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l(inder Prep News

Jonudry News
bqcFt I hope that eveltrohe had a great Chrlstmas BreqF. I Fnor* fhqt I did! But I sure hope evsryohe is qs excited to be bacF to schoot qs I atq becquse ue have sone excitirg thlng to loolc fortRrd to in JqnuqIT!

HeeF 1 HeeF

Thur. - Apples Fri. - Rltz CrqcFBI's

2 Hon. - Applesquce Hed. - grqhqra CracFers

Fri - Anipral CrqcFers


is q Fonth qll qbout qninals! l.Ie will stqrt then Polqr Aninals, and fhen hoa Anlnals. The ueel of the 23t'd ue uill tallc qbout fhrin Luthen Fltrg Jr. qs uell qs beans. !.Ie uill end the rronth tqllcing about our

off lrith Fqrn Anirnls.

Heelc hled"


Apple Stnaus Popcol'h Thu. -

Fri. l.IeeF


- B-Dqy CupcaFes Thu. - Orqnge.s Ft'i. - l.Jheqf Thins

Therre are tuo weeFs in Januqly vhere ue uill hqve school on Thursdays. Pleqse tqFe note and FrqnF your cqlerdQrs.

llon - PB CnqcFens hled - Color SnacF Fni - Pretzels

Irnportont Dotes
Jonuory Sltitts
Literqcy/Letten Tirre, I vlll be introducirrg the lelters Dd, Pp, qrd Bb. After Bb ue ulll be revierrirrg all lelters that have q hig or littte cutrre. In

ilorrdeJ, Janmr3 L4- There is No $chool. tle vill FraFe up class oh ThursdqY, Januqqy 1.7.
HorrdAy, JqnrratT 21 - There is No $chool in obsen ahce of mqrtin Luther Fing Jr. Day. He uil FrqFe up class on Thursday,

Thls tqonfh in the mqth Ctnter, sfudents will be contlnulrtg to ut'lte nurrerqls and rrqtch {uqnfifies to the hulqerals. l-Je rill begin wlth revleuirU 1-1O and fhen nove on fo lJ,-20. This tqonth's chqractet'educqtlon topic is cooperation. I will be lntroduciry the chqrqcten t"qit through rrading "The Liltle Rd Herf qnd talFtrg about ttot'Fing together.

Januaqy 24.

tt'ednesdEy, JqnuarXr

$O is EIue $hotir-N-

Tell Day. llave your child come dressed ln blue, share something blue, arrd we lrill hqve q blue shqcF as uelll

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