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BA (Hons.

Module Code Module Title OUGD30


Doc. Code Semester OUGD30

Brief/Session/Document Title Record labels

Brief Put forward a proposal for an independent record label that could potentially become a fully functioning business at some point in the near future.

Background / Considerations Independent record labels are two a penny these days, and a wider variety of music than ever before is now available. Therefore it is important to consider the particular genre and unique selling points of the label, and how it will sit among every other label. There must be reasons why fans look to a certain labels for inspiration and direction. Good labels are those that not only have a good roster and artists creating quality music, but also ensure that all other aspects of the label are paid great attention to detail, such as the design work and online presence. The financial aspects of setting up such a business must also be taken into account.

Mandatory Requirements A good level of research into both the design and business elements of setting up a small label. There must be a consistency across the label both visually and audibly.

Deliverables Brief business plan Identity design + P/R/D

Studio Deadline

Module Deadline

This brief should be read in conjunction with the module brief. Please refer to module information at E-STUDIO for module brief, submission deadline, graded outcomes and further reading.

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