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Lesson Plan Instructor: _Sam Hardie and Jeanne Zeller Topic: __Integrating Quotes______ Subject: __English___ Check box

if part of a larger unit: __ Where does the lesson fit in: Begin __ Middle _X_ End __ Duration of Lesson: _35 min___________ Grade__Juniors___ Other adult involved in instruction: (Check appropriate) Paraeducator ____ co-teacher___X____ volunteer _____ Understanding Your Learners through contextual details (ELLs & ELD levels, IEP/IDP, 504, GATE, Gender, Ethnicity)
In a snapshot narrative paragraph, describe the context of the instructional group. Describe major areas such as cultural, family structures, ELL levels. SES, etc.? What are the most important details that may inform your instruction and support your learners?

Lesson Objective/s: The objective of the lesson is for students to understand how to effectively integrate quotes into their writing. This means setting up the quote, picking a quote that will effectively enhance their argument, and providing a proper analysis. State Standard/s:
CC.11-12.W.1.c Text Types and Purposes: Use words, phrases, and clauses as well as varied syntax to link the major sections of the text, create cohesion, and clarify the relationships between claim(s) and reasons, between reasons and evidence, and between claim(s) and counterclaims. CC.11-12.W.2.b Text Types and Purposes: Develop the topic thoroughly by selecting the most significant and relevant facts, extended definitions, concrete details, quotations, or other information and examples appropriate to the audiences knowledge of the topic.

ELD Standard/s Formative Assessment/s: Check for Understanding, discussion along with powerpoint
about what makes certain quotes work and what makes a quote ineffective. This includes examples we provide as well as discussion from quotes presented in a Stephen Colbert clip we showed the class. Summative Assessment/s: Students will receive a sheet listing 10 quotes, they need to choose one or two of the quotes provided and provide an introduction and effective analysis for the quotes they chose. This will be turned in at the end of the period.

The instructional group is a 50/50 split of white females and males. There doesnt appear to be any major cultural or socioeconomic differences, all students appear to come from similar backgrounds. It is a Junior English class, all students appear to know how to read and write with no major issues in that respect, with no IEPs or 504s indicating learning disabilities. The school is set in a small farming community and follows the pattern of the class, being almost entirely white and of the same socioeconomic background. That being said, as instructors, we are both female and from the suburbs of Chicago, and so come from a slightly different socioeconomic background than most (if not all) of the class.

IEP Goals Directions: List students goals as they apply to this lesson. Large Group/Whole Class Instruction Select 2-4 students for instructional focus. Small Group / Individualized Instruction (< 5 students)

Revised 7/29/2011


IEP Goal/Objective (standards based)

N/A, there were no IEPs


Lesson Elements
Lesson Introduction (connect & build background knowledge) Identify Formative Assessment as it occurs in the lesson Time What are the students doing? Students are listening. What is other adult doing?
Other adult is at the computer, pulling up the Colbert clip and setting up the powerpoint as needed (both adults switch on and off leading discussion/manning the technology).

5 min 1. Introduce lesson by explaining that today, were going to work on integrating quotes fluidly into papers. To start, were going to watch someone who happens to be an expert at fluidly integrating quotes into his work. (Leave out that it is a Colbert clip until we put it up on the projector.) Ask students to be on the look-out for what he does before the quote, and what he does right after the quote during the clip. Advise them to take notes 2. Turn off lights, show 1 minute clip from 1:50: Turn lights back on, go over quickly that this is from one of Colberts sponsortunities, in which he takes the task of giving a message from his sponsors to a satirical extreme. a. Ask students what Colbert did before the quote he uses from the memo (introduces what the memo is for context, gives a lead-in sentence). b. Ask students what Colbert does after the quote [takes a concrete part of the quote (Wheat Thenis go great with anything) and demonstrates, furthering his point of why Wheat Thins are awesome].

During clip, students are actively observing for examples of integrating quotes, taking notes if they need to.

Check for Understanding Observe students responses to what they observe him doing before and after quotes use this as formative assessment on prior knowledge


Projector, Colbert clip pulled up, speakers, and power point presentation

During discussion, students are actively participating.

Lesson Body Direct Instruction

1. Start powerpoint presentation. a. Ask why they need to use quotes. Go over slide using their information.

15 Minut es

During presentation, writing down

Manning the technology (coteachers switch off leading

Ask students if they have questions after each slide

Projector, Colbert clip pulled up, speakers, and power point

Revised 7/29/2011

b. Show slides of common errors (errors composed based off of common mistakes we observed in their papers), have students identify errors. Go over errors in quote structure. c. Go over the Quote Sandwich idea, of Lead-In Sentence, Useful quote, and Analysis Sentence with a good example. f. Give helpful formulas for analysis/interpretation Analysis Sentences (see power point).

(6 Minut es)

sentences and notes, participating in discussion of examples. During clip, answering questions, writing down notes about the clip as needed Actively watching and observing Colberts quote usage during clip, taking notes, and participating in discussion, demonstrating understanding that they understand what a Lead In and Analysis sentence is Practicing composing lead-in and analysis sentences on their own

discussion of slides), walking around room and standing near inattentive students.


Guided Practice

d. Show 2nd Colbert clip, (from point ended to 4:00). Before showing it, ask students to look for Lead-In Sentence, Quote, and Analysis Sentence. Advise them to take notes if it helps. e. Discuss what Colbert did before and after quote usage with concrete examples.

(4 min)

Manning the clip

Observe improvement in student responses from beginning of class to now

List of quotes sheet, blank pieces of paper, powerpoint slide of Quote Sandwich

Independent Practice

Extended Practice

10 1. Tell students that we are going to practice now individually. They are going to receive a sheet of example quotes, and their task is to pick a quote, make up an imaginary argument they are making, and properly use their quote as evidence, making a Quote Sandwich with a Lead in and an Analysis Sentence. a. Pass out quote sheets b. Inform them that they will have 10 minutes to work c. Tell them if we have time at the end of the hour, they will be sharing their sandwiches with each other. 5 min If any time left over, the students will share their sentences in groups with each other, exploring peers interpretation of skill.

Walking around room, answering questions, reviewing students work that is finished and pushing them to improve on it, giving time warnings. Monitor group progress

Read students work, monitor progress, encourage questions

Quote sheet Notebooks and pencils

Get together into groups, share sentences and discuss composition choices they

Completed products

Revised 7/29/2011


Lesson Closing

Wrap up, no homework. Collect assignment on their way out of the door

Hand in writing

Collect writing

Evaluate assignment based on their inclusion of Lead-In and Analysis Sentences, and how well they incorporated elements discussed in powerpoint

LEVELS OF STUDENT OUTCOMES Remember the model of instruction, the instructional setting and the students needs, goals and objectives. All students will be able to look at the different All strategies and receive the information needed to integrate quotes. In addition, all students will get the chance to practice integrating quotes and receive personal instruction. Some students will be able to answer questions about the Some video clip we have shown in class, some will understand the material right away and some will need extra help. These students that require extra help will receive more one-on-one attention by a teacher during individual work time. A few students will struggle to integrate quotes and Few access the material, and will only focus on the lead-in sentence. A few other students will have already mastered the skill, and will be pushed to improve their samples in other ways.

Attach Classroom Profile (Highlight students in lesson for instructional focus

Revised 7/29/2011

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