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18th November 2008 FOUNDER'S DAY SCHEDULE ‘= Gam‘The athietic meet resumed. © 12am March past and prize distribu: ‘ton ceremony, © 1:30-Lunch ‘+ 3pm Exhibitions, ‘+ Gpm-speeches ‘and Cultural Evening THE ATHLETIC MEET AND IB NEWSLETTER, Founder! day Special THE CULTURAL PROGRAM Wehadagreat achievers, Following ‘Me €vll King Jcutturalevening that wenadthe ans. The show progam. There isha Play invoke W25 VOR) Wel were speeches Y ingthe cultural pack: Written and theHeadmaster, goundinus.The ‘ected: The stu. the Chairman and rhna pay was d+ dots Put na the School Captain. rected by our music tof hard work The chief Guestfor teacher Ms, Chioe Hil 22 Prectoed this oocasion Wa5-@ i depicted the story of Ca¥ and night proud father ofan to urishna's ehiee to meke this lexsequin, Mr. hood twas based l2Y2 suocess. Kabra, There waS from his birth to a prize distIbution the point where ceremony where he kills merit certificates were awerded to academic ‘The fourth annuel ath- houses. Prithvi house baskged letic meet began with the highest number of gold med: ‘great zeal and enthuel- ale, thus, taking the frat posi. ‘asm as the paticipants tion. The athletic meet was ‘rom all the four opened and closed with the houses, ie. Prithvi, March Past displayed by all the Akash, Agniand Jal, students of SelaQui World had been practicing School. The colour party wes led ay end night to win by our school captain Advait i. for their The etudents had been tained levengiay by two officers from the Indian Miltary Academy. who had been kind enough to take same time off from their busy schedule. The athletic ‘meet ended with prize distribu: ‘tion in which all the Houses got ‘ophies for the various inter- house events, Exhibitions have always been avital par ofthe Founders Day held every year in SelaQu. The students work day and. ‘night making kurt’ canvases, show pieces, tile painting ete As the founder’ day isthe most awaited day ofthe year forthe SelsQui family, every member contebs tuted ae much a8 they could The In- charge of ACADEMI TH Fach IB student hasbeen asined ‘me 20 otmaking deal PowerFot ‘resentatons on to complete p13 ‘fo the Chemisty took. The dateot submission of tee precentatensi= Novemter 21. Agoupof wa has been asked omake Power Pamson ‘ven EVStopcs which they hada submitan Novanter 3. Te Science KARATE, The SelaQui students displayed their tal ‘ents and skills on the Founder's Day in Karate, Yoga and Horse Riding, Our Horse Riding captain Is Asis Preet who lead the Equestrian Team on the athletic field, The horse rid- ‘ers showed us jumps EXHIBITIONS the desig exhibition vas Ma Meenakshi Ba jij under whove guide ance vera tudente were able wo prepare hear works using fabric and sla pints “The other area of ara: tion was the Art exhib tion led by Me Sujit as. Works of students fiom grade 5 wo gade 12 were dinpliyed eanging from soll miniature c¢ UPDAT E MONTH ES ‘paincing ro big wall can- vases All the works done by the smdenc were on sale “The notice boards in the science block were also decorated in away that ceach board gives different message On a whole the exhibitions of the 4* Founders Day were appre cated and liked by ll the ‘guests, which made the show a huge success Desartment would he 1 tank Mostar eutingn many hou hard werk ‘nd Yaseen for “that nie classes. Huang hascom- std is bat porcio ana ‘ewerkingon his EEin Math > “y a) © YOGA AND EQUESTRIAN SHOW and canters in the athletic field. It was ‘an absolutely fabu- lous sight. The Karate captain is Abhish Raj Bhandari who, along with his group of students, showed us the skills of Karate by breaking bricks. tin ato yet testa ite. 1B CAS TRIP TO RISHIKESH AND NAGTIBBA ocean ome lepnlescey ne rnaanal auction must go tort ondnclde the dovelagmentof at bamersof aoa C88, aot err pales wot, Paria i tea¥ Bo- ftuctons spas ara community se Seolrsnp paced upon melB Su “The fetal of Dunechra ir an impottan celebration in many parts ofthe coun try Teieavery popular Hindu festa, which ‘maths the defeat of Ra- vana by Lord Rama Teis celebrated at the end of aia, Oirtichoell teher a lt of importance ta the festval Bvery body celebrates it with reat seal and enthusis, ‘On the night of Dusses the whole gathered at one place, hee fete had (CaS partottne anima ree ment wit suit in nocetana tang swatcod. A minimum of 160 eure bet wescwth tne stitutes een mong cretiiy, ctor and serve fad Me Yeshpalantfra Saye 10 Nog Toes wnion S2mounan Boakon the fast ills of Utrancho ‘Sv th ecucaonal stem ae DussEHRA CELEBRATION small ineraduction by TBDI studene Debleena Basu, Later came the ex citing part of burs the Ravana Our Head Master Rohie Pathak exneted by the School Captain, Advait Vij, did the hon- ture of Ravana: The chow cexded by the burning of crackers and the distribu ton of micets This event fal doy lfc very impor ‘ant message behind, bursing the seule cual acarouna. We aka saw mer 5 ffeur CASA cucu) We siya in tents ‘ana veked everday. The Hagia tp was he [estore themostchalengng CAS tbrver oc ‘he Panwa vias and ea ofa a ue 2peope basamiaa wnabvilagecf 100 rete “We wee alo re mo ea cing UR ‘vk throug de rousest pth we nad eves been ‘aug, Itwnedout be anoraurance est “Good always wins ‘over evil”

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