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Semestrul I, 2012-2013 Project theme: In scope of improvement /transformation of work at S.C. DELTA CON S.R.L , perform a the cultural diagnosis and formulate a set of recommendations for top managers. Project steps: 1. General data information about company S.C. DELTA CON S.R.L: 1. Field of activity
Industrial civil construction, civil, industrial and agricultural works; Thermal, sanitary, electrical installation works; Hydroinsulation and thermal insulation works; Monofamilial houses in villa systems ; Interior design; Renovation works for civil and industrial buildings; Water supply and sewerage networks and systems.

From a modest equipment start, the company has gradually grown, modernized its organizational structure, and by means of a rigorous investment policy, its turnover has increased substantially every year, and has diversified extensively activities. By implementing viable strategies, good organizing and with the support of a highly professional team, we consider that we have established a most suitable management. Our companys stated policy consists of the ability of developing a mutually fruitful relationship with our clients, where they act as partners and not solely as purchasers of service packages, established under sale contract.

2. Ownership
A private company 3. Mrimea firmei (cifr de afaceri; numr de angajai)
A. Technical-economic and administrative personnel: Economic manager 1 Executive manager 1

Senior engineer 1 Economists 2 Executing engineers 4 Technical foremen 16 Receiver- distributor 1 Administrator manager 1 Secretary 1 Iron workers - 7 Carpenters- joiners-parquet layers - 18 Bricklayers- stonemen- plasterers - 5 Arc and oxyfulel welders - 6 Drivers - 2 Crane operators - 3 Sanitary plumbers - 2 Unskilled workers 24

B. Executing staff:

The value of construction works completed in 2008 totaled approximately EUR 3.0 million, including new construction, capital and current repairs to buildings and existing buildings, water supply and sanitation.

Mediul: Specific: caracteristicile fizice ale spaiului (configuraie, zgomot, vibraii, iluminat etc.); tehnologia; echipamentul utilizat etc.)
Delta Con SRL

Nr. Reg. Com. : J07/423/2005 C.I.F. : 17717990 / 23.06.2005 Adress : B-dul Victoriei 3-5, 715200 Dorohoi, Romnia Phone/Fax : +40 231 615 151 ; +40 742 582 604

Delta Con SRL Production base

Adresa : Str. Drochia nr. 5, 715200 Dorohoi, Romnia Phone/Fax : +40 231 610 104

Firma S.C. DELTA CON S.R.L. incearca sa se adapteza cerintelor de pe piata astfel fiind una din sigurile firme din judetul Botosani care foloste materiale de constructii fabricate de catre firma, foloseste tehnologii noi de executie folosindu-se de echipamente de mica si mare mecanizare performante. Firma detine la momentul actual una din cele mai mari statii de asphalt din judet. Utilajele firmei S.C. DELTA CON S.R.L. : - 3 Autobasculante de 19mc -2 buldoexcatavoare

-1 excavator -1 autobetoniera 5mc General: Cultura naional Sistemul economic i politic / legislativ Nivelul tehnologic n domeniul considerat Date demografice: Structura personalului (personal direct productiv / total personal; structura personalului productiv pe categorii, structura pe sexe etc.) Vrsta medie Programul de lucru Perioada medie pe timpul creia un angajat i pstreaz postul Fluctuaie de personal Absenteism Educaie Experien Programe de formare, calificare, perfecionare Mod de structurare a organizaiei (dac este posibil, se va examina organigrama) Strategie: Viziune Misiune Obiective i direcii strategice generale Luarea deciziilor i distribuia puterii n firm : Proprietarii, direct
Proprietarii, n colaborare cu manageri Manageri


Modelul de diagnoz Diagnoza se va efectua pe baza chestionarului Cross-cultural Interactive Preferences Profile (Graham & Miller) Colectarea datelor Colectarea datelor se va face pe baz de: Interviuri informale cu membrii organizaiei pe baza unor chestionare semi-structurate pregtite n prealabil Aplicarea chestionarului Cross-cultural Interactive Preferences Profile (Graham & Miller) Observaii directe Studiul documentelor firmei - rapoarte anuale, analize, materiale publicitare i de PR etc. Analiza datelor - Identificarea culturii organizaionale Analiza datelor se va face pe baza dimensiunilor testate cu ajutorul instrumentului Cross-cultural Interactive Preferences Profile (Graham & Miller) n contextul organizaional determinat cu ajutorul interviurilor informale, observaiilor directe i studiului documentelor firmei Analiza S.W.O.T. a culturii organizaionale PUNCTE TARI PUNCTE SLABE OPORTUNITI AMENINRI Concluzii i recomandri Pe baza concluziilor studiului, se vor formula 3-5 recomandri ierarhizate pentru intervenii concrete de mbuntire n relaie cu problemele culturale ale firmei





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