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ltinder Prep Neurs

Novernber News
Can you betteve



it ls Novenber alneady?! This t e qre goirrg fo be tallcing about

$cqrecroys, Fall Leqves, qnd ThanFsgiving. Neqr the end of the trronth ue uill dive into l-Jinter' & $now - thoUgh I an not su1qe I at I read$ fon fhat!.
The ueelc of the lJth we ulll bs falFitrg qbout teaves so I woutd IiFe to have severql different you ars teaves bt'ought into the clqssroorl, out qnd about qhd see sone gfreat leaves fo gather - please do so. I an afrqld nany have

fton. -

hJed. _ Crrqhqn

Yogrnf Craclsers Fri. - Apples

HeeF $ Hoh. - Aninal CrasFers tled. * Danqnqs Fri. - Veggie Strq$s


HeeF 4 Hon. -Pretzels Tue. -Applesauce


Hon. - Carrots hled. - Bttz CrqcFers Ft i. - Color $nacF

bloun qhny but we stlll need sone gafhered for rubbirrgs, exptorqtioh, qnd other thirrgs in the classroolrr.

Irnportont Dotes
Tuesday, November 20 tre do have school, t{ednesday, Noverrber 21. & Friday, NoverrFer 23 * ThePe is No $chool for ThanFsgiving BneqF. Fpidqy, Noyepber $O is Brolfn $hot*-NTell Day. I'lave your child come dressed in
brolrn, shqfe softrething bnot{h, Afid }re Will have q bro$tr shqcF as uell!

In addition, rsrnr{ber that the Tr.resday befol'B TharrFsgtvirrg t e are hqvisg class. That ueeF

Novernber Skills
In our Literqc/Letter Tirre, I uill be introducirrg the letteis Cc, Oo, qq. and ggThese tetters use the "fhgic C'concept so Ilsten for the tenrrlnolqgJ qrd please reinfonce it qt hone.
This tqonth in the mqth C,enfer, sfudents uifl be continuiry to rrrite nurrerals. hle uill be worlelng uifh +T usirrg fhe chqlFboqrds qnd Prastlce papers. $irqilqrly ue vill also be uorFing on conhecting fhese nunerals to qrnntitles. Thls rronth's chqrqcter education topic is belng thqnFful. l.Ihat q Perfect theme for the rronth! Please firrd opPortunities to focus on thqnFfulness r*ith your child.

Odds ond Ends

Since this mohth's charqcter trqit is qborrt being thanFful I rrnnted you pqrents to Fnott thEt I arr thanFful for all your

supportt I appnechte your pronptness in payihg tuition and for taFing the tit're fo go through your chtld's Papers each school day so their bqcFpacFs are cleaned out.

I at'r thqnFful for your Fids qhd the

opportunity to teach thetq. If you have qny cohcerhs or questions about anything please let lqe Fhow.

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