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Module 3

Airbus Reference Language Abbreviations For Information Only (Not Approved for Definition Dossier)
The purpose of this Module is to provide a list of abbreviations which may be found in the Airbus environment, but which are not approved for use in the Definition Dossier. This list is sorted by abbreviation in alphabetical sequence and each abbreviation is followed by the title or meaning of the abbreviation. This Module is for information purposes only and it is not to be used by Engineers and Authors as a source of abbreviations for current use in the Definition Dossier (refer to module 2 for Approved Abbreviations).

This document applies to All Airbus Projects, Programs, Functions and Suppliers as contracted.

Owners Approval: (signed)

Authorization: (signed) Date : 18 July 2003

Name Function

: Frdric Picard : EODZ

Name Function

: Thierry Pardessus : EOD

Airbus SAS 2003. All rights reserved. Confidential and proprietary document

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Airbus Reference Language Abbreviations For Information Only (Not Approved for Definition Dossier) Module 3

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Airbus Reference Language Abbreviations For Information Only (Not Approved for Definition Dossier) Module 3

Table of contents
1 2 On-Line Consultation ............................................................... 5 Proposal for Amendment ......................................................... 6

APPENDIX A............................................................................................................. 7 Approval ................................................................................................................. 65 Record of revisions ............................................................................................... 66

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Airbus Reference Language Abbreviations For Information Only (Not Approved for Definition Dossier) Module 3

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Airbus Reference Language Abbreviations For Information Only (Not Approved for Definition Dossier) Module 3

On-Line Consultation
On-line consultation is by the Lexinet on Airbus France Intranet and on Airbus|People Portal.

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Airbus Reference Language Abbreviations For Information Only (Not Approved for Definition Dossier) Module 3

Proposal for Amendment

Any user may propose addition to this document using the form provided in chapter 6 of Module 2 of this AP.

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Airbus Reference Language Abbreviations For Information Only (Not Approved for Definition Dossier) Module 3

APPENDIX A Abbreviations For Information Only

This Module is for information purposes only and is not to be used by Engineers or Authors as a source of abbreviations for current use.

Abbreviation A A A A A-D A-E A-F A-UK A2LA

Term Air Alternate Ampere Area Airbus Deutschland Airbus Espana Airbus France Airbus UK AMERICAN ASSOCIATION FOR LABORATORY ACCREDITATION Airworthiness Authorities Arithmetical Average Airbus Approved Abbreviations Handbook Analog Air Data Computer Above Aerodrome Level Airbus Application Management Group AIRWORTHINESS AUTHORITIES STEERING COMMITTEE Abbreviation Airbus Collective Data Dictionary AIRBUS DIRECTIVES Abeam Abnormal Absolute Value ADVISORY CIRCULAR Advisory Circular AIRWORTHINESS COMMITTEE (AECMA) Airborne Collision Avoidance System AIRCRAFT CONFIGURATION CONTROL Area Control Centre Accessory



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Airbus Reference Language Abbreviations For Information Only (Not Approved for Definition Dossier) Module 3

APPENDIX A, continued
Abbreviation ACD ACD ACDB ACE ACE ACE ACFU ACIA ACJ ACM ACM ACM ACMB ACMB ACMM ACMT ACMT ACO ACOB ACP ACRT ACS ACS ACT ACTD ACTN ACU ACVR AD AD AD AD ADAM ADAU ADC ADCL ADCOMS ADD ADD ADD BY Term Airframe Certification Document Airworthiness Certification Dossier Aircraft Component Data Base Airbus Concurrent Engineering AIRBUS CONCURRENT ENGINEERING Altimeter Control Equipment Aircraft Check Follow Up Asynchronous Communications Interface Adaptor Advisory Circular-Joint Abbreviated Component Maintenance Manual Aircraft Configuration Matrix Aircraft Conversion Manual Aircraft Configuration Management Board AIRCRAFT CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT BOARD Aircraft Configuration Meta Model Aircraft Component Management Team AIRCRAFT COMPONENT MANAGEMENT TEAM AIRCRAFT CERTIFICATION OFFICE Automatic Call Out Box Altimeter Check Point Additional Cross Reference Table Access Alternating Current Supply Activity Actuated Action Antenna Coupler Unit Alternating Current Voltage Ratio Aerodrome Airplane Datum Airworthiness Directive AIRWORTHINESS DIRECTIVE Airbus Spares Distribution and Materials System Auxiliary Data Acquisition Unit Airbus Delivery Centre Airworthiness Directives Compliance List Advanced Configuration Management System Aircraft Description Data Base Aircraft Design Declaration Added By


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Airbus Reference Language Abbreviations For Information Only (Not Approved for Definition Dossier) Module 3

APPENDIX A, continued
Abbreviation ADJ ADJMT ADO ADOPT ADPTN ADR ADRES ADRS ADU AEA AEB AECMA AECMA AEEC AERO AEX AF AF AFB AFC AFCS AFIS AFR AFS AFTN AFU AGARD AGG AGMT AGU AH AHP AHRS AHRU AI Term Adjust Adjustment Airbus Documentation Office Airbus Design and Operational Philosophy in Training Adaptation Advisory Route Aircraft Documentation Retrieval System Address Align Display Unit ASSOCIATION OF EUROPEAN AIRLINES Airline Engineering Bulletin EUROPEAN ASSOCIATION OF AEROSPACE INDUSTRIES The European Association of Aerospace Industries Airlines Electronic Engineering Committee Aviation Routine Weather Report Access Authorized All Freighter DME Arc to Fixed Waypoint Antifriction Bearing Automatic Frequency Control Automatic Flight Control System Airbus In-Flight Information Services Airframe FLIGHT STANDARDS SERVICE (FAA) Aeronautical Fixed Telecommunication Network Artificial Feel Unit ADVISORY GROUP FOR AEROSPACE RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT Airbus General Guide Augment AIR GENERATION UNIT Ampere Hour Anti-Hijacking Panel Attitude and Heading Reference System Attitude and Heading Reference Unit Anti-Icing


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Airbus Reference Language Abbreviations For Information Only (Not Approved for Definition Dossier) Module 3

APPENDIX A, continued
Abbreviation AIA AIB AIC AIC AICC AID AIDA AIG AIM-FANS AIMS AIMS AIMS AIM/CRM AINA AIP AIPS AIPS AIQI AIQI AIR AIR AIR AIRCOND AIRMAN AIS AISI AITM AL ALERFA ALF ALHP ALPHANUM ALS ALT ACQ ALT TO ALU AM AM AMC AMJ Term AEROSPACE INDUSTRIES ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA Airbus Industrie Access Illustration Cards Airbus Integrated Company Aviation Industry CBT Committee Aircraft Installation Delay Airbus Industrie Drawing Access Accident Investigation Airbus Interoperable Modular-Future Air Navigation Sys Airbus Industrie Material Specification AIRBUS INDUSTRIE MATERIAL SPECIFICATION Airbus Inventory Management System Airbus Integrated Management/Cockpit Resource Management Airbus North America Aeronautical Information Publication AIRBUS INDUSTRIE PROCESS SPECIFICATIONS Airbus Process Specification Airbus Industrie Quality Instruction AIRBUS INDUSTRIE QUALITY INSTRUCTIONS AIRCRAFT CERTIFICATION SERVICE (FAA) Aircraft Inspection Report AIRCRAFT INSPECTION REPORT Air Conditioning Aircraft Maintenance Analysis Aeronautical Information Service American Iron and Steel Institute Airbus Test Method Airline Alert Phase Aft Looking Forward Airframe Life-History Program Alphanumerical Approach Light System Altitude Acquire Alternate To Arithmetic and Logic Unit Airbus Means and Methods Document AIRBUS METHOD Acceptable Means of Compliance Advisory Material-Joint


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Airbus Reference Language Abbreviations For Information Only (Not Approved for Definition Dossier) Module 3

APPENDIX A, continued
Abbreviation AMM AMM AMMR AMP AMP AMS AMS AMS AMTOSS AN ANCE AND ANN LT ANPT ANSI ANU AO AOAS AOC AOLS AOP AOT AOT AP AP AP APASHE APC APE API API APM APM APQ APS APS AQAP AQP AR ARD Term AIRCRAFT MAINTENANCE MANUAL Ammeter AIRCRAFT MODIFICATION MANAGEMENT RULES Amperage Ampere Aeronautical Material Specifications Aerospace Material Specification Aircraft Modification Status Aircraft Maintenance Task Oriented Support System Air Navigation Announce Aircraft Nose Down Annunciator Light Aeronautical National Taper Pipe Threads AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARDS INSTITUTE Aircraft Nose Up Access Opening Angle of Attack Sensor Air Operator's Certificate Airbus On-Line Services Airbus Operational Plan All Operator Telex ALL OPERATOR TELEX Airborne Printer AIRBUS PROCEDURE Airbus Procedure Aircraft Publication Automated Shipping Expedite Area Positive Control ACE PROJECT ENVIRONMENT Application Programming Interface APPLICATION PROGRAMMING INTERFACE Aircraft Performance Monitoring Program Airport Planning Manual Airline Pre-Qualification Aircraft Prepared for Service Auxiliary Power Supply ALLIED QUALITY ASSURANCE PUBLICATION (OTAN) Advanced Qualification Program Audio Reproducer RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT SERVICE (FAA)


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Airbus Reference Language Abbreviations For Information Only (Not Approved for Definition Dossier) Module 3

APPENDIX A, continued
Abbreviation ARG ARINC ARM ARMD ARMG ARMT ARN ARND ARO ARP ARR ARS ART ARTCC ARTCLD AS AS AS ASAP ASCO ASDC ASE ASF ASG ASM ASM ASMA ASME ASNT ASR AST ASTM AT ATA ATAM Term Arresting Gear or Hook AERONAUTICAL RADIO INCORPORATED Airworthiness Review Meeting Armed Arming Armament Aircraft Registration Number Around After Receipt Order Aerodrome Reference Point - Airport Reference Point Arrival, Arriving AIRWORTHINESS REVIEW SHEET Active Repair Time Air Route Traffic Control Centre Articulated AEROSPACE STANDARDS Airscoop Airspeed As soon as possible Airbus Service Company Inc. Airline Service Data Collection Airbus Supplied Equipment Amperes per Square Foot Airbus Security Group AIRCRAFT SCHEMATIC MANUAL American Society for Metals Aircraft Systems Maintenance Aids AMERICAN SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS THE AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR NONDESTRUCTIVE TESTING,INC Airport Surveillance Radar AIRBUS SUPER TRANSPORTER AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR TESTING AND MATERIALS Autothrottle AIR TRANSPORT ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA Airbus Takeoff Analysis Module


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Airbus Reference Language Abbreviations For Information Only (Not Approved for Definition Dossier) Module 3

APPENDIX A, continued
Abbreviation ATB ATCA ATCDB ATCH ATCK ATCSS ATD ATEC ATEC ATLAS ATM ATM ATMG ATMS ATO ATO ATP ATS ATS ATT ATTEN ATZ AUD AUDSWTGSYS AUDSWTGUNIT AUTH AUTOCAL AVG AVIONICS AVRS AWB AWG AWG AWL AWLS AWM AWS AX AZ A.T.I.S Term ATA 100 Breakdown Air Traffic Control Board Aircraft Technical Characteristics Data Base Attach(ment) Attack Air Traffic Control Data Link Signalling System Aircraft Technical Definition Automatic Test Equipment Complex AUTOMATIC TEST EQUIPMENT COMPLEX Abbreviated Test Language for All Systems Aircraft Transportability Manual Available Ton-Mile Airbus Technical Management Group Advanced Text Management System Authorization to Offer AUTHORIZATION TO OFFER AIR TRAFFIC PROCEDURES DIVISION (FAA) Airbus Technical Specification Autothrust System Attitude Reference Attenuation Aerodrome Traffic Zone Audio Audio Switching System Audio Switching Unit Authorize Autocalibration Average Aviation Electronics Audio/Video Recording System Air Waybill American Wire Gage Audible Warning Generator AIRCRAFT WIRING LIST All Weather Landing System AIRCRAFT WIRING MANUAL American Welding Society Access Authorized Vertical Acceleration Airbus Technical Information System


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Airbus Reference Language Abbreviations For Information Only (Not Approved for Definition Dossier) Module 3

APPENDIX A, continued
Abbreviation A.T.I.S. A/D A/F A/L A/N SIZE A/R A/S A/T BAABI BAF BAFO BAL bar BARC BBRG BC BCWP BCWS BDD BDLI BEA BEL CRK BER BETW BEV BEW BFD BFDAS BFEMS BFR BG BGC BGS BHD BIST BITE BK BLC BLKT BLT Term AIRBUS TECHNICAL INFORMATION SYSTEM Analog to Digital Converter (conversion) Auto Flight Airline Alpha Numeric Size Audio Reproducer Auto Stabilization Adjustment/Test Basic Approved ATA Breakdown Index Baffle Best and Final Offer Basic Assembly Language 10 kPa Barometric Altitude Rate Computer Ball Bearing Baggage Container Train Budgeted Cost of Work Performed Budgeted Cost of Work Scheduled BITE Description Document Bundesverband der Deutschen Luft-und Raumfahrt Industrie Bureau d'Enqute Accident Bellcrank Beyond Economical Repair Between Bevel Basic Empty Weight Bi-Folding Door Basic Flight Data Acquisition System BFE Management System Buffer Build Group (Assembly Group) Build Group Component Build Group Stack-Up Bulkhead Built-in Self Test BUILT-IN TEST EQUIPMENT Black Basic Lines Catalog Blanket Bolt


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Airbus Reference Language Abbreviations For Information Only (Not Approved for Definition Dossier) Module 3

APPENDIX A, continued
Abbreviation BLW BM BMS BND BNDG BNR BO BO BOH BP BPR BR BRC BRD BRDG BRKS BS BSHG BSI BT BTU B/B B/C B/D C C C C c C of A CA CA CAA CAA CAATS CAB PRESS CAD CAD CADETS CAE Term Below Beam Bulletin Mto Spcial Bonded Bonding Binary Words Blocking Oscillator Body Odour Brake-Off Weight Bottom Plug BUSINESS PROCESS RE-ENGINEERING Brown Brace Braid Bridge Brakes BRITISH STANDARD Bushing BRITISH STANDARDS INSTITUTE Bus Tie British Thermal Unit Back-Beam Business Class Bottom of Descent Clear Cold (Electric Point) Comparator Convertible Equal Margin Certificate of Airworthiness Cable CONSTITUENT ASSEMBLY Civil Aviation Authority CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY Computer Assisted Aircraft Trouble Shooting Cabin Pressurization Computer Aided Design COMPUTER AIDED DESIGN Computer Assisted Documentation Education Tutorial System COMPUTER AIDED ENGINEERING


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Airbus Reference Language Abbreviations For Information Only (Not Approved for Definition Dossier) Module 3

APPENDIX A, continued
Abbreviation CAG CAGE CAGE CAI CALC CALS CAM CAM CAN CANC CANTIL CAO CAP CAPLTY CAR CAR CARE CARE CARP CAS CAS CAS CASE CAT CAUT LT CBAL CBO CBORE CBR CBS CBS CBSV CCB CCC CCITT Term Circulation Arienne Gnrale Commercial and Government Entity Commercial And Government Entity Combustion Area Inspection Cargo Acceptance and Load Control COMPUTER-AIDED ACQUISITION AND LOGISTICS SUPPORT Computer Aided Manufacturing COMPUTER AIDED MANUFACTURING Canopy Cancel Cantilever Cargo Aircraft Only Capacitor Capability Cargo Civil Aviation Requirements Common Airbus Requirements Engineering Continuing Airframe - Health Review and Evaluation Carpet Calculated Air Speed Collision Avoidance System Computed Air Speed COORDINATED AGENCY FOR SUPPLIER EVALUATION (US) Clear Air Turbulence Caution Light Counterbalance Cycles between Overhaul Counterbore California Bearing Ratio COST BREAKDOWN STRUCTURE Cost Breakdown Structure Cycles Between Scheduled Visits CONFIGURATION CONTROL BOARD Component Change Card Consultative Committee International Telegraphy & Teleph


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Airbus Reference Language Abbreviations For Information Only (Not Approved for Definition Dossier) Module 3

APPENDIX A, continued
Abbreviation CCITT CCQ CCR CD CD CD-ROM CD-ROM CD-WD CDA CDBT CDBT CDDS CDE CDE CDE CDIM CDL CDR CDR CDS CDT CE CE CECAM CECC CEET CEO CEPT CEV CF CFAR CFE CFH CFIT CFM CFP CFR CFS CGM CH Term CONSULTATIVE COMMITTEE ON INTERNATIONAL TELEPHONY AND TELEGRAPHY Cross Crew Qualification Customer Change Register Cold Drawn Count Drag Compact Disc - Read Only Memory COMPACT DISK-READ ONLY MEMORY Component Data Working Document COMPOUND DOCUMENT ARCHITECTURE Component Design and Build Team COMPONENT MANAGEMENT INTEGRATION TEAM Component Documentation Data System COMPUTER DATA EXCHANGE CONCEPTUAL DESIGN ENGINEERING Consumption Data Exchange Card Component Data Instruction Manual COMPONENT DEVIATION LIST CRITICAL DESIGN REVIEW CRITICAL DESIGN REVIEW Cold Drawn Steel Cabin Door Trainer Central Entity CONCURRENT ENGINEERING Centralized Cabin Monitoring CENELEC ELECTRONIC COMPONENTS COMMISSION Cabin Emergency Evacuation Trainer Chief Executive Officer Council of European Posts and Telegraphs Clutch Electro Valve Course to a Fixed Waypoint CERTIFICATION FIRST ARTICLE REVIEW Customer Furnished Equipment Cubic Feet per Hour Controlled Flight Into Terrain Cubic Feet per Minute Computerized Flight Plan Code of Federal Regulations Cold Finished Steel Computer Graphics Metafile Centre Hatrack


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Airbus Reference Language Abbreviations For Information Only (Not Approved for Definition Dossier) Module 3

APPENDIX A, continued
Abbreviation CH CHAM CHAS CHK CHM CI CI CI CI Ci CICS CICS/VS CID CIM CKD CL CL CL CLD CLDB CLG CLN CLP CLR ALT CLSG CLTM CLV CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CMFLR CMI CMIT CMM CMMM CMP Term Charge Chamfer Chassis Check Chime Cast iron Configuration Item Conversion Instruction Course to an Intercept Curie Customer Information Control System Customer Information Control System/Virtual Storage CONFIGURATION INDEX DOCUMENT Continuous Image Microfilm Checked Climb Clip Clutch Closed Component Location Data Bank Ceiling Clinometer Clamp Clearance Altitude Closing Component Location Training Manual Clevis Call Maintenance Centimeters Collective Modification Configuration Management CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT Configuration Management Crew Member Cam Follower Computer Managed Instruction Component Management and Integration Team COMPONENT MAINTENANCE MANUAL Component Maintenance Manual Manufacturer Customer Maintenance Program


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Airbus Reference Language Abbreviations For Information Only (Not Approved for Definition Dossier) Module 3

APPENDIX A, continued
Abbreviation CMPLRY CMPNT CMPS CPLR CMPTG CMR CMRLR CMS CNCT CNCTD CNCTN CNCTRC CNCV CND CNTR CO CO COHO COL COM COM CombL COMPT TEMP COMTN CONDTN CONT COO COORD COPI CORA CORCTD CORR CORR CORR Cor.M COS COT COTS COV CP CPCP Term Complementary Component Compass Coupler Computing CERTIFICATION MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS Cam Roller Cabin Management System Connect Connected Connection Concentric Concave Conduit Counter Company Cut-Off Coherent Oscillator Column Common Company Organization Manual Combustible Liquid Compartment Temperature Commutation Condition Contour Chief Operating Officer Coordinate Copilot Customer Order Administration Corrected Correct Corrugate Corrugation Corrosive Material Cosine Cotter Commercial Off-The-Shelf Cover Clock Pulse Corrosion Prevention and Control program


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Airbus Reference Language Abbreviations For Information Only (Not Approved for Definition Dossier) Module 3

APPENDIX A, continued
Abbreviation CPF CPL CPLD CPT CPT CQ CR CR CRC CRC CRE CRI CRK CRL CRM CRR CRS CRSN CS CS CS CSE CSF/L CSI CSIP CSKH CSM CSN CSS CST CSTG CSV CT CTA CTDP CTF CTF.P CTF.Q CTK CTR Term Central Programme Function Couple Coupled Capture Compartment CUSTOMER QUERY Cold Rolled Cruise Camera Ready Copy Crew Rest Compartment Corrosion-Resistant CERTIFICATION REVIEW ITEM Crank Collar CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIP MANAGEMENT Component Reliability Report Cold Rolled Steel Corrosion Cabin Cleaners Steps Call Switch Centistokes Course Set Error Continuous Safe Flight/Landing Cycles Since Installation Customer Satisfaction Improvement Programme Countersunk Head Computer Software Manual Catalog Sequence Number Cockpit System Simulator Cabin Service Trainer Casting Cycles Since Last Shop Visit Center Tape Control Area Cabin Trainer Data Packages Central Test Facilities Central Test Facility Response Central Test Facility Questions Capacity Tonne Kilometre Contour


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Airbus Reference Language Abbreviations For Information Only (Not Approved for Definition Dossier) Module 3

APPENDIX A, continued
Abbreviation CTR CTRD CTSK CTWT cu CVL CWG CWS CWY CY C/M C/M C/SSR DABS DAC DADS DAF DAID daN DAP DAS/STC DAT DB dB DBBS DBD DBD dB(A) DC DCD DCD DCI DCR DCR DCS DCS DCS DCS DCVR DDA Term Control Zone Centered Countersunk Counterweight Cubic Configuration Variation List Cockpit Working Group Control Wheel Steering Clearway Calendar Year - Current Year Command/Monitor Crew Member Cost/Schedule Status Report Discrete Address Beacon System DESIGN ASSURANCE COORDINATOR Digital Air Data System Damping Augmentation Function DESIGN ASSURANCE INTERFACE DOCUMENT Load (DecaNewton) DOCUMENT APPLICATION PROFILE Designated Alteration Station/Supplemental Type Certific DESIGN ASSURANCE TEAM Data Base Decibel Data Base Bulletin Service Data Basis for Design DATA BASIS FOR DESIGN A-Weighted Decibel Domain Coordinator Decode Double Channel Duplex DESIGN CHANGE INSTRUCTION DESIGN CHANGE REQUEST DESIGN CHANGE REQUEST DATA SHEET Designated Certification Specialist DESIGNATED CERTIFICATION SPECIALIST Direct Current Supply Double Channel Simplex Direct Current Voltage Ratio Digital Differential Accumulation


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Airbus Reference Language Abbreviations For Information Only (Not Approved for Definition Dossier) Module 3

APPENDIX A, continued
Abbreviation DDCU DDI DDI DDM DDTS DEC DEF-STAN DEFDARS DEFL DEL DEL BY DEM DEM DEMOD DEP DEPLD DEPT DES DES DETNG DEVN DEW DEX DF DF DFA DFT DFTR DG DGAC DGTL DI DI DIAPH DIB DIM DIM DIN DIR DIR TO Term Dedicated Display and Control Unit Design Drawing Instruction Documentary Data Insert Difference in Depth of Modulation Digital Data Technology Standards Declination DEFENCE STANDARDS Digital Expandable Flt Data Acquisition & Recording Sys Deflect Delay Message Deleted by Digital Electronic Module DIGITAL ENGINEERING MASTER Demodulator Data Entry Panel Deployed Department Digital Equipment Simulator DIGITAL EQUIPMENT SIMULATOR Determining Deviation Delivery Empty Weight Access Demanded DIGITAL FACTORY Direction Finder Delayed Flaps Approach Drift DEVELOPMENT FLIGHT TEST REQUEST Directional Gyro Direction Generale de l'Aviation Civile Digital Data Input Deicing Diaphragm DESIGN, INTEGRATION AND BUILD TEAM Dimension Dimming GERMAN INSTITUTE OF NORM Direct, Direction, Director Direct to


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Airbus Reference Language Abbreviations For Information Only (Not Approved for Definition Dossier) Module 3

APPENDIX A, continued
Abbreviation DIS DIS-IN DISCTN DISRMD DL DLY DM DMC DMC DMC DMC DMS DMU DO DO DO DOA DOA DOC DOC.DATA DOD DOM DOM DP DP DP DPM DRIP DRVN DS DSAPP DSCRM DSCRT DSCS DSENGD DSSSL DSTRK DSUG DTFU DUM Term DRAFT INTERNATIONAL STANDARD (ISO) Discrete Input Disconnection Disarmed Domain Leader Delay DEPLOYMENT MANAGER Design Modification Committee Direct Maintenance Cost DIRECT MAINTENANCE COST DISPLAY MANAGEMENT COMPUTER DOCUMENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM DIGITAL MOCK-UP Data Output Design Office DESIGN OFFICE Design Organisation Approval DESIGN ORGANIZATION APPROVAL Direct Operating Cost Documentary Data DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE (US) Design Organisation Manual DESIGN ORGANIZATION MANUAL Data Processing Differential Protection DRAFT PROPOSAL (ISO) Design Progress Meeting Design Response Intended for Playback Driven Downstream Disappearance Discriminator Discrete Doors and Escape Slides Control System Disengaged DOCUMENT STYLE SEMANTIC AND SPECIFIC LANGUAGE Desired Track Drawing Set User Guide DEVELOPMENT TECHNICAL FOLLOW-UP Dummy


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Airbus Reference Language Abbreviations For Information Only (Not Approved for Definition Dossier) Module 3

APPENDIX A, continued
Abbreviation DVD DVD DX DYNMTC D/A D/D D/O EAC EADI EADS EAS EASE EAT EBS EC ECDB ECDB ECM ECON ECR ECR ECS ECSB ED EDA EDB EDDF EDE EDI EDIF EDIS EDMC EDP EDP EDP EDTA EE EE EEPSC EFDARS Term Digital Versatile Disk Digital Video Disk Access Demanded Dynamometric Digital to Analog Engine Out Drift Down Point Description and Operation ESTIMATE AT COMPLETION (PROJECT) Electronic Attitude Director Indicator European Aeronautic Defence and Space Company Equivalent Airspeed EUROPEAN AEROSPACE FOR SUPPLIES EVALUATION Expected Approach Time Engine Build Specification Engine Control Equipment Central Data Bank EQUIPMENT CENTRAL DATA BANK Engineering Coordination Memo Economic ELECTRONIC CHARACTER RECOGNITION EXPERIMENTAL CHANGE REQUEST Electronic Cooling System Embedded Computer System Bus Edge Distance ELECTRONIC DESIGN AUTOMATION ECAM Data Book ELECTRICAL DRAWING DATA FILE ELECTRICAL DESIGN ENTRY ELECTRONIC DATA INTERCHANGE ELECTRONIC DESIGN INTERCHANGE FORMAT ELECTRICAL DATA INTEGRATED SYSTEM Engineering Drawing Microfilm Card Electronic Data Processing Engine Driven Pump EXTENDED PRINCIPLE DIAGRAM Ethylenediamine Tetraacetate Electrical and Electronic Electrical Equipment EUROPEAN EQUIPMENT PRODUCT SUPPORT COMMITTEE Expandable Flight Data Acquisition and Recording Systems


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Airbus Reference Language Abbreviations For Information Only (Not Approved for Definition Dossier) Module 3

APPENDIX A, continued
Abbreviation EFIS CP EFIS SGU EFQM EG EGPWS EHSI EIRD EIS EIS EIS EIT EL ELAPS ELEKS ELS ELV EM EM EMDB EMLS EMP EMS EMS EMU ENBL ENCD ENCL ENG OUT ENGD ENGR ENP ENRGZ ENT ENTR ENV EO EO ACCEL ALT EO THR RED SPD EOC EOP Term EFIS Control Panel EFIS Symbol Generator Unit EUROPEAN FOUNDATION FOR QUALITY MANAGEMENT For Example Enhanced Ground Proximity Warning System Electronic Horizontal Situation Indicator Equipment Installation Requirement Document Entry into Service ENTRY INTO SERVICE Entry Into Service ENGINEERING IT Equipment List Elapsed Time Electronics Emergency Lighting System Elevation ElectroMagnet Engine Manual Electrical Main Data Bank Emergency Lighting System Empennage Equipment Modification Sheet EQUIPMENT MODIFICATION SHEET Engine Maintenance Unit Enable Encode Enclosure Engine Out Engaged Engineer Estimated Normal Payload Energize Entry Entrance Envelope Engineering Order Engine Out Acceleration Altitude Engine Out Thrust Reduction Speed Engineering Order Change End of Part


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Airbus Reference Language Abbreviations For Information Only (Not Approved for Definition Dossier) Module 3

APPENDIX A, continued
Abbreviation EOQC EPAC EPD EPPT EPR EPR EPR EPS EPU ER ER ERECT ERL EROM ERP ERP ERR ERS ERS ESA ESB ESC ESD ESD ESD ESD ESD ESDB ESR ESWL ETDS Etio.Ag. ETS EUROCAE EV EWS EXCD EXCG EXCN Expl. Term EUROPEAN ORGANIZATION FOR QUALITY CONTROL Entity per Aircraft Change ELECTRONIC PRODUCT DEFINITION Electronic Performance EQUIPMENT PROBLEM REPORT EQUIPMENT PROBLEM REPORT DATA SHEET Exhaust Pressure Ratio ENCAPSULATED POSTSCRIPT Emergency Power Unit Elevator Rib Error Report Erection Economic Repair Life Electronic Readout Machine ENTERPRISE RESOURCE PLANNING ENTERPRISE RESOURCE & PLANNING Error Erase Erased EUROPEAN SPACE AGENCY Evaluation Service Bulletin Escape Electro Sensitive Device Electro Static Discharge ELECTRO STATIC DISCHARGE Electronic System Display ELECTROSTATIC SENSITIVE DEVICE Element Standard Data Bank EUROPEAN STAFF REQUIREMENT Equivalent Single Wheel Load Engineering Technical Data Service Etiologic Agent Equipment Technical Specification EUROPEAN ORGANIZATION FOR CIVIL AVIATION EQUIPMENT Electro Valve Electronic Warning System Excited Exciting Excitation Explosive


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Airbus Reference Language Abbreviations For Information Only (Not Approved for Definition Dossier) Module 3

APPENDIX A, continued
Abbreviation EXT EXTC EXTCD EXTCG EXTG EXTIG EXTIN EXTIR EXTR EXTR EZ E/T F F-PLAN FAA FAA FACS FADEC FAF FAI FAI FAIR FAL FAL FAL OP FALH FAOM FAR FAR FAWP FBS FBW FC FC FCCS FCCU FCD FCD55 FCO FCOM Term Extend, Extension Extract Extracted Extracting Extending Extinguishing Extinction Extinguisher Extractor Extrusion Electrical Zero Electrical Trim Minimum Flap Retract Speed (EFIS) Flight Plan Federal Aviation Administration FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION Flight Augmentation Computer System FULL AUTHORITY DIGITAL ENGINE CONTROL FORWARD AND AFT FUSELAGE First Article Inspection FIRST ARTICLE INSPECTION Fairing Final Assembly Line FINAL ASSEMBLY LINE FINAL ASSEMBLY LINE OPERATION MEETING Final Assembly Line Holder Flight Attendant Operating Manual FEDERAL AVIATION REGULATIONS FIRST ARTICLE REVIEW Final Approach Waypoint Fixed Base Simulator Fly-by-wire Flight Cycle Freight Container Train Flight Control Computer System Flight Control Computer Unit Full Color Display Full Color Display 5 inch x 5 inch Fulfill Customer Order FLIGHT CREW OPERATING MANUAL


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Airbus Reference Language Abbreviations For Information Only (Not Approved for Definition Dossier) Module 3

APPENDIX A, continued
Abbreviation FCPI FCR FCST FCTN FCU FDR FDSU FEC FEM FET FEW FFAR FFCC FFCC FFL FFP FFS FGN FGS FHA FIL FIL FIL H FIN FIR FL FL FL FL FLA Fla.G Fla.L Fla.S FLC FLDK FLG FLH FLIP FLLT FLMPRF Term Flight Control Position Indicator Flight Crew Report Forecast Function Flush Control Unit FLIGHT DATA RECORDER Flight Data Storage Unit Flight Envelope Computer FINITE ELEMENT MODEL Field Effect Transistor Fleet Empty Weight FIRST FLIGHT ARTICLE REVIEW Forward Facing Crew Cockpit Concept Forward Facing Crew Cockpit Configuration Flip Flop Latch Fixed Firm Price Full Flight Simulator Foreign Flight Guidance System FUNCTIONAL HAZARD ASSESSMENT Filament Fillet Fillister Head FUNCTIONAL ITEM NUMBER Full Indicator Reading Flood Floor Flow Fluid FUTURE LARGE AIRCRAFT Flammable Compressed Gas Flammable Liquid Flammable Solid Feel and Limitation Computer Flight Deck Flange Flat Head Flight Plan Computation Program Flashing Light Flameproof


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Airbus Reference Language Abbreviations For Information Only (Not Approved for Definition Dossier) Module 3

APPENDIX A, continued
Abbreviation FLSA FLT CTL FM FM FMCU FMEA FMES FMS FNA FO FOD FOM FOM FOQA FOR DET FOSI FOT FOT FPDI FPL FPM FQI FREX FRQ FRT FS FSB FST FSTNR ft FTB FTD FTI FTK FTK FTMS FTMS FTP FTR FTR Term Fuel Level Sensing Amplifier Flight Control Fan Marker FLIGHT MANUAL Flight Management Computer Unit FAILURE MODE EFFECT ANALYSIS FAILURE MODE EFFECT SUMMARY Fuel Manifold Staging Final Approach Flight Order Fuel Over Destination Flight Operations Manual Flight Operations Monitoring Flight Operations Quality Assurance For Detail FORMATING OUTPUT SPECIFICATION INSTANCE FAL Operational Test Meeting FLIGHT OPERATION TELEX FIRST PRELIMINARY DESIGN INSPECTION Flight Plan Feet per Minute Fuel Quantity Indicating/-ion/-or Support Repercussion Sheet Frequency Front Fuselage Station Fasten Seat Belts Fire/Smoke/Toxicity Fastener Feet, Foot For the time being Flight Training Device FLIGHT TEST INSTALLATION Freight Tonne Kilometre Fuel Tank Flight Test Management System FLIGHT TEST MANAGEMENT SYSTEM File Transfer Protocol Flight Test Request FLIGHT TEST REQUEST


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Airbus Reference Language Abbreviations For Information Only (Not Approved for Definition Dossier) Module 3

APPENDIX A, continued
Abbreviation FTRNG FTS ft/mn FU FV FW FWSD FY F/C F/E F/S F/U F/W g G g G G GA gal GALV GAMMA-A GAMMA-T GATE GATT GCA GCP GDS GENL GFTM GHS GIC GIDOCA GIE GIM GIPSY GLM GMC GMC GMR Term Feathering Frame Time Select Feet per Minute Feedback Unit Flux Valve Firewall Flight Warning and System Display Fiscal Year First Class Flight Engineer Fast/Slow Follow-Up Failure Warning Earth Acceleration (Symbol) Galley Gram Grid Gyro General Application Gallon Galvanize Slope Potential Slope Glossary of Airbus Terms and Expressions General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade Ground-Controlled Approach System General Conditions of Purchase GSE Data Sheet General General Familiarization Training Manual GROUND HANDLING AND SERVICING General Instruction Card Gestion Informatique de la Documentation Avion Groupement d'Intrt Economique General Introduction Manual General Integrated Publication System General List of Modifications General Modification Committee GENERAL MODIFICATIONS COMMITTEE Ground Movement Radar


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Airbus Reference Language Abbreviations For Information Only (Not Approved for Definition Dossier) Module 3

APPENDIX A, continued
Abbreviation GMTBF GOSIP GP GR GRC GRFC GRP GRP GRV GSE GSHLD GSM GTA GTHRG GTR GTR GU GUI GY G/A G/G h H h H H NAV HADC HARDWARE ACCOMPLISHMENT SUMMARY HAS HB hbar HD HD HD HDO Term Guaranteed Mean Time Between Failure GOVERNMENT OPEN SYSTEM INTERCONNECT PROFILE Glide Path Gear Glass Reinforced Composite Global RFC Ground Reference Point Ground/Geographical Reference Point Groove GROUND SUPPORT EQUIPMENT Glareshield General Structure Manual General Terms Agreement Gathering Ground Test Requirement GROUND TEST REQUIREMENT GRAPHICAL UNIT Graphic Interface Unit Grey Ground-to-Air Ground Guidance Height Hot (Electrical Point) Hour Runway Thickness Horizontal Navigation Hybrid Air Data Computer HAS

Heading and Attitude System Brinnell Hardness Test Value Stress (Hectobar) HARNESS DESIGN Head Hold HEAD OF DESIGN ORGANIZATION


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Airbus Reference Language Abbreviations For Information Only (Not Approved for Definition Dossier) Module 3

APPENDIX A, continued
Abbreviation HEX HHL HIL HK HLAC HLCL HLDC HNG HOLD HORIZ Hpa HPC HPGL HPT HPV HR HR HRS HRS HR(X) HR/XXX) HSG HSI HSS HT HT TR HTD HTML HTML HTP HTP HTTP HV HVDF HWBPT HWL HZ H/O I I Term Hexadecimal Horizontal Hinge Line Hold Item List Knoop Hardness Test Value High Level AC Voltage Helical High Level DC Voltage Hinge Holding Horizontal Hecto Pascal Rear Compressor Rotor and Stator Assembly HEWLETT PACKARD GRAPHIC LANGUAGE Rear Compressor Drive Turbine Rotor Assembly High Pressure Valve Hot Rolled Hour Hot Rolled Steel Hours Rockwell Hardness Test Value Rockwell Superficial Hardness Test Value Housing Hot Section Inspection High Speed Steel Heat Heat Treat Heated Hyper Text Mark-up Language HYPER TEXT MARKUP LANGUAGE Horizontal Tail Plane HORIZONTAL TAIL PLANE HYPER TEXT TRANSFER PROTOCOL Vickers Hardness Test Value High and Very High Frequency Direction - Finding Station Hardware Breakpoint HONEY WELL Hertz HAND OVER MEETING Inertial Invoice Card


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Airbus Reference Language Abbreviations For Information Only (Not Approved for Definition Dossier) Module 3

APPENDIX A, continued
Abbreviation IATA IATA IAW IAWP IBN IBU IC IC ICAO ICAO ICCAIA ICD ICE ICR ID PL IDBT IDC IDP IEC IEEE IF IFES IFP IFSD IFTB IGES IIA IIPD ILLUMD IM IM IMA IMC IMPACT IN IN-LBS IN HG INA INCLG INCR Term International Air Transport Association INTERNATIONAL AIR TRANSPORT ASSOCIATION In Accordance with Initial Approach Waypoint Identification Beacon Integrated Ballast Unit Integrated Circuit Invoice Control Card International Civil Aviation Organisation INTERNATIONAL CIVIL AVIATION ORGANIZATION Inter Co-ordinating Council of Aerospace Industries Asso INTERFACE CONTROL DRAWINGS In Circuit Emulation INTELLIGENT CHARACTER RECOGNITION Identification Plate Integrated Design and Build Team Instrument Display Catalog Integrated Data Processing INTERNATIONAL ELECTROTECHNICAL COMMISSION INSTITUTE OF ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS ENGINEERS, INC Intermediate Frequency In-Flight Entertainment System In-Flight Performance Computation Program In-Flight Shut Down In flight Turn back INTERNATIONAL GRAPHICS EXCHANGE SPECIFICATION INFORMATION INTERCHANGE ARCHITECTURE Illustrated Initial Provisioning Document Illuminated ILS Inner Marker INTERFACES MILESTONES INTEGRATED MODULAR AVIONICS Indirect Maintenance Cost Improvement Manufacturer Program for Airbus Customer Training Inch Inch-pounds Inches of Mercury Initial Approach Including Increase


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Airbus Reference Language Abbreviations For Information Only (Not Approved for Definition Dossier) Module 3

APPENDIX A, continued
Abbreviation INHI INP INSP INSTLLD INSTM INT INT INTCON INTEN INTG INTGT INTR INTRPT INU INWP IOC IOE IOR IP IP IPC IPC IPCT IPD IPD IPD IPL IPO IPS IPT IPV IRAN IRQ IRR Irr.M IRS IRU IS ISA ISB Term Inhibit Input Inspection Installed Instrumentation Interrupt Intersection Interconnection Intensity Integral Integrate, Integrating Interior Interrupt Inertial Navigation Unit Intermediate Waypoint Indirect Operating Cost Initial Operating Experience Immediate Operational Requirement Initial Provisioning Invoice Packing Card ILLUSTRATED PARTS CATALOG Intermediate Pressure Bleed Check Valve Initial Provisioning Coordination Team Illustrated Provisioning Document INITIAL PROVISIONING DATA Initial Provisioning Data Illustrated Parts List Initial Public stock Offering Incorrect Phase Sequence Inadvertent Power Transfer Indicator Para Visual Inspection and Repair As Necessary Interrupt Request Internal Rate of Return Irritating Material Inspection Report System Inertial Reference Unit INTERFACES SPECIFICATION Inertial Sensor Assembly Inter-System Bus


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Airbus Reference Language Abbreviations For Information Only (Not Approved for Definition Dossier) Module 3

APPENDIX A, continued
Abbreviation ISDN ISDU ISG ISO ISP ISPU ISRO ISS ISU ISWL IT ITP IVCP I/I JAA JAA JAMG JAR JB JEMTOSS JIC JK JOG K K K KBE KBS KB/s KeV kg kg/m KHZ KIAS kPa KPI KPI KRUG KT KV Term Integrated Services Data Network Inertial Sensor Display Unit (IRS) Instrument Symbol Generator Unit INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION FOR STANDARDIZATION In-Service Problem In-Seat Power Supply Unit IN-SERVICE REPORTABLE OCCURRENCE Inertial Sensor System Inertial Sensor Unit Isolated Single Wheel Load Interruption INTENTION TO PROCEED INTEGRATED VALUE CREATION PROJECT Inspection/Interval Joint Airworthiness Authorities JOINT AIRWORTHINESS AUTHORITIES Jamming JOINT AVIATION REQUIREMENTS Junction Box Jet Engine Maintenance Task Oriented Support System Job Instruction Card Jack Joggle Degrees Kelvin K Subgrade Reaction Modulus KNOWLEDGE BASED ENGINEERING KNOWLEDGE BASED SYSTEM Kilo Bits per Second Thousand Electron Volts Kilogram Kilograms/Cubic Meter Kilohertz Knots Indicated Airspeed Kilo Pascal Key Performance Indicator KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS Krueger Knot(s) Kilo Volt


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Airbus Reference Language Abbreviations For Information Only (Not Approved for Definition Dossier) Module 3

APPENDIX A, continued
Abbreviation KVA kW L L L-x L ECAM DU LAG LAM LAMM LAND LAP LAU lb LB LB-FT LB-IN LBA lbf/in LC LCC LCC LCHG LCL LCSD LD LD LDA LDC LDG GR LDI LE LEL LEP LF LFR LGND LIMG LIPPLE LIR LISA Term Kilovolt Ampere Kilowatt Litre or Liter Radius of Relative Stiffness Lavatory - X Left ECAM Display Unit Lagging Laminate Lights, Audio and Miscellaneous Module Landing List of Applicable Publications Linear Accelerometer Unit Pound Pounds Pound - Force - Foot (Torque) Pound - Inch Luftfahrt Bundes Amt Pounds force per square inch Labour Cost Life Cycle Cost LIFE CYCLE COST Latching Line Check List (Maintenance) Line Check Support Data Left Display Load Localizer-type Directional Aid Local Domain Coordinator Landing Gear Landing Direction Indicator Log Entry Lower Explosive Limit List of Effective Pages Low Frequency Low Frequency Radio Range Legend Limiting Lowest Intelligible Phone Power Level LOGISTICS INFORMATION REFERENCE Light Interface Standardization Adapter


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Airbus Reference Language Abbreviations For Information Only (Not Approved for Definition Dossier) Module 3

APPENDIX A, continued
Abbreviation LKR LL LL1 LLAC LLDC LLDC LLI LLL LLS LLS LM LMC LMM LMP LMT LNA LO LO PR LOC LOG LOGO LOM LONG LOPA LORAN LP VALVE LPC LPC LPE LPFEV LPO LPT LROPS LRRA LS LS LSA LSA LSC LSP Term Locker Low Level Waypoint from Waypoint List Abbreviated Low Level AC Voltage Low Level DC Voltage Low Level Direct Current Long Lead Time Item Low Level Light Left Line Select Key Low-Level Solid Radioactive Material LOCAL MANUFACTURING Least Material Condition Compass Locator at Middle Marker Line Maintenance Part Local Mean Time Label Not Available Local Oscillator Low Pressure List of Overhaulable Components Logic Logogram Compass Locator at Outer Marker Longitudinal Layout Per Aircraft Long Range Aid to Air Navigation Low Pressure Valve Less Paper in the Cockpit Low Compressor Rotor and Stator Assembly Laissez-Passer Exceptionnel Long Power Failure Event Landings per Overhaul Front Compressor Drive Turbine Rotor Assembly Long Range Operations Low Range Radio Altimeter Landing System Line Select Key Low Specific Activity Radioactive Material Low Speed Aileron Least Significant Character Low Speed


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Airbus Reference Language Abbreviations For Information Only (Not Approved for Definition Dossier) Module 3

APPENDIX A, continued
Abbreviation LSR LSU LT LTK LTS LTS LTS LVL/CH LVR L/D M M M m M m MA MA MAA MABH MAC MADAR MAG MAG VAR MAGN Mag.M MAIDS MALS MALSR MAP MAP MAP MAP MAPSP MAREPS MAS MAS MAS MASI MAWP Term Last Significant Bit Lavatory Service Unit Teleloading Load Tonne Kilometre Lights LOAD AND TRIM SHEET Load and Trim Sheet Software Level Change Louver Lift/Drag Mach Mach Number Magenta Meter Mode Cubic Meter Maintenance Annunciator Milli-Ampere Maximum Authorized IFR Altitude Minimum Approach Breakoff Height Maintenance Action Classification Malfunction Detection Analysis and Recording Subsystem Magazine Magnetic Variation Magnetron Magnetized Material Multipurpose Automatic Inspection and Diagnostic System Medium Intensity Approach Light System Medium Intensity Approach Light System with Runway Align Ground Mapping Master Annunciator Panel Mise au point Missed Approach Segment Master Attendant Passenger Service Panel MAINTENANCE REPORTS Milli-Ampere/Seconds Modification Approval Sheet MODIFICATION APPROVAL SHEET Mach Airspeed Indicator Missed Approach Waypoint


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Airbus Reference Language Abbreviations For Information Only (Not Approved for Definition Dossier) Module 3

APPENDIX A, continued
Abbreviation MAX CLB MAX DES MAX END MB mbar MC MC MCA MCBF MCC MCC MCi MCR MCR MCS MCU MCVL MCW MDA MDAU MDF MDH MDM MDU MEA MEASRG MEL MEL MEM MEV MEV MF MFP MFR IDENT MFT MFTW MFW MGT MHSU MHZ Term Maximum Climb Maximum Descent Maximum Endurance Millibars Millibar Master Change Material Cost Minimum Crossing Altitude Mean Cycles between Failures Modification Customer Chart Multi Crew Cooperation Millicurie Manufacturer Change Request Maximum Cruise MultiChannel Aviation Satellite Communication System Master Control Unit Manual Configuration Variation List Modulated Continuous Wave Minimum Decision Altitude Modular Data Acquisition Unit Medium Frequency Direction Finding Station Minimum Descent Height Material Data Meeting Multiplier Divider Unit Minimum En Route IFR Altitude Measuring Minimum Equipment List MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST Memory Main Electro Valve Million Electron-Volts Medium Frequencies Mixed Fission Products Manufacturer Identification Multi Function Team Maximum Design Fuel Transfer Weight Maximum Design Flight Weight Management Magnetic Heading Sensor Unit Megahertz


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Airbus Reference Language Abbreviations For Information Only (Not Approved for Definition Dossier) Module 3

APPENDIX A, continued
Abbreviation MID MIL S mile/h min MIN FUEL MIN TIME MIP MIPO MIPS MIR MKGS ml MLD MM MM mm mm mm MMC MMDB MMEL MMH/FH Mn MNPS MOC MOCA MOD MOD MOD/V MOM MONG MOU MOU MP MP MP MPA MPB MPD MPDS Term Modification Information Document MILITARY SPECIFICATION (US) Miles per Hour Minute Minimum Fuel Minimum Time Maintenance Information Printer Manually Issued Purchase Order Maintenance Information and Planning System MANAGEMENT INSTALLATION REQUEST Markings Milliliter Molded Maintenance Manual Middle Marker Millimeter Square Millimeter Cubic Millimeter Maximum Material Condition Mechanical Main Data Bank MASTER MINIMUM EQUIPMENT LIST Maintenance Man Hours per Flight Hour Mach Number Minimum Navigation Performance Specification MEANS OF COMPLIANCE Minimum Obstruction Clearance Altitude MINISTRY OF DEFENSE Modulator Modulating Valve Maintenance Organization Manual Monitoring Memorandum of Understanding MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING Main Processor Maintenance Practices Maintenance Procedure Maximum Power Assurance Micro Processor Bipolar MAINTENANCE PLANNING DOCUMENT Maintenance Planning Data Support


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Airbus Reference Language Abbreviations For Information Only (Not Approved for Definition Dossier) Module 3

APPENDIX A, continued
Abbreviation MPL MPR MPS MPS MPU MQPB MRA MRBD MRBR mrem/hr MRIU MRP MRS MRS mr/hr MS MS MS MSC MSC MSCN MSG MSG-3 MSI MSL MSU MT MTBF MTBI MTBIFS MTBPR MTBT MTE MTGC MTN MTO MTOP MTR MTS MTUR Term Maximum Permitted Life Multipurpose Register Maximum Performance Specifications Multiplex Power Supply Magnetic Pickup Minimum Quantity Price Break Minimum Reception Altitude Maintenance Review Board Document MAINTENANCE REVIEW BOARD REPORT Millirems per hour Maintenance & Recording Interface Unit MANUFACTURING RESOURCE PLANNING Maintenance, Reliability, Supportability Malfunction Reporting Systems Milliroentgens per Hour AI Maintenance Schedule Military Standard MILITARY STANDARD (MINISTERE DEFENSE US) Airbus Materiel Support Centre Maintenance Steering Committee Manufacturer Specification Change Notice MAINTENANCE STEERING GROUP MAINTENANCE STEERING GROUP 3 Medium Scale Integrated Maintenance Significant Item List Magnetic Sensor Unit Mount MEAN TIME BETWEEN FAILURE Mean Time Between Inspection Mean Time Between In Flight Shut-down Mean Time Between Premature Removals Mean Time Between Trouble Manual Test Equipment Mounting Center Motion Mto Maintenance Task Operating Plan Meter Maintenance Training Simulator Mean Time Between Unscheduled Removals


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Airbus Reference Language Abbreviations For Information Only (Not Approved for Definition Dossier) Module 3

APPENDIX A, continued
Abbreviation MTXW MV MWARN MWC MWE MWG MWP MWS MZFCG n N N N N MOS NA NAA NAC STA NACA NAS NatCo NatCo NBS NCC NCF NCH NCU NDB NDB NFC NFO NLA NLCP Nm NM NMAC NO NonflaG NOPT NORM ALIGN NOTAM Term Maximum Taxi Weight Multivibrator Master Warning Master Warning Computer Manufacturer's Weight Empty Maintenance Working Group Master Warning Panel Master Warning System Maximum Zero Fuel Center of Gravity Load Factor Neon Newton Normal N-Channel Metal Oxide Semiconductor NATIONAL AEROSPACE METRIC STANDARDS National Aviation Authority Nacelle Station National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics NATIONAL AEROSPACE STANDARDS (US) National Company NATIONAL COMPANY National Bureau of Standards Nacelle Compartment Cooling NOSE & CENTER FUSELAGE Noise Compensated Headset Navigation Computer Unit Navigation Data Base Non-Directional Radio Beacon Not Fully Closed Not Fully Open Non-Listed Assembly Noise Level Calculation Program Moment (Newtonmeter) Nautical Mile NEAR MID-AIR COLLISION Normal Operation in SSM Non-Flammable Compressor Gas No Procedure Turn Required Normal Alignment Notice to Airmen


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Airbus Reference Language Abbreviations For Information Only (Not Approved for Definition Dossier) Module 3

APPENDIX A, continued
Abbreviation NOVOLRAM NP NPN NPT NPV NRC NRC NRP NRZ NSD NSU NTO NVM NW N.O.R N/P O OAD OADMT OASI OBS OBS OBSV OBSVR OC OC OCCPD OCL OCR OCS ODA ODIF ODL OEB OEB OEM OFFR OFU OG OIT Term Non-Volatile Random Access Memory Non Procurable Negative-Positive-Negative National Taper Pipe (Thread) Net Present Value Non-Recurring Cost NON RECURRING COST Navigation Reference Point Non Return To Zero NON SPECIFIC DESIGN Network Server Unit No Technical Objection Non Volatile Memory Nose Wheel Normal Operating Range Next Page Orange OVERALL AIRCRAFT DESIGN Overall Aircraft Design Management Team Operation and Service Instruction Manual ORGANIZATION BREAKDOWN STRUCTURE Organization Breakdown Structure Observation Observer On Condition Order Card Occupied Obstacle Clearance Limit OPTICAL CHARACTER RECOGNITION Obstacle Clearance Surface OPEN DOCUMENT ARCHITECTURE OPEN DOCUMENT INTERCHANGE FORMAT OFFICE DOCUMENT LANGUAGE Operating Engineering Bulletin OPERATING ENGINEERING BULLETIN ORIGINAL EQUIPMENT MANUFACTURER Off/Reset ORDER FULLFILLMENT Operational Group Operator Information Telex


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Airbus Reference Language Abbreviations For Information Only (Not Approved for Definition Dossier) Module 3

APPENDIX A, continued
Abbreviation OJT OLIVER OLMS OLW OM OM OM OMM OMTBF OMV ONS OP OP OPAL OPNG OPTL ORF Org Per ORM ORZ OSC OSF OSG OTOW OUT OV OVF OVV OW OWE Oxy M OZ O/C P P Pa PA PA AMP PAD PAD Term On Job Training Output Level Intended for Very Excellent Reproduction Operational Loads Monitoring System Operational Landing Weight ILS Outer Marker Outer Marker Overhaul Manual Overhaul Manual Manufacturer Observed Mean Time between Failure Overhaul Manual Vendor Omega Navigation System Opalescent Operational Order Processing Automated Line Opening Optional Orifice Organic Peroxide Onboard Replaceable Module Omni Range Zero Oscillator OPEN SOFTWARE FOUNDATION Overspeed Safety Governor Operational Take-Off Weight Output Over Over Frequency Overvoltage Outer Wing Operating Weight Empty Oxidizing Material Ounce Open Circuit Pressure Roll Rate Pascal Public Address Passenger Address Amplifier Partner Agreement Document PARTNER AGREEMENT DOCUMENT


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Airbus Reference Language Abbreviations For Information Only (Not Approved for Definition Dossier) Module 3

APPENDIX A, continued
Abbreviation PAL PAR PATCC PATM PATM PAX PB Pb PBS PBS PC PC PCA PCA PCD PCD PCE PCF PCT PD PD PDC PDC PDDC PDDI PDES PDF PDLM DLM PDM PDM PDM PDM system PDR PDRC PDU PED PEM PEP PERC PES Term Programmable Array Logic Precision Approach Radar Production Aircraft Test Completion Certificate PRODUCT AIRCRAFT TEST MANUAL. Production Aircraft Test Manual PAX Announcement Entertainment & Service Multiplex Sys Policy Board Pressure Ambient Product Breakdown Structure PRODUCT BREAKDOWN STRUCTURE Packing Card PRODUCTION CERTIFICATE Portland Cement Association Positive Control Airspace Performance Compliance Document PRODUCT CONFIGURATION DOMAIN Personal Consumption Expenditures Passenger Cum Freighter Percent Pitch Diameter PRINCIPLE DIAGRAM Panel Display Catalog Procurement Data Card Provisioning Descriptive Data Card PRODUCT DEFINITION DATA INTERFACE PRODUCT DATA EXCHANGE SPECIFICATION Portable Document Format PRE DEAD LINE MEETING DEAD LINE MEETING Post Delivery Modification Material Product Data Management PRODUCT DATA MANAGEMENT PRODUCT DATA MANAGEMENT SYSTEM PRELIMINARY DESIGN REVIEW Procurement Data Reference Card Power Drive Unit Portable Electronic Device Performance Engineers Manual Performance Engineers Program Percussion Passenger Entertainment System


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Airbus Reference Language Abbreviations For Information Only (Not Approved for Definition Dossier) Module 3

APPENDIX A, continued
Abbreviation PES PFEV PFIN PFR PFR PG PG BUS pH PHA PHA phi phi N PHR PI PIA PIA PID PIH PIM PIR PIREPS PIX PK PL PL PLATF PLS PLT PLYWD PM PM PMA PMA PMC PMC PMO PMO PMP PMP PMUX Term Production Engineering Specification Power Failure Event Power Failure Interrupt Post Flight Report POST FLIGHT REPORT Page Program Bus Acidity or Alkalinity Preliminary Hazard Analysis PRELIMINARY HAZARD ANALYSIS Bank Angle Nominal Bank Angle Pounds per Hour Procedure Turn to an Intercept Peripheral Interface Adapter Programmable Interface Adapter PARTNER INTERFACE DOCUMENT Pressure Interstage Hydraulic (PW eng) Programming and Indication Module Pressure Interstage Return PILOT REPORTS Picture Pink Plate Plug Platform Pulse Pilot Plywood Phase Modulation Pounds per Minute PART MANUFACTURER APPROVAL Parts Manufacturing Approval Power Management Control, Controller Process Material Control PROGRAMME MANAGEMENT OFFICE Project Management Office Performance Monitoring Program Primary Maintenance Process Propulsion Multiplexer


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Airbus Reference Language Abbreviations For Information Only (Not Approved for Definition Dossier) Module 3

APPENDIX A, continued
Abbreviation PN PNP PO PO POM POSIX POST PPB PPBU PPC PPDC PPDES PPI PPIPC PPM PPM PPM PPS PQAS PQM team PQM team PR PR PR PRCSG PRCSR PRF PRGM PRIMES PRL PRL PROC T PROG PROS PRSRZ PS PS PSIA PSIG PSNR Term PART NUMBER Positive-Negative-Positive Pickoff Purchase Order Production Organisation Manual PORTABLE OPERATING SYSTEM INTERFACE Power on Self Test Provisioning Parts Breakdown Power Plant Build Up Phosphor Protection Circuit Provisioning Procurement Data Card Product Performance Data Exchange Specifications Plan Position Indicator Power Plant IPC Parts per Million Performance Programs Manual Pulse Position Modulation PRODUCT PLANNING SYSTEM Program Quality Assurance System PROJECT & QUALITY MANAGEMENT TEAM PROJECT & QUALITY MANAGEMENT TEAM Power Ready Relay Progress Meeting Regulated Pressure (downstream of bleed valve) Processing Processor Interrogation Rate Program Product Related Information Management Enterprise System Parallel PARAMETER RECORDING LIST Procedure Turn Progress Present Position Pressurize Process Solution PRODUCT STRUCTURE Pounds per Square Inch Absolute Pounds per Square Inch Gage Positioner


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Airbus Reference Language Abbreviations For Information Only (Not Approved for Definition Dossier) Module 3

APPENDIX A, continued
Abbreviation PSPM PSQM PSSA PSTN PSU PSUD PSV PT PT CODE PTDC PTLU PTM PTM PTP PTR PTS PTS PTT PTU PU PURS PVC PVD PVR PW P(-+ OFF) P.ALT P.CLB P.DES P.EPR P.MACH P.N1 P.SPD P/L P/P ROM P_WIRE QA QC QC QDB Term Product Support Procedures Manual Propulsion System Quality Management PRELIMINARY SYSTEM SAFETY ASSESSMENT Public Switch Telephone Network Power Supply Unit Passenger Service Unit Decoder Planned Shop Visit Switching Pressure of HP Valve Part Code Provisioning Technical Data Card Pedal Travel Limiting Unit PAPERLESS TECHNICAL MANUAL Performance Training Manual Programming and Test Panel Printer Purchaser Technical Specification PURCHASER TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION Push-to-Test Power Transformer Unit Panel Unit Purser Polyvinyl Chloride Para Visual Director PRELIMINARY VALIDATION REVIEW Pratt and Whitney Polarity (minus, plus, off) Profile Altitude Profile Climb Profile Descent Profile EPR Profile Mach Profile N1 Profile Speed Payload Preprocessor ROM PHYSICAL WIRE Quality Assurance Quality Control Quick Change Quality Directors Board


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Airbus Reference Language Abbreviations For Information Only (Not Approved for Definition Dossier) Module 3

APPENDIX A, continued
Abbreviation QDR QEI QF QFE QFE QIG QIR QMS QNH QNH QNH QPL QPL QRH QRM QSR QSR qt QT QTE QTP QTR QTZ QUALIFICATION ACCOMPLISHMENT SUMMARY QUJ Q.S.R. R R R R R R-&-D RA RA RAC Term Magnetic Heading to a Station Quality Event Information Quality Task Force Baro Pressure Setting for Airfield Altitude Pressure Setting for Airfield Altitude Quality Improvement Group Quality Improvement Request Quality Management System Baro Pressure Setting for en Route Altitude Pressure Setting for En Route Altitude Sea Level Pressure QUALIFIED PRODUCT LIST (US) Qualified Products List Quick Reference Handbook QUARTER REVIEW MEETING Quality Survey Report Quarterly Service Reports Imperial quart or United States quart Quart (US) True Heading to a Station QUALITY TEST PLAN QUALITY TEST REPORT Quartz QAS

True Radial from a Station QUALITY SURVEY REPORT Rankine Release Reset Resistor Yaw Rate TECHNOLOGICAL RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT Redundancy Assurance Resolution Advisory RELIABILITY ANALYSIS CENTER


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Airbus Reference Language Abbreviations For Information Only (Not Approved for Definition Dossier) Module 3

APPENDIX A, continued
Abbreviation RAC RACON RAD RAD RADCON RadM RAG RAIL RALTU RAPCON RASCI RAT RAX RBN RBS RC RC RC RCC RCCU RCDG RCLM RCLS RCSM RD RDDMI RDNG RECOG REF ALIGN REFLNG REFR REG REIL rem/hr REP REPL BY RET RETR RETRG RETRN Term Rules of the Air and Air Traffic Control Radar Beacon Random Access Device Roll Anticipation Distance Radar Data Converter Radioactive Material Repair Assessment Guidelines Runway Alignment Indicator Light System Reprogrammable Annunciator Light Test Unit Radar Approach Control Responsible, Accountable, Support, Consulted, Informed Ram Air Temperature Random Access Transfer Memory Radio Beacon RESOURCE BREAKDOWN STRUCTURE RECCURRING COST Recurring Cost Reference Chord REINFORCED CARBON CARBON Remote Calibration Control Unit Recording Runway Center Line Marking Runway Center Line Light System Resident Customer Support Manager Right Display Radio Dual Distance Magnetic Indicator Reading Recognition Reference Alignment Refueling Refrigerator Register Runway End Identification Lights Rems per Hour Reporting Point Replaced by Return Retract Retracting Retraction


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Airbus Reference Language Abbreviations For Information Only (Not Approved for Definition Dossier) Module 3

APPENDIX A, continued
Abbreviation RFA RFA RFA RFI RFP RFP RFR RFR RFR RFS RFS RFS RFTI RGLRD RGLTG RGLTN RGTR RI RJB RK RLG RLS RLS RLSED RLTD RM RMCU RMO RMO RMP RMS RMU RNAV RNI RoI RPG RPTG RPU RQ RR Term REQUEST FOR ACTION Request for Action Request for Amendment REQUEST FOR INFORMATION Request for Proposal REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL Request for Revision REQUEST FOR REVISION REQUEST FOR REWORK Reason for Selection Regardless of Feature Size Request for Service Request For Technical Information Regulated Regulating Regulation Register REPAIR INSTRUCTION Radio Junction Box Rack Ring Laser Gyro Remote Light Sensor Right Line Select Key Released Related Radio Magnetic Remote Magnetic Compensation Unit Request for Modification Order Retrofit Modification Order Right Middle Plug Root Mean Square Radio Management Unit Area Navigation Radio Navigation Indicator Return on Investment Report Program General Reporting Receiver Processor Unit Recommended Quantity Low or Medium Range Frequency Radio Range Station


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Airbus Reference Language Abbreviations For Information Only (Not Approved for Definition Dossier) Module 3

APPENDIX A, continued
Abbreviation RR RS RS RSA RSAS RSP RSPL RSR RSS RSU RTA RTC RTCA RTCA RTF RTF RTG RTI RTK RTL RTLU RTN RTNR RTO RTRSW RTS RTU RVS RVSN RVT RWK RZ R&D R/AD R/H R/hr R/I r/min R/T s Term Rudder Rib Rear Spar Repeating Stroke Request for Service Allowance RELIABILITY AND SAFETY ACCOMPLISHMENT SUMMARY Responder Beacon Recommended Spare Parts List Route Surveillance Radar Root Sum Square Raster Shading Unit Receiver Transmitter ARINC Real Time Clock Radio Technical Commission for Aeronautics RADIO TECHNICAL COMMISSION FOR AERONAUTICS Radio Telephony Rich Text Format Rating REPEAT TEST INSTRUCTION Revenue Tonne Kilomtre Rudder Travel Limiting Rudder Travel Limiting Unit RESULT TRANSMISSION NOTE Retainer Rejected Takeoff Rotary Switch Return to Seat Rate of Turn Unit Reverse Reversion Rivet Rework Return to Zero Research and Development Retro/Adaptation Drawing Radar Height Roentgens per Hour Removal/Installation Revolutions per Minute Receiver Transmitter Unit Second


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Airbus Reference Language Abbreviations For Information Only (Not Approved for Definition Dossier) Module 3

APPENDIX A, continued
Abbreviation SA SAD SADF SAE SAFD SALS SAM SAP SAS SBD SBDB SBEW SBI SBL SBS SC SC SCFM SCH SCO SCO SCR SCR SCR SCS SCUP SD SDAU SDB SDD SDG SDI SDI SDMS SDN SDTM SDU SE SEB SEG Term Single Aisle Spares Advance Data Spares Advance Data Form SOCIETY OF AUTOMOTIVE ENGINEERS Safetied Short Approach Light System SPACE ALLOCATION MODEL SYSTEMS APPLICATIONS PRODUCTS SOFTWARE ACCOMPLISHMENT SUMMARY Single Blade Door Service Bulletin Data Base Standard Basic Empty Weight Service Bulletin Index Symbol Service Bulletin Effectivity Schedule Scale Source Code Standard Cubic Feet Minute of Gaseous Airflow Schematic Section Control Section Controller Screw Specification Change Request SPECIFICATION CHANGE REQUEST Single Channel Simplex Scupper System Drain Special Data Acquisition Unit Signals Data Base System Description Document Spares Data Guide Source Data Identifier Source/Destination Identifier STRUCTURE DATA MONITORING SYSTEM SYSTEM DESCRIPTION NOTE Structure Description Training Manual Seat Display Unit Section Service Evaluation Bulletin Segment


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Airbus Reference Language Abbreviations For Information Only (Not Approved for Definition Dossier) Module 3

APPENDIX A, continued
Abbreviation SENS SEP SERNO SER/PRL SES SF SFCC SFCC SFE SFE SFPI SFPM SG SGML SGML SGP SH SHADE SHDBL SHKR SHN SHPNG SHRD SI SIAP SIDP SIF SIF SIL SIN SIRD SIS SIV SJC SL SL SLL SLMC SLP SLS Term Sensitivity Separator Serial Number Serial to Parallel Supplier Equipment Specification Spot Face Sideways Facing Crew Cockpit Sideways Facing Crew Configuration SELLER FURNISHED EQUIPMENT SUPPLY FOR ENGINE Slats/Flaps Position Indicator Surface Feet per Minute Stroke Generator Standard Generalized Markup Language STANDARD GENERALIZED MARKUP LANGUAGE Stroke Generator Processor Sheet Schedules Airbus Data Exchange Sheddable Shaker Scratch Hardness Number Shipping Shroud Systeme International Structural Inspection Adjustment Program System Installation Design Principles Selective Identification Feature Spares Information File Service Information Letter Sine System Installation Requirement Document Spares Investment Study Standard Item Variations Standard Job Card Sea Level Service Letter Shelf Life Limitation Service Life Limits and Maintenance Checks Space Limited Payload Side Lobe Suppression


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Airbus Reference Language Abbreviations For Information Only (Not Approved for Definition Dossier) Module 3

APPENDIX A, continued
Abbreviation SLV SMART SMD SMEL SML SMO SMTP SNIF SOP SOR SOS SOTM SOV SOW SP SP SPAD SPASE SPATIAL SPC SPD SPDL SPD/M SPE SPF SPFK SPLC SPMC SPMG SPOP SPR SPRT SPS SPSA SPS/B SQ-FT SQL SQW SR SRAS Term Sleeve Standard Modular Avionics Repair and Test SHEET METAL DESIGN Seat-Mounted Emergency Light SB Modification Crossreference List Stabilized Master Oscillator SIMPLE MAIL TRANSFER PROTOCOL Sensitivity for Normal Interface Standard Operating Procedure Statement of Requirements Sell or Scrap System Operation Training Manual Shut-off Valve Statement of Work Sampling Space Scratchpad Single Point Audio System Earth System for Acquisition and Processing of ARINC and Logic Spare Parts Classification SPECIFIC PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT STANDARD PAGE DESCRIPTION LANGUAGE Speed-Mach Seller Purchased Equipment Specific Pathogen Free Specific Splice Service Process Material Control Shorted Permanent Magnet Generator Service Process Operation Procedure Service and Performance Report Support Service Process Solution Supplier Product Support Agreement Superseded by Square-Feet STRUCTURED QUERY LANGUAGE Square Wave Senior STRUCTURAL REPAIR APPROVAL SHEET


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Airbus Reference Language Abbreviations For Information Only (Not Approved for Definition Dossier) Module 3

APPENDIX A, continued
Abbreviation SRD SRD SRD SRE SRKL SRKM SRM SS SSA SSALS SSALSR SSC SSFDR SSG SSI SSI SSID SSM SSP SSP SSPB SSR STA STANAG STARTG STC STC STDY STEP STG STIF STL STL WARN STOM STRL STRUCT STS STS STWG STYPPLE Term Shorted Rotating Diode SYSTEM REQUIREMENT DOCUMENT System Requirement Document Surveillance Radar Element of GCA Structural Repair Kit List Structural Repair Kit Manual STRUCTURE REPAIR MANUAL Sky/Shading System Safety Assessment Simplified Short Approach Light System Simplified Short Approach Light System Runway Alignment Single Stroke Chime Solid State Flight Data Recorder Single Stroke Gong Structural Significant Item STRUCTURE SIGNIFICANT ITEM Supplemental Structural Inspection Document Solid State Memory Significant In-Service Problems System Specification SINGLE SOURCE PRODUCT DATA BASE Secondary Surveillance Radar Straight-in-Approach STANDARDIZATION AGREEMENT (OTAN) Starting Supplemental Type Certificate SUPPLEMENTAL TYPE CERTIFICATE Steady STANDARD FOR EXCHANGE OF PRODUCT MODEL DATA Stage Stiffener Steel Stall Warning System Operation Training Manual Structural Structure Alignment Status Spares Technical Specification Short-Term Working Group Sensitive Typical Phone Power Level


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Airbus Reference Language Abbreviations For Information Only (Not Approved for Definition Dossier) Module 3

APPENDIX A, continued
Abbreviation SUBMUX SUCNL ACTN SUM SUPPR SUPSD BY SURV SVMTR SWY SYM SYN REF SYNTHR S/H t t T T t T-P TA TA TAB TAB TAC TAP TAR TBA TBD TBSV TBU TC TC TCCS TCFN TCM TCP TCP/IP TCP/IP TCQ TD TD Term Submultiplexer Successional Action Summing Suppressor Superseded by Surveillance Servomotor Stopway Symmetry Synchro Reference Synthesizer Sample and Hold Equivalent Runway Thickness Rivet Spacing Thickness Time Tonne Turn Point Traffic Advisory Twin Aisle Tabulation and Interpolation Program Test and Bite Panel TECHNICAL AIRCRAFT CLOSURE Transient Acoustic Propagation Terminal Area Surveillance Radar TO BE ADVISED TO BE DEFINED Time Between Scheduled Visits Time Base Unit Takeoff Charts TYPE CERTIFICATE Thrust Control Computer System Two's Complement Fractional Notation Technical Coordination Meeting Takeoff Charts Computation Program TRANSMISSION CONTROL PROTOCOL / INTERNET PROTOCOL Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol Time, Cost and Quality TECHNICAL DISPOSITION Technical Dossier


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Airbus Reference Language Abbreviations For Information Only (Not Approved for Definition Dossier) Module 3

APPENDIX A, continued
Abbreviation TD TDC TDCR TDD TDO TDP TDSC TDU TDU TDY TDZL TEDB TEL TEMP TER TEST SIG TF TFR TFR TFU TFU TGB TGL THD THMS TI TI TI TIA TICC TID TID TIFF TIFF TIR TIR TK TKE TL TL Term Time Delay Time Delay Closing Type Design Change Request TECHNICAL DESIGN DIRECTIVE Time Delay Opening Touchdown Point Technical Data Steering Committee Technical Description Unit Time Display Unit Temporary Duty Touchdown Zone Lights Tool and Equipment Data Bank Telephone Test and Evaluation Master Plan Technical Event Report Test Signal Task Force Transfer Trouble and Failure Report Technical Follow-up TECHNICAL FOLLOW-UP Transfer Gearbox Touch-and-Go Landing Thread Thermistor Technical Information Technical Instruction Track to an Interrupt Type Inspection Authorization Technical Information and Communication Committee Technical Impact Difference Technical Information Document TAG IMAGE FILE FORMAT Tagged Information File Format Technical Incident Report Type Inspection Report Ground Track Angle Track Error Tooling List Transmittal Letter


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Airbus Reference Language Abbreviations For Information Only (Not Approved for Definition Dossier) Module 3

APPENDIX A, continued
Abbreviation TLB TLC TLMC TLSRD TM TMA TMC TMG TN TOC TOD TOR TOT TOW TO/APPR TP TP TPA TPCI TPG TPGG TPIB TPMM TPOP TPPP TPRD TPWD TR TR TR TR TRACON TRANSF TRK TRQR TRS TRS TRT TRU TRU Term Technical Log Book Takeoff and Landing Chart Computation Program Time Limits and Maintenance Checks Top Level System Requirement Document Terminal Module Terminal Control Area Target Must Cost Timing Technical Note Table of Contents Takeoff Distance Takeoff Run Transfer of Title Towing Takeoff/Approach Test Point Top Plug Technical Publications Agreement Technical Publications Combined Index Technical Publications Guide Technical Publications General Guide Technical Publications Illustration Bank Technical Publications Management Meeting Technical Publications Output Planning Technical Publications Production Planning Technical Publications Reference Document Technical Publications Work Sharing Document Regulated Temperature (Downstream of precooler) Temporary Revision Truss Turn Radius Terminal Radar Control Transfer Track Torquer Technical Repercussion Sheet TECHNICAL REPERCUSSION SHEET Turn Round Time Transformer Rectifier Unit True


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Airbus Reference Language Abbreviations For Information Only (Not Approved for Definition Dossier) Module 3

APPENDIX A, continued
Abbreviation TS TSD TSDB TSH TSI TSLSV TSM TSO TSO TSO TST TT TT TTG TTR TTR TVC TVOR TVOR TW TWP TWR TWY TYPPLE T/C UAC UART UD UDC UDL UL ULB ULM UNCPLG UNCRCTD UNSD UR US US Term Trim Sheet Trouble Shooting Data Trouble Shooting Data Base Trouble Shooting Handbook Time Since Installation Time Since Last Shop Visit TROUBLE SHOOTING MANUAL Technical Service Order (FAA) Technical Standard Order Time Since Overhaul Test Switching Temperature of HP Valve Total Time Time to Go Technical Trouble Report TECHNICAL TROUBLE REPORT Turbine Vane Cooling Short Range VOR Very High Frequency Terminal Omnirange Station Twisted TECHNICAL WORK PACKAGE Tower Taxiway Typical Phone Power Level Type Certificate Pitch Attitude Upper Area Control Centre Universal Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter Document Unit ("Unit Documentaire") Upper Deck Cargo Unit Detail Listing UNDERWRITERS LABORATORIES INC. Underwater Locator Beacon Ultra Low Maintenance Uncoupling Uncorrected Unused Utilization Rate Under Speed United States


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Airbus Reference Language Abbreviations For Information Only (Not Approved for Definition Dossier) Module 3

APPENDIX A, continued
Abbreviation US USB USB UTA UUT UVEROM UWY V V V V2min VA VA VACBI VALDN VAP VAR VAR LEV HTY VASIS VB Vc VC VCTREND VD VD VDF VDFMDF VDOS VEADB VERT REV VF VFCMFC VFE VFEN VFTO VG VH VHSIC VI VIM Term Upstream Universal Serial Bus Upper Side Band Upper Control Area Unit Under Test Ultra Violet Erasable Read Only Memory Upper Airway Valve Violet Volt, Voltage Minimum Takeoff Safety Speed Design Maneuvering Speed Heading with an Altitude Termination Video and Computer-Based Instruction Validation Visual Approach Procedure Visual-Aural Radio Range Variable Lever Healthy Visual Approach Slope Indicator System Design Speed for Maximum Gust Intensity Calibrated Airspeed Design Cruising Speed Airspeed Tendency Design Diving Speed Heading to a DME Distance Very High Frequency Direction Finding Station Demonstrated Flight Diving Speed Vendor Documentation On-line Service Video on demand Enhanced Area Distribution Box Vertical Revise Design Flap Speed Maximum Speed for Stability Characteristics Maximum Flap Extended Speed Predictive VFE at next flap/slat position Final Takeoff Speed Vertical Gyro Maximum Speed in Level Flight with Maximum Continuous Po VERY HIGH SPEED INTEGRATED CIRCUIT Heading to an Intercept Vendor Information Manual


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Airbus Reference Language Abbreviations For Information Only (Not Approved for Definition Dossier) Module 3

APPENDIX A, continued
Abbreviation VL CAPT VLE VLLDC VLO VLOF VM VM Vm Vm VMAN Vmax VMAX VMC VMC VMCA VMCG Vmin VMO VMOMMO VMS VMU VNE VNO VOR VOR VOR VOT VPSA VR VR-HDG VS VS VS VS1 VS1 VSB VSB VSBN VSBT VSCU Term VOR/LOC Capture Maximum Landing Gear Extended Speed Very Low Level DC Voltage Maximum Landing Gear Operating Speed Lift-off Speed Heading with a Manual Termination Maneuvering Speed Minimum Recommended Maneuvering Speed Recommended Maneuvering Speed Maneuvering Speed Maximum Operating Speed Maximun Allowable Airspeed Minimum Control Speed with One Engine Inoperative Visual Meteorological Conditions Minimum Control Airspeed Minimum Control Speed Ground Minimum Operating Speed Maximum Operating Speed Maximum Operating Limit Speed Minimum Selectable Speed Minimum Unstick Speed Never-Exceed Speed Maximum Structural Cruising Speed Very High Frequency Omnibearing Range Very High Frequency Omnidirectional and Radio Range Very High Frequency Omnirange Station Voter Vendor Product Support Agreement Voltage Regulator Heading to a Radial Min Steady Flt Spd at which Airplane is Controllable Stall Speed Stalling Speed at which Airplane is Controllable Min Steady Flt Spd obtained in a Specified Configuration Stalling Speed obtained in a specified Configuration VENDOR SERVICE BULLETIN Vendor Service Bulletin Vendor Service Bulletin Number Vendor Service Bulletin Title Video System Control Unit


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Airbus Reference Language Abbreviations For Information Only (Not Approved for Definition Dossier) Module 3

APPENDIX A, continued
Abbreviation VSD VSEL VSO VT VTOSS VTP VWM VX VY V&V V/L V/L W W W WA WASG WATOG WBS WBS WC WCR WDI WDM WDO WEL WG WG WIRC WLP WM WM WMAXOP WO WOR WORM WP WP WP WR Term Vertical Situation Display Autothrottle Selected - Approach Speed Stalling Speed or Minimum Steady Flight Speed in the Lan Vertical Tail Takeoff Safety Speed for Category A Rotorcraft Vertical Tail Plane Vendor Warranty Manual Speed of Best Angle of Climb Speed for Best Rate of Climb Verification & Validation VOR/LOC VOR/Localizer Watt Weight Wire Wind Angle World Airlines and Suppliers Guide World Airlines Technical Operations Glossary Work Breakdown Structure WORK BREAKDOWN STRUCTURE Wording Change Weight and Balance Compliance Report Wind Direction Indicator Wiring Diagram Manual Window Wall Emergency Light Wave Guide Working Group Warning - Inhibition - Recall - Clear Weight Limited Payload Wattmeter Wiring Manual Maximum Operational Speed Wash-out Wear Out Rate WRITE ONCE READ MANY WORK PACKAGE Work Package WORK PLACE Weather Radar


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Airbus Reference Language Abbreviations For Information Only (Not Approved for Definition Dossier) Module 3

APPENDIX A, continued
Abbreviation WR WS WS WSCP WSDP WSR WT WUC WUL WWW W/V XARM XML XML XMSN XPNDR XREF XSEC XT XTAL XTK XTK XTK YC YCF YCL YCR YE YES YTPPP Y/C Zpi ZSA $ % P C C F K R Term Weighing Report Wind Speed WORK SPECIFICATION (INTERFACES) Warning and System Control Panel Warning and System Display Weekly Service Report WINDCHILL TECHNOLOGY Work Unit Cost WHEELS UP LANDING WORLD WIDE WEB Wind Direction and Speed Cross Arm EXTENDED MARKUP LANGUAGE Extensible Mark-up Language Transmission Transponder Crossreference Extra Section Reception (Transponder to TCAS) Crystal Cross Track Deviation Cross Track Distance Cross Track Error Tourist Class Economy Class-Front Economy Class Front Economy Class-Rear Year Yankee Escape System Yearly Technical Publications Processing Planning Economy Class Indicated Pressure Altitude ZONAL SAFETY ANALYSIS Dollar, Hexadecimal Address Percent (Symbol) Differential Pressure Degrees Celsius Degrees Centigrade Degrees Fahrenheit Degrees Kelvin Degrees Rankine

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Airbus Reference Language Abbreviations For Information Only (Not Approved for Definition Dossier) Module 3

This document has been approved by: (signatures or proof of agreement are archived together with the master document)

Function/Organization Abbreviations Task Coordinator Reference Language Network Chairman Airbus Deutschland GmbH Airbus Espaa SL Airbus France S.A.S. Airbus UK Ltd Central Entity


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Airbus Reference Language Abbreviations For Information Only (Not Approved for Definition Dossier) Module 3

Record of revisions
Issue A Date Aug 2000 Summary and reasons for changes New document containing the updated contents of ABD0037, ABD0056 and a list of non-approved abbreviations. General revision and addition of new terms and abbreviations. General update.


Apr 2001 Jul 2003

If you have a query concerning the implementation or updating of this document, please contact the Owner on page 1

For general queries or information contact: Airbus Documentation Office, Airbus, 31707 Blagnac CEDEX, France Tel: 33 (0)5 61 93 49 93 Fax: 33 (0)5 61 93 27 44

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