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A bus is a common pathway that carries signals between the componentswithinacomputer. ThePChasahierarchyofdifferentbuses. Eachslowerbusisconnectedtothefasteroneaboveit.
Processor Bus
The processor bus is to get information to and from the CPU at the fastest possible speed, this bus typically operates at a rate faster than any other bus in the system

The front side bus width is determined by bit-size. Frequency is indicated by the FSBs megahertz (MHz) or gigahertz. The processor bus in a modern system runs at 66MHz, 100MHz, 133MHz, 200MHz, 266MHz, 400MHz, 533MHz, 800MHz, or 1066MHz and is normally 64 bits (8 bytes) wide. The processor bus operates at the same base clock rate as the CPU does externally

ISA (Industry Standard Architecture) Bus

8-bit ISA 16-bit ISA

ISA Bus features

8-bit ISA
Bus width Compatible with 8 - bit 8 bit ISA 62 +5 V, -5 V, +12 V, -12 V 4.7727266 MHz Bus width Compatible with

16-bit ISA
16 - bit 16 bit ISA 98 +5 V, -5 V, +12 V, -12 V 8.333333 MHz

Power Clock

Power Clock

ISA -16 bit (Industry Standard Architecture) Card

PCI (Peripheral Component Interconnect) bus

PCI Bus features PCI is a 33 MHz fixed frequency bus architecture capable of transferring data at a 132 MB/s High performance synchronous bus Specification includes both 32-bit and 64-bit bus width Maximum Data Transfer Rate (burst mode) 133 MB/s for 32-bit bus clocked at 33 MHz 532 MB/s for 64-bit bus clocked at 66 MHz Another feature is PCI burst. - The address is sent, followed by a data block. - Addresses are automatically incremented by bridge and adapter.

PCI Express

PCI-Express features It is a serial bus that works in duplex mode Data is transmitted in this bus through two pairs of wires called lane Each lane is allows a maximum transfer rate of 250MB/s in each direction, almost twice the rate of the PCI bus The PCI Express system having 1, 2, 4, 8, 16 and 32 lanes. The transfer rate of PCI Express with lane 8 (x8) is 8GB/s (250x8). It is fast enough to replace AGP and PCI.

Comparision between PCI & PCI Express

PCI PCIisParallel,andassuchalldatagoesin onedirection.
The32bitPCIbushasamaximumspeed of33MHz,whichallowsamaximumof 133MBofdatatopassthroughthebus persecond. Thisbusisgeneratedbyeitherthechipset NorthBridgeinNorth/SouthBridge chipsetsortheI/OControllerHubin chipsetsusinghubarchitecture. Highspeedperipherals,suchasSCSI adapters,networkcards,videocards,and more,canbepluggedintoPCIbusslots. PCIslotsarestandardized

PCIEXPRESS PCIExpressisaserialbasedtechnology, datacanbesentoverthebusintwo directionsatonce DifferentPCIExpressspecificationsallow differentratesofdatatransfer,anywhere from400MBto6400MBofdataper secondandbeyond. PCIExpressisadifferentialsignalingbus thatcanbegeneratedbyeithertheNorth BridgeorSouthBridge. ThemostcommonuseforPCIEXPRESSis withgraphicscardswhichbenefitsthe hugebandwidthprovidedbytheinterface. PCIEXPRESSslotsaredependsonthe numberoflanestheslotisintendedfor.


AGP Bus Features It is a high-speed point-to-point channel for attaching a video card to a motherboard, primarily to assist in the acceleration of 3D computer graphics. The AGP channel is 32 bits wide and runs at 66 MHz.
Texturing: Also called Direct Memory Execute mode, allows textures to be stored in main memory rather than video memory. Throughput: Various levels of throughput are offered: 1X is 266 MBps, 2X is 533 MBps; and 4X provides 1.07 GBps. Sideband Addressing: Speeds up data transfers by sending command instructions in a separate, parallel channel Pipelining: Enables the graphics card to send several instructions together instead of sending one at a time

PCMCIA Card Personal Computer Memory Card International Association. PCMCIA Bus Features Memory Address space The PC card supports a 64 MB addressing capability PCMCIA 2.1 provides for a 16-bit bus interface, has a maximum clock speed of 10 MHz and is capable of speeds to 20 Mbps The two most important features of PCMCIA are its Plug and Play and Hot Swapping capabilities The two most important features of PCMCIA are its Plug and Play and Hot Swapping capabilities
There are three types of PCMCIA cards, all of which are rectangular and measure 8.56 by 5.4 cm., but have different widths: Type I: up to 3.3 mm. thick, mainly used to add additional ROM or RAM. Type II: up to 5.5 mm. thick, typically used for fax/modem cards. Type III: up to 10.5 mm. thick, often used to attach portable disk drives.

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