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Rizals Love Life

Segunda katigbak, Leonora Valenzuela, Leonar Rivera, Gertrude Becket, Consuelo, o Seiko san and Josephine Bracken. As observed, I can say that our national hero, Jose Rizal was quite a ladies man himself. He seemed to attract women. Whenever he go, Segunda, Leonora and Leonor in the Philippines before he went to Europe , Gertrude and Consuelo in Europe, O Seiko San in Japan and Josephine Bracken during his exile in Dapitan. Who could have thought of this? For this, I say this is one important aspect of Jose Rizal. We should not only look at Rizal as Our national Hero but as a person a person like us, live like us, experiences good times and bad times likes us, has problems like us, also imperfect like us and is not immune to committing mistakes like us. Rizals love life shows his side of susceptibility to his emotions toward the affection of the opposite sex especially when alone and sad. Womens attraction/fascination to Rizal maybe attributed to his charism-as we all know that Rizal had his forwardness with his feelings, funny personality and skillfulness in many areas, his educational attainment and intelligence, his gentleness and loving trait and of course since he had sisters, he knows how to act and treat them well can also contribute to this. It is very sad though, that Rizal brace his young heart at the age of 16 to his first love-Segunda Katigbak. During this times, Rizal was not so confident with himself and is torpe or shy towards Segunda. Rizals love life had its know ups and downs. There are heart yeaming moments and heart breaks. This shows that apart from his supernatural intelligence and nobility he is still human. Capable of loving and susceptible to pain and heartbreaks. But whats more noble is that above all, Rizals love his country and his countrymen had always been his priority. He sacrificed his own heart for the duty and love towards the country and to the Filipino people

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