Assessment TERM PROJECT Student name:_________________________________________________________________ Attach this sheet to the front of your paper.

Paper due______________________Total points possible: 130 All papers must be typed, standard Word line-spacing of 1 or 1.15 in headings and body, 12 point type, 1-inch margins, standard between-paragraph spacing. Copy and paste each number & question within your text before you answer it, including the points possible. 3-5 pages required for this assignment.

I strongly suggest you take or email this assignment to a writing tutor before submitting it for grading! I may deduct up to 20 points for grammar, spelling,
sentence construction, etc. 1. (0 points). State which ethnic/cultural group you will use in this self-assessment process. 2. (15 points) List and explain three statements or attitudes about this group you can remember hearing or absorbing (from the media, parents, family, literature, etc.) when you were growing up. At least two of these attitudes or statements should be negative. Identify the source (s) of those statements or attitudes. 3. (30 points) Explore how that early learning has affected your attitude towards members of that group (This early learning may or may not have affected your outward behavior--explore the internal feelings and outlook it produced). 4. (15 points) List and discuss three ways your ability to function effectively as a counselor with members of this group might be affected by the early learning you have discussed in steps 2 & 3. 5. (25) List what you feel/think/believe are the three most problematic attitudes (for your future clients) you currently hold about members of this group. 6. (30 points) List and explain four ways you will make yourself a more effective counselor with people from this group, by discussing which of your usual behaviors you can practice modifying to make you more effective with these clients. 7. (15 points) What additional learning do you need to assist you in making these behavior modifications? State/list three ways you will obtain the knowledge or experience you need.

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