Moral Theories, Lec 2

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Moral Theories

What guides the good?

Egoism self love / self interest Altruism self sacrifice

Utilitarianism human flourishing and amelioration of suffering relativism? Deontology universal rules of justice objectivism? Contractual system social survival and resolving conflict of interest pluralism? Virtue Ethics golden mean for general well being and well being of self Feminist Ethics amelioration of power and domination Ethics of Care Can we deal with all purposes satisfactorily?


High Altruism

Aristotle Tocquevilles Self-interest rightly understood

Self-sacrificing altruism

Self-interest and regard for others converge

Low Egoism Not beneficial either to self or others Self-interest at the expense of others

High Egoism

Drug addiction Alcoholism, etc.

Low Altruism

Hobbess State of Nature, Nietzsche?

Lawrence M. Hinman

High Egoism High Altruism for Corporations

Successful corporation requires a healthy society to operate
Productive workforce
Education Skill Health

Efficient use of resources

Attract customers
Safe working condition Safe products

Good governance Rule of law, regulatory standards Property rights

Healthy society creates expanding demand for business Healthy society also need successful business

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