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VIT/Dir r(Acad)/201 12/Calenda ar/6


TheAca ademicCale endarforth heWinter20 01213Sem mesterisgiv venbelowfo ortheprogrammes offeredbyVellorecampus. Academic Calenda Winter 2012-13 Semester c ar r r
Description Period Remarks R Internetbase edthrough hstudent login 1stInstructionalday NoInstructio N ondays NoInstructio N onday InstructionalDays NoInstructio N ondays After28days A s InstructionalDays NoInstructio N onday NoInstructio N onday 23daysafter 2 rCATI NoInstructio N onday NoInstructio N onday InstructionalDays Tobeconduc T ctedduringt thelast labclass(es) 73instructionaldays 7 (22daysafte ( erCATII) Asperregisteredcourse A slots CourseR RegistrationforWinter 10th15thD December20 012 201213 3Semester Commen ncementofW Winter semeste er Pongala and Thiruvalluvarday Republic cday QuizIweek Riviera CATI QuizIIweek Holi GoodFriday CATII TeluguN NewYearsd day TamilNe ewYearsda ayand Dr.B.R.A Ambedkarsbirthday QuizIIIweek TermEn ndLabexams s LastInst tructionalDa ay 2ndJanuary y2013(Wedn nesday) 14th15thJ January2013 3 (MondayT Tuesday) 26thJanuary2013(Satu urday) 28thJanuary1stFebruary2013 6th9thFeb bruary2013 th th 16 24 F February201 13 th th 11 15 M March2013 27thMarch2013(Wedn nesday) th 29 March 2013(Friday y) th th 30 March7 April20 013 th 11 April2013(Thursda ay) 14thApril2013(Sunday y) 22nd26thA April2013 Tobeanno ouncedbySchools 8thMay201 13(Wednesd day)

TermEn ndTHEORYexams 9th27thM May2013 Summer rvacationforStudents Startingfro om28thMay toJuly 2012**(to obeannounc cedlater) th th Summer r201213Se emester 29 May 7 July2013 3 28instructionaldays 2 Commen ncementofFall2013 Tobeanno ouncedlater FirstInstruct F tionalDayofFall f 14seme esterforSeniors 201314sem 2 mesterforall Programmes* P s

Note: 1. Any Instructional day declared as No inst truction day will be compensated by making a su ubsequent uctionalday. Saturdayasinstru 14semesterforallM.Tech h.programme eswillbeanno ouncedseparately. 2. *CommencementofFall2013 ddateofcommencemento ofFall201314 4semesterwillbeannounc cedlater. 3. **Endofsummervacationand D. .Subhakar Director(Ac cademics)
Copyto:C CoreGroup/All Directors/Re egistrar/CoE/C ChiefWarden/ AllSectionHeads/Library/M Manager(CTS)/ /Transport ostelNoticeBoa ards/allvitians/ /allstudents.vellore Section/AllHo

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