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WebForm Integration

Effective lead generation mechanism through an automated import system

Situation Challenge

Global leader in providing Web CRM solutions with more

than two decades of industry experience Catering several thousands of customers across major continents of the world Architecture was based on dated technologies and competitiveness was a constraint considering the growing market demand

Design architecture and integrate web form CRM Embed easy to use controls, assisting non technical users
to design and publish their own forms Make integration compatible with all platforms

WhiteHedge Solution

Web form API to generate and incorporate web forms in a website EXT JS library to help achieve cross domain data submission without redirection Incorporation of the best Web 2.0 features to enhance UI Domain specific data source-JSON for fast, compact and convenient serialization of information Superior integration procedure causing data entered on web form to be directly added as a Lead in WCRM Multiple features Webform properties, List of webfields included for efficient operational use

WebForm Integration
Value Addition Technology Enhancements

Time conserving, cost effective, accurate transmission of

lead for auto assignment Automate report generator ensuring Business Managers track lead database Managing leads effectively and respond to potential enquiries in real time Powerful marketing tool to boost sales and drive growth

Java JDK 1.6, EJB, Struts, JSP, AJAX, JS ON Java Web Services Axis 2, Tomcat 6, Apache 2.2.9 and JBoss Database MySQL 5.1 Tools JMeter, ExtJS 2.2, JasperReport 3, Ant 1.7, MagicDraw 7, JUnit, , SOS 4.1, Eclipse

WhiteHedge offered solution was a dream come true for the customer by offering innovative architecture designs, enhanced UI meeting the Web 2.0 standards for better user experience and a low cost advantage. WhiteHedge enabled the customers to assess feasibility before both parties committed to a long term engagement.

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