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Studies of Religion Stage 6 Syllabus

Additional content for SOR II Preliminary Course

Religion in Australia pre-1945

16 indicative hours

The focus of this study is the establishment and development of religious traditions in Australia pre-1945.

Outcomes A student: P2 P3 P5 P6 P7 P8 P9 identifies the influence of religion and belief systems on individuals and society investigates religious traditions and belief systems describes the influence of religious traditions in the life of adherents selects and uses relevant information about religion from a variety of sources undertakes effective research about religion, making appropriate use of time and resources uses appropriate terminology related to religion and belief systems effectively communicates information, ideas and issues using appropriate written, oral and graphic forms.


Studies of Religion Stage 6 Syllabus


Students learn about:

Students learn to:

Religious traditions in Australia pre-1945 arrival and establishment of Christianity and TWO other religious traditions in Australia issues related to the development of Christianity in Australia pre-1945: sectarianism social welfare outline the arrival and establishment of Christianity and TWO other religious traditions in Australia examine the impact of sectarianism on the relationship among Christian denominations in Australia pre-1945 examine the contribution of Christianity to social welfare in Australia pre-1945

the contribution of ONE religious tradition in Australia to each of the following pre-1945: rural and outback communities education public morality

discuss the role of ONE religious tradition in rural and outback communities pre-1945 outline the contribution of ONE religious tradition to the provision of education in Australia pre-1945 examine initiatives taken by ONE religious tradition in Australia in the area of public morality pre-1945


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