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Overview: The FY 11-12 grounds budget projection comes in at $792,483.30, a 6.71% increase from the FY 10-11 budget year.

The main reason for this increase is the benefits line of the FY 10-11 Grounds budget is estimated at $18,000 over what is budgeted for this line. Also, costs associated with the operation of the golf course practice facility were not built into the budget over the past two budget years.

Golf Course: The Holman Short Game Facility construction began December of 2007 and was completed and turned over the Athletic Department May 29th, 2008. A yearly cost quote of $99,500.00 was approved for the cost of materials, a full time staff member and that staff members benefits. The following is the breakdown of approved reoccurring costs for the Holman Short Game Facility: Holman Facility Cost Projection Description Expenses: Staff Member $45,000.00 Benefits $13,500.00 Materials $41,000.00 Total $99,500.00 Salary and Benefit Breakdown: Salary and Benefits 2006-2007 Amount $381,669.00 Change % Change Justification $15,674 increase in benefits, the remaining $7,801 was an increase in salary. Cola raise occurred this year. $3,566 increase in benefits. $10,890 increase in salary. Cola raise occurred this year.









2009-2010 2010-2011

$418,024.00 $422,132.00

-$1,576.00 $4,108.00

-0.38% 0.98%

$44,100 was shifted from Contracted Staff to Salary and assumed to cover Short Game Superintendent salary. $225 increase in benefits. Overall reduction of $1,575 in salary. No Cola raise. $4,108 increase in benefits

Taking a broad overview of the previous years Salary and Budget lines, the majority of the total increase ($36,355); $19,240 was due to an increase in benefits. $17,115 was attributed to salary increase with the majority of the rise coming due to Cola raises. There is no clear delineation of where the Short Game Superintendent was inserted into the budget. However, between the 08-09 and 09-10 fiscal years, $44,100 was shifted from Contracted Staff to Salary within the 047 budget. This is not even enough to cover the $45,000 salary. As discussed earlier, with the hire of a Superintendent for the Short Game Facility at the salary of $45,000, $13,500 would need to be added to the benefit line to cover this position and an additional $4,500 should be contributed to this line to cover the remaining short fall in total Grounds Staff benefits.

Operating Budget Breakdown: Operating 2006-2007 2007-2008 Amount $248,988.00 $260,988.00 Change % Change Justification $10,000 increase in Sod line and $2,000 increase in travel line $3,500 decrease in Athletic Supplies, $1,000 increase in Minor Equipment, $12,500 increase in Fuel, $4,500 reduction in Physical Plant, $10,000 increase Equipment Repair, $21,980 increase in Agricultural Supplies, $5,000 increase in Sod, $2,000 decrease in Building Supplies, $2,000 decrease in Travel $27,685 decrease across the board in budeget reductions $70,000 increase in Sod line, $2,000 decrease in travel.



2008-2009 2009-2010 2010-2011

$276,848.00 $249,163.00 $317,163.00

$15,860.00 -$27,685.00 $68,000.00

6.08% -10.00% 27.29%

From 06-07 to 07-08, the $12,000 increase in Operating Budget was seen between the Sod line ($10,000) and the General Travel line ($2,000).

The 08-09 budget adopted a different look with many budget lines within the operating budget changing. However, most of the change was due to internal shifts of money between existing lines. The $15,860 increase was actualized over a few different budget lines. This $15,860 increase (6%) slightly outpaced inflation (4%) which influences the cost of all products/services associated with petroleum goods (Fertilizers, delivery charges and gas/diesel prices)

The 09-10 fiscal year brought a $27,685 decrease (10%) to the total Operating budget.

In 10-11 fiscal year, a $68,000 increase was realized in the operating budget due to a $70,000 increase in the sod line and the elimination of the business travel funds ($2,000).

Overall, the past five budget years have seen an increase of $68,175 in operating expenses which can be explained by $85,000 increase in the sod line and an overall decrease of $16,825 in every other operational line. Removing the sod increase, the operation budget for the Grounds work unit has decreased, since the 06-07 fiscal year by 6.76%.

PJ Ellis Overload Pay:

Additional, PJ Ellis was given a raise in the form of overload pay in the amount of $5,304 per year. This money was not added to the grounds budget, but absorbed within the current fiscal budget.

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