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December 4, 2011 To Whom It May Concern: I have had the pleasure of mentoring Misty Bennett this past semester.

As her Mentor, I have had the opportunity to work closely with Misty and observe her skills and capabilities in the areas of teacher-child interaction, lesson planning, teamwork and personal qualities. I have observed that Misty demonstrates consistent skills in these areas: Misty speaks with a gentle voice, yet maintains her ability to lead with clear directions. She uses positive redirection techniques and shows respect for children's feelings. Misty is very thorough in her planning and preparation. She tries to keep the activities simple, yet age appropriate and effective for developing growth and interest. Misty shows beginning knowledge of the DRDP and implements them correctly into her planning. Misty shows respect and friendliness to those she works with. She offers her assistance with tasks and is eager to learn from others. Misty supports the efforts and goals set by the program philosophy. She communicates effectively to

other staff members. Misty demonstrates honesty, integrity and determination. She is organized and dependable. Misty is committed to growing in her personal and professional goals. Based on my observations of Misty over this past semester, I can recommend her for a position as a teacher in an early childhood program. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to call me at 760-475-4885 Sincerely, Sharon Schneider

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