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Radio Chat by Grant Butler, Lauren Levett, Alex Cloutman

! INT. SCENE - DESCRIPTION Two radio station hosts, Alex and Grant, are sat in front of the mixing desks at Radio OBA Live. The two hosts are mid way through their show and are about to begin the next segment, music news. GRANT Hey guys, welcome to OBA Radio one. We are going to discuss the music of today. ALEX Currently the big hype is about the song Gangnam style reaching over one billion views on YouTube. GRANT I dont understand why, i dont particularly like it. ALEX I think the reason for the views is not its annoyance but the video itself. GRANT Yeah i admit the video is entertaining. ALEX But still over a billion views. GRANT Yeah i know its more popular than Justin Bieber. ALEX Speaking of Justin Bieber have you heard about his drug use? GRANT I did hear of that and the fact that his drug use caused people to self harm them selves, some say that if

! he didnt stop they would kill themselves.

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