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Intensive Practicum section A3 Submitted to: Asst. Prof.

Theresa Guino-o

During my Intensive Practicum on my Level IV RLE of my second semester School Year 2010 2011, I was assigned to the Medicine Rotation. It was held at Negros Oriental Provincial Hospital. We went there on duty from of March 22 until April 8, 2011. Our usual duty days were on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, with Sunday afternoons as our assessment. We had changing shifts so we were able to try the 7-3 shift, 3-11shift, and the NOC shift. Along with my twelve CI mates, I was under the supervision of Asst. Prof. Theresa Guino-o. Generally I think I have somehow harnessed my skills, knowledge and attitudes as a graduate nurse during my Intensive Practicum. I was able to answer questions related to my care both to my Clinical instructor and to my patients whenever they had questions or concerns. I established good interpersonal relationship with the staff and hospital personnel by following the rules and regulations of the hospital. I was able to perform procedures competently such as NGT feeding, bed bath, catheter care, IV termination, vital signs taking, etc. and when needed, I was able to observe strict aseptic technique. I established good student nurse-patient relationship with the clients I was assigned to every week. I developed a good working relationship with my CI mates, especially to my partner since we were paired up during our last week of duty, in which I also learned how to transcribe orders. We had a smooth flow in the performance and transition of our designated roles. I was able to follow a systematic working atmosphere at the clinical area and at the same time, provide adequate care to clients assigned to. I was able to learn a lot of things during my Intensive Practicum and Ill keep what Ive learned until the day that I will be a practicing nurse.

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