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Spa Succumb to Rugby Potent Finishing as 3 Points Go East

Droitwich Spa Mens 4s set out on the long away trip across Warwickshire to Littleworth in Rugby armed with the directions. Unbeknown to us, directions were grabbed from Google said Captain Phil. The directions took us close to where the pitch was but not the correct one, and, the Captain began to blame his tools, now whats that saying! Mens 4s first league game of 2013 was against the league leaders Rugby and East Warwickshire who had previously lost only once in the league and Spa were looking to overturn a 5-0 home defeat. The opening minutes of the game saw the new look Mens 4s begin to adjust to their new formation, and had begun to look secure. Next came a defensive blip. George Robertshaw saw the ball squirm beneath his hand from a shot on the right hand side of the D, and the striker tapped the ball home, into an unguarded net to make it 1-0.The rest of the half saw both sides step up the pace and the precision of their passing. Rugby were content to hit long balls through the middle of the park and then to move it quickly on to their forwards whose close control allowing them to buy that extra bit of time. However, Ian Francis marshalled the defence well, but in particular Thomas Brockett and James Burrage showed tenacity and growing skill and confidence in distributing the ball blunting Rugby threat. This allowed the midfield with Nicholas Bull and Alex Ling to attack quickly, switching play cleverly as well as distributing the ball intelligently, for Droitwich to create Penalty Corner chances, as the ball whistled wide from Ian, Mat Darby and Don Craven. Other chances came and went including a penalty corner right on half time seeing three efforts repelled by Rugby keeper leaving the half time score 1-0 to Rugby. From the restart the second half followed the pattern of the first, Rugby midfield duo having lots of possession and creating chances which were spurned and saved well by Spa keeper, ably assisted by team spa who kept the score down to one. Once more Droitwich grew into the half with the ball being played around the backs confidently drawing Rugby in before using Nick; Alex; and Wayne Plumpton to move the ball down the flanks and to the back line where balls were fired across the D which no one could reach; or Rugby keeper saved; or Rugby defence deflected. Rugby frustration was growing as they could not find the finishing decisive second goal. However Rugby second goal came from a forceful run down the Droitwich left before getting to the bye line and the ball flicking up and being put in skilfully by Rugby attacker despite an infringement. Droitwich began to pour forward to cut the deficit, but were caught out by officials indecision, letting Rugby scamper down the left to pull the ball back to once again sweep the ball into the goal from a few yards out. And Rugby fourth arrived two minutes from the end after another defensive scramble saw another tap in. Final Score Rugby and East Warwickshire 7s 4 0 Droitwich Spa Mens 4s The New look Spa side deserve tremendous credit for their tenacity determination and quality shown by moving the ball around and having confidence to do this and this was epitomised by Nick Bull; James Burrage; Alex Ling; Thomas Brockett and Wayne Plumpton, but the whole team put in a shift again....If you keep this up we will get one win which will be quickly followed by more. MOM goes to Thomas Brockett who showed a great level of maturity in defence; with excellent positioning; clean tackles and consistency of performance shown over the season. Next Game: Vs Stratford (h) 215 meet 3pm pushback

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