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Maybank Graduate Banking Programme - Car ownership plan

A flexible and affordable car financing plan that's specially designed for graduates
Margin of finance: Up to 90% Loan period: Up to 9 years


Speedy approval time Also available under Islamic financing Extensive network of dealers nationwide Easy payment of your instalment via Maybank branches, ATMs, online via and Maybank e-Kawanku

Who can apply

Graduates aged 20 to 28 years old Minimum monthly income of RM1,500

To apply, print out the application form and forward it along with the required documents to: Retail Business Development Level 17, Tower A Dataran Maybank 1, Jalan Maarof 59000 Kuala Lumpur For Application Inquiries: 03 - 2297 2509 / 2549 / 2543 For Product Inquiries: kindly contact nearest Auto Finance Centre channelId=LOA-Loans&cntTypeId=0&cntKey=LOA03.03&programId=LOA03CarLoans&chCatId=/mbb/Personal/LOA-Loans

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