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Sumner Home Learning Challenges

Name: ____________________________ Year: _________ Room: ___________ Challenge Area and Code
Giving/ Service Health & the Environment Physical Activity & the Outdoors Excellence in the Arts Academic Excellence Financial Literacy Culture & Heritage Career Pathways

What I will be doing to complete this challenge (brief description):

Challenge Plan I plan to complete this challenge and be ready to present on __________________ How I will complete this challenge How I will present this challenge: (e.g. resources needed, people to help):

Reflective comments - complete at least four boxes. You can develop your own reflective sentence starter if you would like to. What did I do well? Why? What would I change next time? Why? What was easy about this challenge? Why? How well did I manage my time? Why? What did I find challenging? Why?

Task completed to an acceptable standard, and signed off: Child __________ Parent __________ Teacher ___________ Comment (to be filled in by parent): ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________

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