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Continuation of Intro to rings, modules, ideals

October 15 This material is covered in sections 10.1-10.4

Recall denition of ideal (left, right, two-sided) and of quotient rings. Recall: Exercise 1 (not to be handed in) ideal. The intersection of any number of ideals is again an

Denition of the ideal in R generated by the subset S R. Ways of describing the elements of this ideal; very succinct notation for this ideal: (S) R. A principal ideal is an ideal generated by a single element. (Guess why the words ideal and the phrase principal ideal were chosen as terminology for these notions. Im not going to spoil your fun by telling you, yet.)

Examples of ideals
Ideals in Z. Theorem 1 The ring Z of integers is a PID. Greatest Common Divisors. The notion of Relatively Prime. Euclids Elements Book VII. Discuss the quotient rings Z/nZ, congruence modulo n. The product of two rings. The Chinese Remainder Theorem. Ideals in polynomial rings (over commutative rings). Discuss in detail one arithmetic example, e.g., Q[ 2], and one analytic example, e.g. ideals in C[t].

The group of units in a ring

Denition, examples. Denition 1 A eld K is a commutative ring for which 0 = 1 and such that every nonzero element of K is invertible; i.e., K = K {0}. Examples. 1


Denition, examples: ideals, vector spaces.

Zero divisors, integral domains, principal integral domains

Denition, examples.

Homework due October 22

All but the last exercise below are taken from the set of exercises for Chapter 10 of Artin. You are invited to read some of those exercises at the end of that chapter that have not been assigned. Theyre all educational!

1. Exercise 8 on page 379. 2. Exercise 9 on page 379. 3. Exercise 13 on page 380. 4. Exercise 14 on page 380. 5. Exercise 17 on page 381. 6. Exercise 19 on page 381. 7. Exercise 34 on page 382. 8. Exercise 5 on page 381. BUT this requires that you read section 10.3 carefully, noting that Artins running assumption is that he is dealing with commutative rings there. Modifying the two denitions of ideal (given in (3.11) and (3.12) appropriately, to deal with arbitrary rings (not necessarily commutative) how would you modify your proof that they are equivalent? 9. Find a ring with a nonprincipal ideal.

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