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How We Express Ourselves

Perspective, Reflection, Function

Imagination is a tool for extending our ability to think, create and express ourselves.

Key Concepts: Type to enter text Lines of Inquiry: How we use our imagination to think and create (Function) Different ways to express ourselves (perspective) How our imagination helps us to consider other perspectives (perspective & reflection) The teacher questions that will drive these inquiries are. Function - How does thinking help us create and express our imagination? Reflection - How do we know when we have used our imagination? Perspective - How our responses differ from others? Maths
Understand that 2D and 3D shapes have characteristics that can be described and compared Understand that 2D and 3D shapes can be created by putting together and/or taking apart other shapes Sort, describe and compare 3D shapes Create and describe symmetrical patterns Models addition and subtraction of whole numbers Art and Music are integrated into this unit of inquiry. Literacy Viewing and presenting Attends to visual information showing understanding through play, gestures, facial expression Reading Listens attentively and respond to stories read aloud Speaking and listening Uses language appropriately to express their feelings and opinions during classroom activities, conversations and imaginative play. Writing Participates in shared and guided writing, observing the teachers model, asking questions and offering suggestions.

Key information
PE and Dance with Kirsten Ho 16th & 17th Jan. Drumming on 17th Jan. Drama through literacy with Hillary Tinner 28th Jan. Mr. Benn 6th Feb. Year 1 Exhibition on 26th Feb. WATCH THIS SPACE!

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