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Abstract Project Title: Automation of Civil Courts Domain: Objective: Design a system for automating the judicial services

in India. Functional Requirements: Court bureaucrat/Admin: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Register Plaintiff,defendant,plaintiff lawyer and Judge . File cases from plaintiffs. Schedule hearings (initial and continuing). Send hearings through mails to corresponding case Persons and Lawyers. Give instructions to representing advocates. All formal instructions must be logged in the system. These instructions may be multi-lingual. Send proceedings case wise after each hearing View date wise case Reports View Judgment file and send it to corresponding case personals through mails.

Lawyers: . 1. Check evidence and case made by opposing party. 2. File own evidence, witnesses etc. 3. View hearings and Proceedings sent through mail. 4. Validate case proceedings and notes as they proceed. 5. Receive instructions and validate developments. 6. Receive proceedings and validate developments 7. Receive formal judgment through mails. Plaintiffs and defendants: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. No editing rights. Only electronic communication with representing advocate. Viewing rights to see development of cases and instructions received. View hearings and Proceedings sent through mail. Receive copy of judgments.

Non Functional Requirements: Secure access of confidential data (users details). SSL can be used. 24 X 7 availability Better component design to get better performance at peak time Flexible service based architecture will be highly desirable for future extension

Modules: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Admin module Lawyers module Plaintiff module Reports module Defendant module Communication module Authentication

Users: 1. 2. 3. 4. Admin/Court bureaucrat Lawyers Plaintiff Defendant

KEYWORDS: Generic Technology Keywords: Database, User Interface, Programming Specific Technology Keywords: Asp.Net 3.5, C#.Net, MS SqlServer-05 Project Keywords: Analysis, Design, Implementation, Testing SDLC Keywords: Presentation, Business Object, Data Access Layer


Software Specification: Operating System: Widows XP Service pack II or later Data Base: Microsoft SQL Server -2005 Web Server: IIS (Internet Information Services) Web Technologies: HTML, CSS, Asp. Net with C#.Net Client Application: Internet Explorer 6.0 above

IDE & Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio-2008

Hardware Specification: Processor: Intel Pentium or More RAM: 512 MB Ram Hard Disk: 20GB

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