Madrid Languages - Procedure Sheet: Stage and Interaction Procedure: Aim: Time

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Madrid Languages Procedure sheet

Lesson: New English File Upper Intermediate 1C Date: Stage and interaction What students are going to do
Warm Up T-ss-T Vocab pre-teach SS-SS

Procedure: How students are going to do it

Ask SS about light accident they have seen on people doing sports and what happened to the injured people. How they were treated and so on. Ask SS in pairs to match the pictures with their names CCQs: Whats the universal sign for choking? Hands to throat What makes you cough? Things in the throat When you cough, are you ok? no Can a blister be produced because of a burn? yes Can a blister appear because of bad shoes? yes

Aim: Why they are doing it


Set the theme on accidents 3 and first aids To introduce vocabulary on 3 theme first aid help

Feedback Focus on pronunciation

If students made any mistakes, show them the correct match and continue Tell SS they will listen to a list of words, they should focus on the pronunciation. Play a second time and ask SS to repeat the words. If any problems arise, drill Point SS attention to the sound box on pp.12 and ask them to pronounce the sounds on the heading of the four columns. If SS dont know how to, show them the correct pronunciation and drill. Ask students to classify the words into four columns depending on the pronunciation required in each header. Have SS share their results in pairs Ask students to do ex 1B on pp.147 (match sentences) SS compare answers and teacher provides them afterwards. Tell students to do ex E on pp.12; to ask and answer 1. What are the symptoms of 2. What should you do if you have the illnesses or injuries above?

To ensure understanding To practice pronunciation of vowel and consonant sounds To introduce phonetic writing To develop the skill of distinguishing sounds 3

T-ss-T Pronunciation practise Ss Pairwork SS-SS Language practice Production

To ensure understanding of 3 meaning of the target vocabulary To practise

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