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Benjamin Le

Primary Sources
Burton, Bruce. "The Fall of Saigon." Personal interview. 13 Jan. 2013. This interview with my neighbor gave me an idea on how the Americans helped during the Vietnam War. He said that during the battle of Khe Sanh that they were winning, but later when they were listening to the radio, they were saying that we had lost. That was one of the reasons on why we lost the Vietnam War. Caputo, Philip. "The Fall of Saigon." 10,000 Days of Thunder: A History of the Vietnam War. New York: Atheneum for Young Readers, 2005. 112-13. Print. This gave me good fast facts, and also gave me what events led up to the Fall of Saigon. One of those events was the North Vietnamese Winter-Spring Offensive. Another one of those events in the chapter was Operation Frequent Wind. Le, David H. "Experiences during The Fall of Saigon." Personal interview. 13 Jan, 2013. This interview with my dad helped me visualize on what a Saigon native saw and experienced when the North Vietnamese and the Viet Cong took their home city. When I was younger he used to tell me stories of how he escaped from Vietnam after the Fall of Saigon. Now that Im doing the Fall of Saigon for NHD, those stories helped me visualize how hungry and weak they were. 13 days and 14 nights on a boat with 49 other people, and barely any food. Photograph. Wikipedia. Web. 12 Jan. 2013. <>. In this picture, it shows US Embassy workers fleeing in a helicopter. This was one of the famous pictures during the Vietnam War era. This was taken during Operation Frequent Wind.

Secondary Sources
"Boat People - In Memory of the Hundreds of Thousands of Boat People Who Died Searching for Freedom." Boat People. Web. 08 Jan. 2013. <>. This webpage gave me the quote on Effects of the Event. It is important, because it is actually true. There was no freedom, after the communists took over. BrainyQuote. Xplore. Web. 04 Jan. 2013. <>.

Benjamin Le This webpage gave me the quote that you will see on the homepage. This quote by President Nixon is very true. It was misreported then.. This refers to the media, because they kept on reporting the wrong things. Photograph. Naval History. Web. 14 Jan. 2013. <>. In this picture you see a Washington Post article about The Fall of Saigon. Photograph. Wikipedia. Web. 14 Jan. 2013. <>. In this picture it shows, the US Navy ships that citizens were evacuated to. The Fall of Saigon. Photograph. Web. 12 Jan. 2013. <>. In this picture you see, people walking down a street in Saigon. "Quotes on the Vietnam War." Quotes on the Vietnam War. Web. 4 Jan. 2013. <>. This webpage gave me the quote that you will find on the website. It states that the Vietnam War is one of the most dreadful things to happen during the 20th Century. Smith, Patricia. "1975: The Fall of Saigon." Scholastic. The New York Times. Web. 28 Dec. 2012. < vietnam>. This webpage gave me information on how the Americans actually lost to the media. Not in battle itself. Another informational part of this article is the Domino Theory. Unlike most conflicts, the war in
Vietnam didn't begin with an "opening shot." Instead, the U.S. became involved gradually, beginning in 1954, when President Dwight D. Eisenhower sent military advisers to train and arm the South Vietnamese Army in its fight against the Communists. Another part was A War fought on TV which was the part that gave me information on how we lost to the media.

"The Fall of Saigon." Timetoast. Web. 04 Jan. 2013. <>. This website helped me display the dates for my timeline. It had a lot of helpful dates during the year of 1975. It even has some events that occurred after the Fall of Saigon "Vietnam War: Fall of Saigon." Military History. Web. 19 Dec. 2012. <>.

Benjamin Le This page gave me information on some really important events that led up to the Fall of Saigon. One of the events on the website was Operation Frequent Wind. That was an evacuation plan conducted on April 29, 1975, to evacuate the last US troops, and some select few South Vietnamese citizens. "Vietnam War Quotations." Vietnam War Quotations. Web. 08 Jan. 2013. <>. This gave me various quotes that you will see on my website. Some of the quotes include, Television brought the brutality of a war into the comfort of a living room.. and We are at war with the most dangerous enemy that has ever faced mankind in his long climb from the swamp to the stars.

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