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Annotated Bibliography

Primary Sources WEBSITE Ellmann, Richard. The Sheila Variation Sheilomalley (Online) Internet available 5 January 2013 This website has a diary entry that John Adams wrote on December 17, 1773. This source showed how John Adams thought the event of the Boston Tea Party was a great accomplishment and gave details on what happened that evening. This website also showed a notice that was passed out on the day the ships have docked on the Boston Harbor. This notice was an alert saying that it was time for the Boston Tea Party to happen. This quote also had information on what was going to happen. Quotes on 1773: Boston Tea Party Intellectual Takeout (Online) Internet available 14 December 2013 This website acted as a primary source by it giving us quotes of the Boston Tea Party members. These quotes helped us by it telling us how the members felt about the British taxing their tea and it gave a little information on what they are thinking of doing. Secondary Sources WEBSITE Boston Tea Party Historical Society Boston-Tea-Party (Online) Internet available 14 December 2012 This source was beneficial because it helped us find out who were the people that took place in the Boston Tea Party and also information about them. Boston Tea Party History Boston Tea Party Ship (Online) Internet available 9 January 2013 This website was guidance to knowing what happened before and after the Boston Tea Party. It also provided information about the participants of the Boston Tea Party. Boston Tea Party Wikipedia (Online) Internet available 31 November 2013 From this website we learned basic facts from the background information and a summary but it wasnt very useful and a little confusing. Veloso, Bryan. How did Tea act impacts the revolutionary war!? Moranmustangs (Online) Internet available 9 January 2013 This site helped us learn what the Boston Tea Party led to and why it happened in the first place.

BOOK Burgan, Michael. The Boston Tea Party. Minneapolis, Montana. Compass Point Books. 2001. This book recounts events leading up to the colonists defiant act against the British known as the Boston Tea Party, which ultimately climaxed in the American Revolution. This book had information that was helpful when we were making our website. Gerlach, Larry R. Labaree, Benjamin W. Lexicon Universal Encyclopedia. Boston Tea Party. New York. Lexicon Publication, Inc. 1964. This article gave specific clear details on what happened on December 16, 1773. This was resourceful when it came to knowing what happened that day.

Process Paper
How did you choose your topic? We chose the Boston Tea Party as our topic after doing a short process of elimination. We first wrote down a list of possible topics. Then we did a little background research on each topic and we realized some did not relate to the theme. So we took out those topics and less interesting ones. In the end we had two possible final topics, the Boston Tea Party and the Womens Suffrage Movement. We did more research on them and reached our decision. The Boston Tea Party was not only a better topic idea but it was also one we did not know much about, so this project would be an important topic and a learning experience for us. How and what did you do for research? We did many of things to research. The library allowed us to find books and we had computer access. It was also a nice, quiet place to focus on information about the Boston Tea party. We also used encyclopedias from school; even though the information is limited it still had important facts. But the internet had many websites relating to our topic and allowed us to get the information we needed. We also used others to find out what they knew about the Boston Tea Party. The most common answers we did not emphasize on but the ones that were rare, we did. How did you put together your project? Once we decided to do a website we did many things to construct it. Since we never made a website before it was a challenge at first but we made it simple. We made sure we had the basic requirements while adding more to the expectations. To begin it we planned it and split the work. There are different pages on the website, so one of us did the Home, People and Event. The other did the Idea, Turning Point in History and Sources. On each page there is

information of what the title suggests with also pictures, multimedia, quotes and links. The website took exception hard work and effort to do. How does this relate this relate to the theme in history? Our topic, the Boston Tea Party, relates to the theme in various ways. A turning point in history is an event that fought against something, which our topic did. The B.T.P was conducted because the issues with the British Parliament. They were taxing the colonist on important things they used. Plus they were allowing representation of the colonist so that caused a dispute on the extent of the Parliaments authority. So the colonists did the Boston Tea Party as message and way to stand up for themselves. A turning point also has to lead to another event, just as the Boston Tea Party did. It was the last event to lead to the Revolutionary War. This was done because issues weren't resolved. But the Boston Tea Party was the first step to independence.

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