DML As400right Information Available To Work With Server

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DB2 SQL - DML (Data Manipulation Language)

You can use following statements to manipulate data on db2 database. SELECT INSERT UPDATE DELETE

SELECT SELECT statement is used to get all data or required data from the table. Simple Syntax SELECT < Column Names > / * / function(< Column Name >) FROM < TABLE NAME > [ WHERE < Condition > .... ] Example (s) 1. To get all data from EMPLOYEE table , issue SELECT * FROM EMPLOYEE Following is a the result set returned by the query


INSERT statement is used to insert record(s) into table / view. Inserting a row into view also inserts the row into table. Simple Syntax INSERT INTO < TABLE NAME / VIEW NAME > [ (,...) ] VALUES ( value1, value2,.... ) Example 1 INSERT INTO EMPLOYEE ( EMP_ID, EMP_FIRST_NAME,EMP_M_NAME,EMP_LAST_NAME, SALARY, DEP) VALUES ( 10035, 'JOHN', 'X', 'ABRAHAM', 20000.00, 003 ) , ( 10036, 'SRINIVAS', 'X', 'GARIPELLA', 25000.00, 003 ) Above insert statemet, insert two records into EMPLOYEE Table, Now table contains following records.

Example 2

Specify a fullselect to identify data that is to be copied from other tables or views. A fullselect is a statement that generates a result table. For example: CREATE TABLE emp LIKE EMPLOYEE INSERT INTO emp SELECT EMP_ID,EMP_FIRST_NAME,EMP_M_NAME,EMP_LAST_NAME,SALARY, DEP FROM EMPLOYEE WHERE DEP = 002


UPDATE statement is used to update the data on a table or a view. You can change the value of one or more columns for each row that satisfied the condition. UPDATE EMPLOYEE SET SALARY = 20000, DEP = 003 WHERE EMP_ID = 11023 This update statement update the one record, since only one record can satisfy the where condition. After executing this update statement, table contain following data.

DELETE DELETE statement is used to delete the record(s) from a table or a view. You can delete all records in the table or selected record which satisfies the condition. Example 1 - To delete all records from the table, We need to use following command DELETE * FROM EMPLOYEE Example 2 - To delete some records which satisfies the given condition. DELETE FROM EMPLOYEE WHERE EMP_ID = 10036 After executing above query one record will be deleted from the table.


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