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Vertical Team Recorder: Christie M. Hayes Meeting Minutes Recorder: Christie M.

Hayes Time 9:55 August 23, 2012







Topics Discussed/Outcomes Meeting started and team members sign-in McNeal begins meeting with a detailed overview of the IB Calendar of Benchmarks. She provided each member with a 2 page document with due dates for things that are due in order to ensure we are ready for the authorization visit. As McNeal begins her discussion of the things that that are listed on the calendar and when they are due many of the team members are concerned with the amount of time or the lack of time they have to address of all of the things that need to done. It is stated that the administration takes a great deal of the classroom teachers planning time during PLCs and most agree and feel that the time could be better spent actually planning with their grade level team members. McNeal tells the team that the administration has agreed to give all grade levels the next three weeks of PLCs for teacher planning, without interruption from the administrative team. McNeal also notes that the way PLCs are organized is strictly up to the administration just to clarify the way that they are currently organized and conducted. August 30, 2012 will be the IB/Title I meeting that will include a presentation from the Inquiry Team. This is designed to show our parents and other stakeholders the type of learning engagements Oak Forest students participate in on a regular basis. Two people from the inquiry team agreed to participate in the 6:00 pm meeting on the 30th. Ms. Lopez will be on hand for translations as needed, and both Ms. Lopez and the two members of the inquiry team will compensated for their time and efforts. Primarily in the form of comp time. As the team followed McNeals lead of the discussion of the IB calendar of Benchmarks it was noted that September 14th will be the 1st collection of quality student work. Two people from the vertical team will probably review the work that is submitted by each teacher in each grade level and that two of the best examples from each grade of the work that is presented. Everything that the students produce should have a teacher feedback and student reflection. This is especially important to have for the work that is submitted for collection. The discussion continued with how important it is to question students appropriately using the IB vocabulary so they will be prepared for the authorization visit. As the teams discussion continued, the team pondered the question How are we going to move our students? Need to know the Voc in order to work with the students Schedule a day and time with multi-grade paring---a schedule of paired teachers was given\ Model so the students know what they should be doing and ask questions they should ask when paired. Must use jargon. Team will set the criteria The progress report that will used as a student self assessment was discussed and agreed upon---Student complete this for themselves. There will be one for primary and one for intermediate grades. Terminology will progress for the different grade levels. It will be conducted 4xs a year so that it goes home with the actual report card/report to families. Parents will sign and return it with the report card Must be shared and discussed during any schedule parent/teacher conference End of meeting

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