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Appendix G Image Processing MATLAB Codes

Appendix G presents all MATLAB codes written for post processing the Mie scattering and schlieren flow visualization images. The first six codes: compare.m, contour.m, contour_design.m, cut.m, scale.m, and scale2.m are used to process Mie scattering images. The final code, processJ.m is used to process schlieren images.

1. for a=1:20 2. if a<=9 3. b=char(a+47); 4. elseif a>9 & a<20 5. b=strcat(char(49),char(a-10+48)); 6. else 7. b=strcat(char(50),char(48)); 8. end 9. filemane=strcat('C:\Documents and Settings\ AdamNorberg\Desktop\H2Project\Images\Joe\Fluent\ Phi_040\plane_',b,'.tiff'); 10. fluent=imread(filemane,'tiff'); 11. filename2=strcat('C:\Documents and Settings\ AdamNorberg\Desktop\H2Project\Images\Joe\J_4_10_06\ Phi_040\test\Average_',b,'_contour.tiff'); 12. flowvis=imread(filename2,'tiff'); 13. size_fluent=size(fluent); 14. size_flowvis=size(flowvis); 15. for k=1:size_fluent(1); 16. for l=1:size_fluent(2); 17. for m=1:size_fluent(3); 18. if l<(260+(4*a)) | l>(948+(4*a)) %l=302, l=988 19. overlap(k,l,m)=fluent(k,l,m); 20. else 21. if k<43 | k>706 22. overlap(k,l,m)=fluent(k,l,m); 23. elseif fluent(k,l,1)>=200 & fluent(k,l,2)>=200 & fluent(k,l,3)>=200 24. overlap(k,l,m)=flowvis(k-42, l-(259+(4*a)),m); %l-301 25. else 26. overlap(k,l,m)=fluent(k,l,m);


27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32.

end end end end end filename3=strcat('C:\Documents and Settings\ AdamNorberg\Desktop\H2Project\Images\Joe\J_4_10_06\ Phi_040\Final\Final_',b,'.tiff'); imwrite(overlap,filename3,'tiff','Colorspace','rgb' ,'Compression','none'); disp(strcat('File ',b,' processed'));

33. 34. 35. end

1. function output=contour(number) 2. for a=1:20 3. if a<=9 4. b=char(a+47); 5. elseif a>9 & a<20 6. b=strcat(char(49),char(a-10+48)); 7. else 8. b=strcat(char(50),char(48)); 9. end 10. temp=strcat('C:\Documents and Settings\AdamNorberg\ Desktop\H2Project\Images\Joe\J_4_10_06\Phi_040\ Average_',b); 11. wholename=strcat(temp,'.bmp'); 12. image=imread(wholename,'bmp'); 13. mono=image(:,:,3); 14. mono2=scale(mono); 15. mono3=cut(mono2); 16. mono4=scale2(mono3); 17. temp2=strcat('C:\Documents and Settings\AdamNorberg\ Desktop\H2Project\Images\Joe\J_4_10_06\Phi_040\ test\Average_',b); 18. contour_design(temp2,number,0,a,mono4); 19. disp(strcat('image ',b,' processing complete! :-)')); 20. end 21. output=1;


1. 2. 3. 4. functionoutput=contour_design(filename, regions,display,count,mono) %Flow visualization image converter %Adam Norberg, 4/5/2006 %This program takes a flow vis image and rescales it into contours of smoke "concentration" from 0 to 1.0 and then breaks it up into 'regions' number of full color contours %Input the number of contours and compute contour sizes region_size=1.0/regions; %Use the greatest and least intense pixels to rescale the image to use the full intensity range 0-255 mono_size=size(mono); min_intensity=255; max_intensity=0; for m=1:mono_size(1) for n=1:mono_size(2) if mono(m,n)<min_intensity min_intensity=mono(m,n); end if mono(m,n)>max_intensity max_intensity=mono(m,n); end end end clear m n

5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. mono=double(mono); 26. mono_full=(mono-double(min_intensity))*(255.0/(double (max_intensity)-double(min_intensity))); 27. %imtool(int(mono_full)) %Observe mono_full for debug? 28. concentration=mono_full*(1/255); %Monochrome scaled from 0 to 1 29. for m=1:mono_size(1) 30. for n=1:mono_size(2) 31. if concentration(m,n)>=1.0 32. concentration(m,n)=1.0; 33. end 34. end 35. end 36. clear m n 37. 38. %initialize the rgb contour plot px values to 0 39. con_size=size(concentration); %The length and width of concentration 40. for a=1:con_size(1) 41. for b=1:con_size(2)


42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89.

for c=1:3 contouplotr(a,b,c)=0; %Initialize contour to be full of zeros end end end clear a b %Establish intensity bins for each contour bin(1)=0.0; for k=2:regions+1 bin(k)=bin(k-1)+region_size; end bin(regions+1)=1.1; clear k %Divide the concentration array into bins and generate respective rgb %colors px by px for i=1:con_size(1) for j=1:con_size(2) if concentration(i,j)<=0.25 test=0; m=1; while test==0 if concentration(i,j)>=bin(m) & concentration(i,j)<bin(m+1) contourplot(i,j,1)=0; contourplot(i,j,2)=(bin(m)*4); contourplot(i,j,3)=1; test=1; end m=m+1; end end if concentration(i,j)>0.25 & concentration(i,j)<=0.5 test=0; m=1; while test==0 if concentration(i,j)>=bin(m) & concentration(i,j)<bin(m+1) contourplot(i,j,1)=0; contourplot(i,j,2)=1; contourplot(i,j,3)=1-((bin(m)-0.25)*4); test=1; end m=m+1; end end if concentration(i,j)>0.5 & concentration(i,j)<=0.75 test=0; m=1; while test==0


90. 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. 97. 98. 99. 100. 101. 102. 103.

if concentration(i,j)>=bin(m) & concentration(i,j)<bin(m+1) contourplot(i,j,1)=(bin(m)-0.5)*4; contourplot(i,j,2)=1; contourplot(i,j,3)=0; test=1; end m=m+1; end end if concentration(i,j)>0.75 & concentration(i,j)<=1.00 test=0; m=1; while test==0 if concentration(i,j)>=bin(m) & concentration(i,j)<=bin(m+1) contourplot(i,j,1)=1; contourplot(i,j,2)=1-((bin(m)-0.75)*4); contourplot(i,j,3)=0; test=1; end m=m+1; end end

104. 105. 106. 107. 108. 109. 110. 111. 112. end 113.end 114.clear i j m test 115.output=contourplot; 116. 117.%Save the rgb color contour plot to file and display results,'_contour.tiff'); 119.imwrite(contourplot,name,'tiff','Colorspace','rgb', 'Compression','none'); 120.if display==1 121. figure(count), imtool(name); 122. title(strcat('Average_',char(count))); 123.end 124.disp('contour_design complete');


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. function output=cut(image) dims=size(image); cutoffpxs=100; for m=1:dims(1) for n=1:(dims(2)-cutoffpxs) output(m,n)=image(m,(n+cutoffpxs)); end end disp('cut complete');

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. function output=scale(image) horizontal=768; vertical=490; hnew=horizontal-((horizontal/256)*(256-213)); output=imresize(image,[vertical,hnew]); disp('scale complete');

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. function output=scale2(image) %Fluent images -- 1"=298px %Flow Vis images -- 1"=213px current_size=size(image); new_size(1)=current_size(1)+((current_size(1)/213)*(298-213)); new_size(2)=current_size(2)+((current_size(2)/213)*(298-213)); new_size=new_size; output=imresize(image,[new_size(1),new_size(2)]); disp('scale2 complete');


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. function output=processJ(file_extension,display,max) %Schlieren image processing code %This code scales up the image intensity and crops the area of interest %Adam Norberg, 6/21/06 %Assemble entire filename folder=['C:\Documents and Settings\Adam 8.Norberg\ Desktop\H2Project\Schlieren\Nozzle J\']; filename=[folder,'LF_8_Tc_T_Air',file_extension,'.jpg']; %Read the image into Matlab and convert into a grayscale image image=imread(filename); grayimage=rgb2gray(image); %Crop full image down to the area of interest sized_image=imcrop(grayimage,[450 375 1600 1075]); %Use the greatest and least intense pixels to rescale the image to use the %full intensity range 0-255 image_size=size(sized_image); min_intensity=255; max_intensity=0; for m=1:image_size(1) %m corresponds to the x pixel location for n=1:image_size(2) %n corresponds to the y pixel location if grayimage(m,n)<min_intensity min_intensity=sized_image(m,n); end if grayimage(m,n)>max_intensity max_intensity=sized_image(m,n); end end end full_scale=(sized_image-min_intensity)*(max/( max_intensity-min_intensity)); %Write the processed image to file savename=[folder,'Processed\LF_8_Tc_T_Air',file_extension,'.jpg']; imwrite(full_scale,savename,'jpeg','Quality',100); %Display the processed image if display=1 if display==1 imshow(savename); end output=1;


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