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Engineering College Civil Engineering Department


by Ibrahim Saleh Al-Falag
Submitted to: Prof. Tomas Ganiron Jr

What is Implementation Plan ?

Implementation Plan involves taking actions guided by the strategic plan. If you didnt select specific policies, programs and practices during the planning step you will do that during this step. In addition, you will create an evaluation plan to collect process measure data and the ongoing monitoring of implementation fidelity.

Any Implementation Plan Should be :

- Comprehensive - Flexible - Practical - Time Based - Scalable

Purpose and Intent of Implementation Plan :

knowledge whether you actually carried out the strategy as you intended, with the quality you intended gather information that helps you understand the strengths and areas for improvement. knowledge timeframe in which a project end expected bring to project back on track.

What you do in Implementation Plan?

Select strategies Develop an evaluation plan including process evaluation Develop an outcome evaluation plan

The requirements for successful implementation of a project are:

Planning Managing the project team Managing stakeholders Managing change Project reporting Good communications Project Records

Tools you will need:

process evaluation planning tool community change summary outcome evaluation tool knowledge Project Type

After determining when the implementation and construction phase will begin:

Hiring and commissioning of resources:

Hire or transfer staff. Hire, borrow or buy equipment and tools needed for the job. Buy consumables if needed

implementation tasks that should be an intrinsic part of any implementation project:

Pursue alternative funding sources Monitor effectiveness of projects and programs Foster intergovernmental coordination and cooperation

monitoring, forecasting and controlling the following:

Quality Time Cost Safety

Example of Implementation plan for construction Project:

We divided our Project into three Phases: Design , Bid and Award and Construction Phase :

Conclusion :
Once your project plan has been implemented and data collected it is time to check the results and see what you can learn from whats been done.


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